Descrição do Produto: Bar Keepers Friend Superior Cookware Cleanser
O Bar Keepers Friend Superior Cookware Cleanser é um produto inovador, desenvolvido para atender às necessidades dos amantes da culinária que buscam manter suas panelas e utensílios de cozinha em perfeito estado. Fabricado nos Estados Unidos, este limpador e polidor de utensílios de cozinha é um poderoso desengordurante, ideal para remover as sujeiras mais difíceis. Sua fórmula avançada é capaz de eliminar gordura, restos de alimentos grudados, depósitos minerais e manchas de ferrugem, garantindo que suas panelas e assadeiras fiquem como novas.
Este limpador é seguro para uso em todos os tipos de utensílios de cozinha em aço inoxidável, incluindo as renomadas panelas e frigideiras All-Clad, além de tampas de vidro. A versatilidade do Bar Keepers Friend não se limita apenas às panelas; ele também é eficaz na limpeza de pias de aço inoxidável, pias de porcelana, grelhas de aço e outras superfícies, tornando-se um aliado indispensável na sua rotina de limpeza.
– Eficácia Superior: Remove facilmente gordura e sujeira incrustada, economizando tempo e esforço na limpeza.
– Versatilidade: Pode ser utilizado em diversos materiais, como aço inoxidável, porcelana e vidro, tornando-se um produto multifuncional.
– Segurança: Fórmula segura para uso em utensílios de cozinha, garantindo que não haja contaminação nos alimentos.
– Resultados Imediatos: Proporciona um brilho instantâneo e uma aparência renovada para suas panelas e utensílios.
– Facilidade de Uso: Aplicação simples que não requer esforço excessivo, ideal para o dia a dia corrido.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o Bar Keepers Friend Superior Cookware Cleanser, siga estas etapas: aplique uma quantidade adequada do produto diretamente na superfície a ser limpa. Utilize uma esponja macia ou um pano limpo para esfregar suavemente, concentrando-se nas áreas mais afetadas pela sujeira ou manchas. Enxágue bem com água morna e seque com um pano limpo e seco para evitar marcas de água. Para superfícies mais difíceis, como depósitos minerais ou ferrugem, deixe o produto agir por alguns minutos antes de esfregar. Com esse método, suas panelas e utensílios de cozinha estarão sempre prontos para o próximo uso, mantendo a qualidade e a beleza que você espera.
Rosalind –
This will make your gross looking stainless steel frying pans look brand new again.
All that stubborn burnt oil will finally come off.
I went on a tear and cleaned all my pots, pans, bbq grill basket, utensils.
sometimes I found it good to work on an area, rinse it off and re apply. Several application may be required.
It will require a fair amount of scrubbing but the results are well worth it!
John123 –
Cleaned my AllClad stainless steel pans. Was even able to remove the really stubborn stains. The pan looks brand new after a little scrubbing.
The photo is not my pan because I didn’t take a before picture, but this is seriously what it looked like before and after. This stuff works.
Amazon Customer –
This product is a good product but I recommend that you buy it at the store. The one that I got appear to be old.
Jimmy Metz –
I thought I had ruined my stainless omelet pan. It was hopelessly stained black and all the tricks an elbow grease made no difference. This product made it just like new. It’s the best thing I’ve come across to keep my stainless wear clean.
John123 –
OK broskies, let me splain how to clean a greasy dirty pot should you ever notice you have one, which will likely take years before you figure out you even have a problem! So I discovered that I had 2 frying pans that were absolutely disgusting (3rd pic w/ steel wool shows one of them). I’m like whoa, lets clean that or destroy it trying as I was planning on getting a replacement anyway.
#1- pull out the steel wool, (3rd pic), it worked ok but did not get the black stuff or the really greasy brown stuff.
#2- I actually pulled out the butter knife and scraped off the black burned on grit, which made pretty large scraping marks on the bottome of the pan (1st pic shows the scrapes) but hey its looking a lot better overall.
#3- cleanng products- vinegar/baking soda (did nothing), more steel wool, and SANDPAPER, which dulled the deep scrapes from the butter knife (not pictured).
#4- wire brush with power drill- this worked fantastic! Took all grease off, reduced the scrapes, but dulled the finish and branding on the pan. But hey, did a great job only a few isolated burned parts left (4th pic shows the pan in better shape)
#5- Next day, sober up and do some research buy this “bar keepers friend” and when it gets here apply it. Last pic. It really did not improve much from the prior condition, we are left with tiny very burnt on bits on the pan.
I did try the bar keepers friend on some additinal pots and pans which were in better condition, and it worked ok on brown grease, but you need to use steel wool, not a wimpy sponge, so stars for that.
All in all I would not expect some powder to take off heavy baked on grime with a soft sponge, but this seemed to work as best as could be expected.
So if you don’t have access to power tools or a butter knife, might want to consider this stuff.
truetaurusguy –
I recently purchased a stainless steel fry pan and despite following the usage instructions, the food stuck and left behind a stain that no amount of elbow grease could remove. Enter Barkeeper’s Friend. Wow. Just wow. This legendary cleanser took the stain off after a few minutes of scrubbing. All that was left was shiny clean goodness. I am a new fan!!
zamaris Nieves –
Muy bueno
Jimmy Metz –
Did in fact take most of the tough burn stains from my stainless steel although I also did quite some scrubbing myself. Would recommend it gets the work done very easy to use. Product has no odor to it.
Gloria Zacarias –
I saw an advertisement showing how this product works. It really does work and very easily. I have stainless steel cookware and I’m particular about keeping them shinny. My wife and daughters burn food in the pan at almost every meal. Luckly the food is great, but the pans take a beating. I would scrum and cuss to return the shine in the pan but the bottoms were trashed. Enter Bar Keeper’s Friend, I’ve been saved! Sprinkle a little bit on the pan and use a non-scratch pad inside and on the bottom and with a little effort the shine is back like new. Absolutely wonderful stuff.
Jeannie Lyles –
I love everything Bar Keepers Friend. I hadn’t used the cookware cleaner and needed something for my Magnalite pot. Wow did this do the job! Didn’t take a lot of scrubbing, but I did use a brillo pad with it and the result was amazing.