Descrição do Produto: BariSlim Bariatric Calcium Citrate com Magnésio e Vitamina D – 500 mg de Cálcio Citrato por Porção – Frutas Vermelhas Misturadas
Após a cirurgia de perda de peso, a jornada para uma vida saudável e equilibrada é repleta de desafios, especialmente no que diz respeito à nutrição. O BariSlim Bariatric Calcium Citrate com Magnésio e Vitamina D foi desenvolvido especificamente para atender às necessidades nutricionais únicas de pacientes que passaram por procedimentos como bypass gástrico, sleeve gástrico e banda gástrica. Cada comprimido mastigável oferece 500 mg de cálcio citrato, uma forma altamente biodisponível de cálcio, garantindo que seu corpo possa absorver e utilizar eficientemente este mineral essencial para a saúde óssea.
Além do cálcio, a fórmula do BariSlim é enriquecida com magnésio e vitamina D, formando um trio sinérgico que maximiza a utilização do cálcio. Essa combinação não apenas promove uma densidade óssea saudável, mas também apoia a função muscular, aspectos cruciais na recuperação pós-cirúrgica. E para tornar essa experiência ainda mais agradável, os comprimidos mastigáveis têm um sabor delicioso de frutas vermelhas, transformando a ingestão de suplementos em um momento prazeroso do seu dia.
A confiança na marca BariSlim é um reflexo do nosso compromisso com a excelência e a saúde dos nossos clientes. Compreendemos as demandas nutricionais únicas que surgem após a cirurgia bariátrica, e nosso cálcio citrato é um testemunho desse entendimento. Ao escolher BariSlim, você está optando por um suporte nutricional que realmente se preocupa com sua jornada rumo a uma vida mais saudável.
– ✅ Suporte Personalizado Pós-Operatório: Atende às necessidades nutricionais específicas de pacientes bariátricos.
– ✅ Absorção Ótima de Cálcio: 500 mg de cálcio citrato por porção, garantindo máxima absorção e utilização.
– ✅ Mistura Sinérgica de Nutrientes: Enriquecido com magnésio e vitamina D para promover saúde óssea e muscular.
– ✅ Comprimidos Mastigáveis Deliciosos: Sabor de frutas vermelhas que torna a suplementação mais agradável.
– ✅ Confiança na Marca BariSlim: Compromisso com a saúde e bem-estar dos pacientes bariátricos.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de dois comprimidos mastigáveis de BariSlim Bariatric Calcium Citrate por dia, preferencialmente durante as refeições. Isso não apenas facilita a absorção dos nutrientes, mas também ajuda a integrar a suplementação na sua rotina diária. Armazene em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, e mantenha fora do alcance de crianças.
KC –
I’ve been searching for a chewable calcium for my toddler, who has a lot of food allergies and doesn’t drink enough milk alternatives. Of the chewable tablets, this one ties for worst tasting and edibility. To be fair, most calcium chewables are chalky, and my kids don’t like any of them, so I think calcium gummies are best for kids.
For comparison, here are the other calcium chewables I’ve tried.
ShinyLeaf Bariatric Calcium Citrate – 2 tablets, 600 mg calcium, 400 IU vitamin D, 120 mg magnesium. This one is the chalkiest of all of them. The taste is okay, but it’s so chalky and crumbly that it’s really hard to finish — bleh.
BariMelts Calcium – 2 tablets, 500 mg calcium, 1500 IU vitamin D, 120 mg magnesium. Best tasting tablet, even yummy, and it does melt in your mouth. Unfortunately, the amount of vitamin D is way too high for the amount of calcium that you get.
*BariSlim Calcium Citrate Chewable – 2 tablets, 500 mg calcium, 600 IU vitamin D, 100 mg magnesium. I hoped this would taste good since its cousin, BariMelts, was so yummy. Unfortunately, this one is hard and chalky and does not melt in your mouth. The taste is probably the worst, but the texture is not as chalky as the ShinyLeaf, so it’s a tie for worst as far as edibility.
Bariatric fusion calcium citrate chewable tablet – 4 tablets, 1300 mg calcium, 800 IU vitamin D, 84 mg magnesium. If you halve the serving size, it’s about equivalent to the other ones. Taste and chalkiness is better than the bottom two, and it has the best ratio of calcium to vitamin D so that you don’t get vitamin D toxicity in order to get the full amount of calcium needed. I’ll probably buy this for me and a gummy version for my kids.
Hope this helps!
Chef Mike –
I’ve ordered three of the four flavors of this BariSlim Calcium Citrate Chewable. Mixed Berry, Cherry and this last absolutely awful tasting chewable. Seriously; their Tropical Punch needs to be pulled from the market. Besides having the worst flavor any tablet could have; they taste like they have some type of laboratory leftover in the actual flavor of the tablet! Some medical container or something that tastes like a lab! I used this Calcium Citrate therapy for one day and almost got sick chewing these.
Product doesn’t deserve the one star I had to give it to launch this review.
– Chef Mike –
michael jennings –
The quality and price very good.
jrb –
I am thrilled to have found these chewable tablets! I have to take 4 a day. They need to be at least 500 mg per tablet. It has been very difficult for me to swallow the giant calcium citrate pills that are available in stores. I’ve tried breaking them, mashing them and dissolving them. It hasn’t worked. These chewable tablets are big and somewhat powdery but chewable! I just sip a little water while chewing them. For me it is the difference between night and day! I am so happy to have found these tablets. I am very surprised there aren’t more chewable 500 mg tablets out there. I will be buying this product from now on.
Catherine Ryan –
Tastes great. My body tells me when calcium isn’t working cause I Get.
Restless leg and achy muscles. This absorbs well
Frank DeStefano –
Although there are reviews stating this tablet is ‘huge’, “ the size of a quarter”, etc. I found it to be more compared to the size of a penny, and that is why I attached my picture, comparing them to a penny, a dime, and a nickel, and clearly you can see it is more in alignment with a penny. I know it may sound funny, but clearly for us post patients specifically looking for a calcium citrate tablet that is good tasting, good quantity (especially with the amount we need to take daily) and at a fair price, this is a reality for us being that physiologically, we are different from others .
For myself, this finally is a relief and I will be committing long-term to using this product. It has been a difficult road to walk, and I’m thankful it’s over.
Although, I’m usually a critic, this exceeds my expectations, and I’m thankful that I put in the time to look for a better product… I do not think that you will be disappointed!
Spotted Owl Games LLC –
These have a great taste for what they are. They do not taste like candy but they are a big improvement over unflavored calcium citrate supplements.
carlos quinones –
I like it I need it because I am getting surgery and I need these.