Banyan Botanicals Tranquil Mind – Suplemento Orgânico com Guduchi e Gotu Kola
Em um mundo repleto de desafios e pressões diárias, encontrar um momento de paz interior pode parecer uma tarefa difícil. O Banyan Botanicals Tranquil Mind surge como uma solução inovadora, combinando a sabedoria da medicina ocidental e das tradições ayurvédicas indianas. Este suplemento orgânico é uma mistura equilibrada de ervas que visa acalmar a mente e promover um estado de tranquilidade sem causar sonolência ou letargia. Comprovado clinicamente para apoiar a ansiedade ocasional, Tranquil Mind é o aliado perfeito para aqueles que buscam um refúgio em meio ao caos da vida moderna.
A fórmula única de Tranquil Mind inclui ervas como a raiz de ashwagandha, a folha de bhringaraj e o gotu kola (Centella asiatica), que são conhecidas por suas propriedades calmantes e estabilizadoras. Além disso, ingredientes como skullcap, flor de maracujá e camomila trabalham em sinergia para equilibrar o sistema nervoso e promover uma sensação natural de paz. Este blend suave é ideal para quem enfrenta um estilo de vida agitado, proporcionando um suporte essencial para o bem-estar mental, independentemente das adversidades que surgem.
A Banyan Botanicals se compromete a oferecer produtos de alta qualidade, utilizando ervas orgânicas certificadas pelo USDA, que são obtidas de forma sustentável e comercializadas de maneira justa. Todos os produtos passam por testes de terceiros para garantir a qualidade e segurança, assegurando que você receba apenas o melhor. E, para sua tranquilidade, a Banyan Garantia permite que você devolva o produto para um reembolso total caso não esteja satisfeito.
– Redução da Ansiedade: Ajuda a aliviar a ansiedade ocasional, promovendo um estado mental mais calmo.
– Equilíbrio Emocional: Contribui para a estabilidade emocional, permitindo que você enfrente os desafios diários com mais serenidade.
– Apoio ao Sistema Nervoso: As ervas presentes na fórmula ajudam a equilibrar o sistema nervoso, promovendo uma sensação de bem-estar.
– Sem Efeitos Sedativos: Proporciona relaxamento sem causar sonolência, ideal para uso durante o dia.
– Qualidade Garantida: Produzido com ervas orgânicas de alta qualidade, testadas para segurança e eficácia.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se tomar duas cápsulas de Banyan Botanicals Tranquil Mind duas vezes ao dia, preferencialmente com água, antes das refeições. Este regime pode ser ajustado conforme necessário, mas é aconselhável não exceder a dose recomendada. Para uma experiência otimizada, considere integrar o uso do suplemento em sua rotina diária, especialmente em momentos de estresse ou antes de situações que possam causar ansiedade.
Patricia –
The product came on time and in good order. I take this product to keep me on an even keel mentally.
Patricia –
Calming aid
Amazon Customer –
It calms down but not a good tablet for sleep inducing. It is more expensive and a gimmick to sell and make money. Better avoid.
Pat BreunigAmazonia Customer –
Too expensive
Marius L. Bunea –
This is not for panic attacks. More suitable for head rushes. And even so it takes time to kick in. It is better if you take it in anticipation of some stresful circumstance. It works!! Just not as fast as some may want.
Wild West –
According to Ayurvedic medicine, I had a very over-dosed vata dosha: feeling anxious, fearful and spacey. There were reasons for it, sure, but that is not my normal way of reacting to adversity. I started out taking 1 tablet twice daily. Within a day or so, I felt much more, well, tranquil. I don’t recall it making me sleepy at first. I was sleeping well already. The uncomfortable feelings returned an hour or so before the tablet was due so I knew I needed to take the preparation. After a few weeks, I noticed that I would forget the day time tablet without ill affect. If I did take it during the day, it made me sleepy. Now I take the night time tablet only occasionally. I like that my body knew when to ‘ask’ for the tablet and when it was not longer needed.
Amazon Customer –
Especially helpful with an aggravated pitta! Excited to also gift a few bottles. Began taking two in the evening then, after about a week I added two in the mornings. I really only advise taking them in the morning if you wake up feeling extra stressed. If not extra stressed, they might put you to bed. It’s also important to be mindful that these are not meant to be a solution to a problem, they provide the clarity so that you can tackle what it is that’s bothering you with a clear mind state. So, in addition to lifestyle enhancement this is a wonderful supplement.
Inspire –
My Ayurvedic practitioner recommended these pills for my general anxiety/stress. I was taking Olly Stress gummies which were okay but seemed to wear off quickly.
Yesterday I took one of these in the afternoon and didn’t feel much different, besides the fact that I had trouble going to sleep. This morning I took 2 and MAN my mental state was incredibly balanced and focused all day! There were a barrage of events that happened today that normally would have sent me into a downward spiral of self-pity… but there was some kind of block: the herbs were in my brain b***h-slapping negative thoughts and proclaiming “NOT TODAY!!!” I was easily able to steer this thought train the opposite way into solution city.
You know that movie Limitless? Yeah I felt like Bradley Cooper. I was caught off guard by how fast I was remembering events and details. There was no hesitation, no fear, no second-guessing.
Possibly a weird, useless fact – I like the smell of these. They have an earthy, grounding scent.
I will say though, I felt the moment it wore off. I started feeling generally anxious again. Two pills lasted me 12 hours. I was extremely productive and did some things with ease that I have been trying to push myself to do for months/years! I would buy these as gifts for people! Try them!
Disclaimer: I wouldn’t say these ALONE did the trick for me. I’ve been consciously changing my entire lifestyle so I believe it’s a combination of diet, exercise, and good habits I’m building. I consider these pills to be akin to adding a wheatgrass shot to the smoothie of life.