Descrição do Produto:
As Tablets de Kanchanar Guggulu da Banyan Botanicals são um suplemento orgânico projetado para promover a eliminação saudável de toxinas naturais do corpo, apoiando o sistema linfático de maneira eficaz. Esta fórmula ayurvédica, tradicionalmente utilizada para apoiar o processo de desintoxicação do organismo, combina a poderosa erva Kanchanar, conhecida por suas propriedades adstringentes e de limpeza, com a resina de guggulu, triphala orgânico e trikatu. O resultado é um suplemento que não apenas desintoxica, mas também rejuvenesce o sistema linfático, oferecendo benefícios significativos para a saúde geral.
A Kanchanar Guggulu é uma fórmula que, na prática ayurvédica, é frequentemente utilizada sob a orientação de um praticante para garantir um suporte de limpeza eficaz e natural, além de promover a função saudável do sistema linfático. A Banyan Botanicals se compromete a produzir produtos de alta qualidade, utilizando ervas orgânicas certificadas pelo USDA, que são obtidas de forma sustentável e comercializadas de maneira justa. Todos os produtos passam por testes de terceiros para garantir a qualidade e segurança.
– Desintoxicação Eficaz: Ajuda na eliminação de toxinas acumuladas, promovendo um corpo mais limpo e saudável.
– Suporte ao Sistema Linfático: Fortalece a função do sistema linfático, essencial para a imunidade e a saúde geral.
– Ingredientes Naturais: Composto por ervas orgânicas e sustentáveis, sem OGM, garantindo um produto seguro e de qualidade.
– Rejuvenescimento: Promove a revitalização do corpo, contribuindo para uma sensação de bem-estar e energia.
– Satisfação Garantida: A política de devolução da Banyan assegura que você possa experimentar o produto sem riscos.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se tomar 2 a 4 tablets de Kanchanar Guggulu duas vezes ao dia, preferencialmente com água morna ou conforme orientação de um profissional de saúde qualificado. É aconselhável iniciar com uma dose menor e aumentar gradualmente, permitindo que o corpo se adapte ao suplemento. Para maximizar os benefícios, combine o uso das tablets com uma dieta equilibrada e um estilo de vida saudável.
Izzy –
I have now ordered several different products from Banyan Botanicals and am impressed with this company. Every step of the way — from researching a product, inquiry, to ordering, to receiving the shipment, I am impressed with Banyan Botanicals.
I did a great deal of research as to which Guggulu I should order, and I am pleased with this product. I do not have medical issue that I am trying to remedy. I am merely trying to stay healthy as I get older. For that reason, I cannot give testimony that symptoms are being reduced.
I will add that I am following the protocol in Kulpreet Chaudhary’s The Prime, and I am feeling immensely more energetic, have far few cravings, and peaks and valleys of energy/lethargy throughout the day. I used to have certain times of needing coffee breaks. No more. I used to have my evening glass of wine with reading a good book. I do not even think of the wine now. (I am drinking triphala instead.)
I am pleased with Banyan Botanicals and its products.
Danielle –
Banyan is always my go to for Ayurvedic herbs. Good clean products.
Izzy –
I believe I have a pituitary gland tumor but it’s never really been confirmed. I have some symptoms of it that include a headache behind my right eye. Since I started taking this the headache completely disappeared. I get frequent mild break outs (acne) and this also seems to heal my skin much faster than normal, especially if I take two in a day. I love this stuff. The pills are easy to swallow.
Irina amanatidis –
These pills are super great, they help. They removed all the lymph. Now I feel like a young girl.
KP –
Very confused by the tablet size difference. I ordered these tablets once before and ordered them again recently. I noticed the bottle was significantly smaller than the first bottle I received. I opened it and realized the pills are half the size of the previous tablets. They still say they contain 600mg of the proprietary blend in each tablet but something isn’t adding up…and my order was more expensive than the last time I ordered 6 weeks ago.
Petra L. –
This helps quite a bit in helping me maintain my weight as I push 50- I know that guggul is over harvested and I trust banyan botanicals ethics to only use sustainable product – the one star less is because I have not figured out what the ‘kanchanar’ is … I’d love an explanation 🙂
Irina amanatidis –
I have struggled with constant alternating bloat/swollen gut and constipation/loose stool/not enough volume for the past year to the point of being driven nuts. Could not understand what was going on with me and blamed it on the magical world of being 55+, 🙂 I took this product for the first time one morning, and lo and behold, the very next morning I experienced complete normalcy. I am not exaggerating. Huge volume [I know – eeew, LOL, but I warned you in the title and at least there are no photos, ;- )] completely normally formed, easy elimination. If I miss a day, I see and feel the difference. If you are a kapha dosha and struggle with the same issues, this will help you TREMENDOUSLY. An amazing product!
sandhog –
The treatment protocol for fibroids includes two more medications but I could take them due to allergy to the other ingredients o I wasn’t sure this medicine alone would work. However, I am blown away. I did 6 weeks of 500mg Kanchanar Guggulu twice a day with either golden mylk or just hot herbal tea. My period cramps are just half of what they normally are (fifty percent less pain and only 36 hours of pain instead of 72 hours) and my periods are now like clockwork. I haven’t gotten follow up CT scan to see if the tiny fibroid I had is gone, but baes on my symptom relief alone, o am keeping this in my medicine cabinet for whenever I need it again.
Keep in mind it is best to do this only for 6-12 weeks and then stop. I don’t think you are supposed to take it forever.