Barlean’s Strawberry Kiwi Superfruit Greens Powder é a escolha perfeita para quem busca uma maneira prática e deliciosa de incorporar nutrientes essenciais na dieta diária. Este suplemento de superalimentos em pó combina uma mistura poderosa de frutas, vegetais e ervas, proporcionando uma explosão de sabor e benefícios para a saúde. Com 9,52 oz de pura energia verde, este produto é ideal para quem deseja aumentar a ingestão de antioxidantes, vitaminas e minerais, promovendo um estilo de vida saudável e equilibrado.
- POWDER DE SUPERFOOD VERDE: Comece a se sentir melhor com nutrientes, antioxidantes, vitaminas e minerais que energizam o corpo e apoiam um sistema imunológico saudável. Com suco de beterraba vermelha, spirulina, quercetina, linhaça e extrato de raiz de cúrcuma. Adequado para todas as dietas, nosso pó verde é não-OGM, sem glúten, sem soja, sem laticínios e vegano.
- DETOX & LIMPEZA: Apoie seu sistema imunológico e a saúde intestinal, além de nutrir e energizar seu corpo com abundantes nutrientes vegetais essenciais. Uma escolha ideal para nutrição esportiva antes do treino ou para um estilo de vida saudável no dia a dia.
- SABOR INCRÍVEL: Frutas, vegetais e berries cultivados organicamente, formulados com fibra e ervas, tornam o Barlean’s Greens uma potência nutricional. Cada colher deliciosa é naturalmente adoçada com estévia e repleta de um sabor refrescante e saudável.
- FÁCIL DE USAR: Adicione 1 colher (inclusa) a 8 oz de água ou seu suco favorito e misture. Para o sabor mais fresco, feche bem e refrigere após o uso. É uma excelente adição ao seu smoothie matinal. Você escolhe: mexer, misturar ou agitar; Chocolate Silk Greens é uma alternativa deliciosa ao leite de chocolate e uma maneira divertida e saborosa para toda a família obter seus verdes.
- UM NOME QUE VOCÊ CONHECE E CONFIA: A Barlean’s vende suplementos dietéticos premium desde 1989, são mais de 30 anos ajudando as pessoas a viverem suas vidas mais saudáveis! Somos apaixonados por óleos saudáveis e por ajudar as pessoas! Orgulhosamente feito nos EUA.
1. Aumento de Energia: A combinação de superalimentos fornece um impulso energético natural, ideal para começar o dia ou antes de atividades físicas.
2. Suporte ao Sistema Imunológico: Os antioxidantes e nutrientes presentes ajudam a fortalecer as defesas naturais do corpo.
3. Saúde Digestiva: A fibra e os ingredientes naturais promovem uma digestão saudável e o bem-estar intestinal.
4. Praticidade: Fácil de preparar, basta misturar com água ou suco, tornando-se uma opção rápida para quem tem uma rotina agitada.
5. Sabor Agradável: O sabor de morango e kiwi torna o consumo de vegetais e frutas uma experiência prazerosa, especialmente para crianças e adultos que não gostam de verduras.
Para aproveitar ao máximo os benefícios do Barlean’s Strawberry Kiwi Superfruit Greens Powder, adicione 1 colher do pó a 8 oz de água ou ao seu suco favorito. Misture bem até que o pó esteja completamente dissolvido. Para garantir a frescura e o sabor, armazene o produto em um local fresco e seco, e refrigere após o uso. Este pó é uma excelente adição ao seu smoothie matinal, proporcionando uma maneira deliciosa e nutritiva de começar o dia.
Bruce –
I add this to my coffee every morning. It has a great chocolate flavor! I use a powered whisk to blend the coffee. The only negative is the sediment it seems to leave on the bottom of the cup.
healthy living –
Full Chocolate flavor. mixes best with warm water or almond milk.
Ellis Peters –
BEWARE OF THE “New and Imprved” version in the BROWN jar! THEY RUINED IT! The old version is in a WHITE jar. When I saw the claim of “new and improved” on the brown jar, I was sceptical, so I compared ingredients lists. The new one has more fiber and sweetener and less of everything else! I was not happy to see this. It’s GREENS, after all. The purpose I use it is to get some of all those wonderful fruits and veggies they had in the old, white jar version. For me, fiber is far easier to get elsewhere. Prunes and dried figs require no preparation and keep forever. Plus there are all sorts of fiber supplements on the market. Same with granola. Not so with vegetable and fruit powders. So, had my first taste of the “improved” version just a few minutes ago. The first thing I noticed was that it SMELLS AWFUL, like something SPOILED. I tasted it anyway, and it TASTES LIKE AN OLD SOCK, if that makes sense. Nasty stuff! Also, the old version had just the right balance of sweet and tart; the new one is just sickeningly sweet! Yuk! I couldn’t even finish it. I plan to go to the heathfood store and buy up all I can in the white jar, if they still have any. I thought Barleans was a good company…now I’m not so sure. I’m RETURNING THIS FOR A REFUND!
Maggie warnes –
We love the product and read it to be 2 containers for 85.00 but received only one. I commented and was given 20 dollars back but has discouraged us from ordering again
Amazon Customer –
I have been taking this product for many years, love the refreshing taste.. It makes me feel so cleansed and detoxed..
Palessa –
Nice product, but I expected the tub to be bigger for the high price! I’ve been using it daily (1 scoop) for the past two weeks and it’s more than half finished.
Sensible shopper –
I mix it in my coffee for a nice mocha flavor with benefits.
Debra C. –
Love this product.
Apryl –
We use this to add to almond milk, lattes, smoothies, energy balls, basically anything you want sweeter and chocolatey in a recipe it will fit the bill with no added sweetener because it’s perfectly sweet as it is. Others here are complaining about the added maltodextrin which is not to be confused with MSG. Maltodextrin is a carb powder from plants like rice and corn that simply helps thicken another plant based food. It does not cause health problems unless one is allergic to the grain being used. Anyway this is a delicious additive to anyone’s healthy diet who desires to have more nutrition and less sugar but still have enjoyable treats!
t-man –
Our family absolutely loves the Barlean’s Organic Greens. It has quickly become our family favorite. And this comes from a family with a few of the pickiest eaters out there. We are always looking for things we can give our kids that will give them good nutrition since they seem to gravitate towards things like french fries, mac and cheese, pizza, etc. – hardly a balanced diet. This chocolate shake powder fits the bill perfectly. My 2 year old asks for it at least once per day. I usually mix it with half milk / half water. This makes it the perfect consistency and flavor. Many times i will add a little instant coffee to turn it into a healthy mocha shape. I absolutely love McDonald’s Frappes but know they are terrible for you so I make an alternative this way and blend some ice into it with my blender. What a treat on a hot day! I won’t go on about the list of nutrients other than to say check out the label as it is full of great things, vegetables, enzymes, and probiotics. The great thing is that it still tastes great and your kids will never know all those things are in there. One final note: I’ve started adding this to my protein powder post workout shakes as well. It really improves the overall nutrition but in my opinion, it really improves the overall taste as well. Making something I could get down by force actually a pleasurable drink I could look forward to. This is one of the few products I actually like enough to have Amazon set up auto-ship on. I have one coming each month but due to my kids liking so much, may need to increase it to two per month. Thanks for making a great tasting, healthy way to get your nutrition!