Descrição do Produto: Quantum Health Super LipCare Invisible Cold Sore/Fever Blister Bandages
As feridas labiais, causadas pelo vírus herpes simplex tipo 1, podem ser uma fonte de desconforto e constrangimento. Pensando nisso, a Quantum Health desenvolveu o Super LipCare Invisible Cold Sore/Fever Blister Bandages, um produto inovador que combina tecnologia avançada com ingredientes naturais para proporcionar alívio e proteção. Este curativo transparente utiliza a tecnologia hidrocoloidal, que cria um ambiente úmido ideal para a cicatrização, enquanto ingredientes como equinácea, mel e vitaminas trabalham em sinergia para acalmar a irritação e acelerar o processo de recuperação.
- Este curativo claro combina tecnologia hidrocoloidal com equinácea, mel e vitaminas para criar o salve perfeito para surtos de herpes labial, protegendo a área afetada de irritantes comuns que agravam os sintomas.
- As feridas labiais costumam durar até uma semana, mesmo com tratamento; até que cicatrizem, nossos curativos semi-transparentes – em conjunto com gloss labial, maquiagem e/ou corretivo – são a melhor solução para cobrir as lesões.
- Projetado para ajudar a prevenir cicatrizes e permanece no lugar por horas, permitindo que sua mente se concentre em coisas mais importantes.
- NOSSOS PRODUTOS FUNCIONAM AINDA MELHOR JUNTOS – Para resultados ótimos, aplique o Super Lysine+ Ointment antes de aplicar o Super LipCare+ Invisible Cold Sore Bandage; juntos, esses produtos Super Lysine+ podem acalmar a irritação e promover uma resolução mais rápida.
1. Alívio Rápido: A combinação de ingredientes naturais proporciona alívio imediato da dor e desconforto associados às feridas labiais.
2. Cicatrização Acelerada: A tecnologia hidrocoloidal cria um ambiente propício para a cicatrização, ajudando a reduzir o tempo de recuperação.
3. Disfarce Eficaz: O design semi-transparente permite que você cubra a ferida de forma discreta, permitindo que você mantenha sua confiança em situações sociais.
4. Proteção Contra Irritantes: O curativo protege a área afetada de irritantes externos, como vento e poluição, que podem agravar os sintomas.
5. Uso Conjunto para Resultados Melhores: A aplicação do Super Lysine+ Ointment antes do curativo potencializa os efeitos, proporcionando um tratamento mais eficaz.
Para obter os melhores resultados, comece limpando a área ao redor da ferida labial com um sabonete suave e água morna. Seque delicadamente a pele. Em seguida, aplique uma camada fina do Super Lysine+ Ointment diretamente sobre a ferida. Após alguns minutos, retire a película protetora do Super LipCare Invisible Cold Sore Bandage e aplique-o suavemente sobre a área afetada, garantindo que esteja bem aderido. O curativo deve permanecer no lugar por várias horas, proporcionando alívio contínuo e proteção. Para remover, puxe delicadamente a borda do curativo, evitando qualquer tração excessiva na pele.
Luvs2read –
I have to admit, I did not know what I was expecting but when I opened the package, there where 12 little clear dots (bandages) and I was like WTH, but I tried them out and they worked. I never expected the bandages to first–be invisible (not totally–but close) nor 2nd to stay in place. They did stick to my lip and cheek. What really impressed me was that they did stay on over night–I clearly expected to find the bandage gone the next morning–but was still there and I washed my face with it still on and it never came off until I pulled it off. The cold sore was mostly gone also—so I would buy these again if needed.
Deckard –
These patches have adhesive on the entire surface, not just on an outer ring like with similar products for acne, which I had been using first. When I applied these bandages during the blistering phase, they stuck to the blisters such that when I went to change out the bandage removing them ripped a hole in my lip!
I was also really disappointed that these bandages are not already pre-loaded with Quantum Health’s core-sore treatment ointment. They were plain bandages. And there were only 12. So NOT worth the money!
JD –
I really doubted that these would actually stick to my lip but they did. When I get a cold sore I often have trouble eating and drinking and this protects my mouth. I’ve seen where people use these and apply makeup over them to cover the cold sore but I have not tried that. 1 pack was enough for the duration of healing but I will have to order another pack for next time, as I only have a few left over. Kind of expensive but totally worth it. It definitely helped with the pain since nothing could get to the area to irritate it.
Alex –
Small, simple, easy to use
Serge –
I ordered the cold sore bandages thinking it was the one that was pictured. While it was coming I read some reviews and read some negative ones about a similar product. When I received my package… Turned out I got the box that had the negative reviews on it and not the one I ordered in the picture. I was bummed out but still tried it out.. it did stick well. I followed the directions by washing area with soap and water. At the end of the day I washed my face and thinking to take off the bandage since I thought it would get soggy by the water.. but in fact it was still stuck pretty well to where when I was taking it off it ripped apart of the blister off. I feel like I would only use this for last resort since I’m thinking it would be tearing the cold sore alittle but each time. But it did its job.
Castlecat –
Like many here I usually buy Compeed but ran out and needed something sooner, mostly due to my flubbing a few Compeeds during application. I was skeptical about these but ended up being pleasantly surprised. I’m at the end of the healing stage and this size is much more manageable than the larger Compeed. I agree that they are noticeable but I think that they all are. To me it still looks better than a gross cold sore and it is way more sanitary. I feel the sore heals better and I do think it minimizes the risk of spreading. I found that these thicker dots wrinkled less and lasted a lot longer than Compeed. The reason I knocked off a star is that they are a pain to unpeel from the packaging. Compeed is far superior in that area and I didn’t manage to get a single one of these on my lip without having to pull the whole bandage off the backing. Each time I tried to apply using the two part approach that works so well with the competitor these wanted to pull all the way off. They really need to change that. Because these are not quite as thin I will use them during the most noticeable stage of the outbreak because they hide what’s underneath more. I will keep buying Compeed but I will keep these in stock as well. I think they both have their uses. For those saying they don’t help, keep in mind that they are not medicated. They are meant to ease discomfort, conceal, prevent spreading, and keep the area moist for optimum healing with less scarring. Since they eliminate the scab stage I find a sticker on my lip less embarrassing than a sore cracking open. Sorry for the visual but none of us is happy to get these. Nearly everyone has the virus in them but we’re the unlucky ones who break out. It’s sad that it can make us feel dirty and unsanitary (at least that’s how I feel sometimes) but these bandages help me deal and get on with things. The pricing was $3 less than my local Walgreens.
annie g –
Love this product. Easy to apply and hides/protects unsightly cold sores on lips and face. I do NOT know why no one sells it in any drug stores where I live. I wear these at night to help heal and keep sore covered AND I wear one during the day to work. You can even apply make up (usually a light colored lipstick for women) to cover it a bit. It is opaque and will take on flesh color.
May –
These are a life saver. I got them by the time my sore had scabbed up but it was okay. It’s not invisible but it looks a lot better than that huge red scab. It sticks very well and once I removed it the scab came off along with it and it left me with HEALED skin where the scab was. It moistened the scab and didn’t hurt at all when it came off. When I took off the bandage my face was almost cleared and I actually was able to enjoy the rest of my day in public without hiding. I’ll definitely order these again to have for future use!!