Descrição do Produto: Band-Aid Brand Hydro Seal Adhesive Bandages
As Band-Aid Brand Hydro Seal Adhesive Bandages são a solução ideal para quem busca proteção e cuidado eficaz para feridas e bolhas. Com um pacote contendo 10 unidades, esses curativos são projetados para oferecer 6 benefícios em um único band-aid, garantindo uma proteção abrangente e prática. O material semi-translúcido se adapta à sua pele, proporcionando um aspecto discreto e confortável.
Esses curativos criam um ambiente de cicatrização ideal, permitindo que o processo de recuperação comece de forma eficiente. A sua construção inovadora evita a formação de crostas, o que pode prolongar o tempo de cicatrização. Além disso, a versatilidade dos curativos permite que sejam utilizados em diversos tipos de feridas, podendo ser aplicados em qualquer parte do corpo, incluindo mãos e pés. Eles permanecem firmemente no lugar, mesmo após lavagens das mãos e durante chuveiros.
Os Band-Aid Hydro Seal são à prova d’água, o que significa que você pode continuar suas atividades diárias sem se preocupar com a umidade. Eles oferecem um acolchoamento eficaz contra bolhas ou feridas dolorosas, protegendo-as de atritos adicionais. Com um sistema de vedação de dupla ação, esses curativos previnem que as feridas e bolhas sequem, mantendo o poder de cicatrização natural do corpo, ao mesmo tempo que bloqueiam a entrada de sujeira, germes e água.
– Cicatrização Acelerada: O design que evita a formação de crostas acelera o processo de cicatrização.
– Proteção Completa: A vedação contra sujeira e germes garante um ambiente seguro para a ferida.
– Conforto e Discrição: O material semi-translúcido se mistura com a pele, proporcionando conforto e discrição.
– Resistência à Água: Permite que você mantenha sua rotina, mesmo em ambientes úmidos.
– Versatilidade de Uso: Adequado para diversos tipos de feridas, em qualquer parte do corpo.
Para utilizar os Band-Aid Brand Hydro Seal Adhesive Bandages, comece limpando a área afetada com água e sabão, garantindo que a pele esteja livre de sujeira e impurezas. Seque suavemente a pele ao redor da ferida. Retire o curativo da embalagem, evitando tocar na parte adesiva. Aplique o band-aid sobre a ferida, pressionando levemente as bordas para garantir uma boa adesão. Certifique-se de que o curativo esteja bem fixo e que não haja bolhas de ar sob ele. Os curativos podem ser usados por até vários dias, dependendo da gravidade da ferida, e devem ser trocados se ficarem sujos ou se a adesão começar a falhar.
Mal –
These work miracles, as someone with a lot of ongoing skin issues. As long as the skin around the injury is dry, these stay adhered very well, even when you wash your hands. In fact, hands are a very important use case for me, since it keeps the injury site clean and doesn’t collect water from handwashing the way cloth bandaids do. That said- depending on if you need some very creative angles on your hands, the All Health brand might be better, because it’s much more flexible- though All Health doesn’t cushion against pressure as well because of that. Band-aid brand is especially good for mostly-flat stretches of skin, or ones that curve only a little. (Band-aid brand is also eligible to be paid for with FSA or HSA funds, while I have not been able to do so for All Health.)
For both brands (and indeed the others I’ve used as well), though, if a little water gets under the edges, it will start to peel up early and you’ll want to replace the bandage with a new one- water getting underneath will have the same effect on the bandage as the fluid draining from the wound, which is to say it will absorb it and stop sticking.
Relatedly, if a wound is seeping too rapidly (or bleeding more than a very little bit), these won’t have time to absorb the fluid and it will just build up under the bandage until it leaks out (though at least it still won’t stick to the wound site in that case). In that case, I would recommend starting off with a more traditional bandage with some kind of medicated ointment (neosporin or some other kind of antibacterial, or, if you’ve cleaned it thoroughly and it doesn’t look like any chance of infection, zinc oxide ointment to help dry out the wound a little), and wait until the wound has healed a little more and seeps a little less. Then you can switch to these hydroseal bandaids, which seal out contaminants and cushion the wound. (Be aware that these bandaids don’t work particularly well with any ointments under them on the wound. The residue of zinc oxide when it’s dry seems to be fine, and any ointment that dries completely might be fine, but it’s even recommended on the bandaid box to skip any ointments, creams, or lotions, to ensure they will stick correctly.)
In my experience, if the wound is still seeping even a little blood, these will be less effective in healing. They work best on wounds with small amounts of clear discharge only. Even if the bandaid itswlf seems to behave the same in both cases. I don’t know why.
For blisters, either you can just stick one on top of the closed blister to cushion it and absorb any disrcharge through the skin; or you can carefully pierce the blister, clean it thouroughly with isopropyl alcohol, and then put the hydroseal bandaid on it; or you can carefully remove the entire flap of skin over the blister, clean it with isopropyl, and then put one of these on it. In my experience, all these have their place- I would leave the blister unpopped for as long as possible so the skin underneath can start to regenerate in natural conditions, but if it’s starting to become painful due to the pressure of fluid buildup or physical pressure on the blister location pushing the fluid around and causing the skin within the blister to tear, you may find piercing it helps. In any case, making sure the whole thing is very clean is important. And for blisters in particular (as opposed to scrapes with fluid discharge), no matter whether you’re leaving them closed or not, keep the hydroseal bandaid on as long as possible, and don’t try and remove it before it starts coming off on its own. This is important in general, but for blisters it seems to be even more important. Not sure why.
Also, IMPORTANT: Don’t use these over a wound that shows any sign of infection (and/or little tiny blisters the size of a pinhead appearing around the initial wound site). That will just spread any bacteria around, and then the infection will get worse and then your skin doctor will frown at you and you’ll end up needing a bunch of oral antibiotics. Which, in my experience, is troublesome. Learn from my experiences, and if you see anything even vaguely like an infection, look into the appropriate medicated ointments and traditional non stick bandages instead. Maybe consult a doctor about it if you can. If you need those waterproof, I’m pretty sure clear bandage covering adhesive sheets exist, although I have not yet tried them.
Overall these are a very important part of my medical supplies and work absolute wonders- as long as they are used for the correct situations.
Also, prices fluctuate a lot, so check Amazon often, and look up different bulk listings, and compare the unit prices. Amazon has still been usually better than the local stores, but it’s not guaranteed.
Elizabeth –
I love these bandaids for blisters. They don’t come off easily and provide a great cushion between the blister and your foot (or whatever). They also hold up really well in water. Nothing else compares now that I’m aware of these.
Anónimo –
Really excellent better than the normal plasters really help the healing process
Mindy Clarke –
These are much larger than other acne patches. They seemed to take the redness out, and were very comfortable to wear.
GS0001 –
I bought these for a small 2nd degree burn on my wrist because the skin around the burn was having an allergic reaction to the adhesive and traditional dressings. There is no adhesive/glue on these — the entire dressing is hydrocolloid, which sticks to skin really well and promotes healing more quickly than most dressings. So long as the wound is not exuding copious amounts of exudate, I highly recommend these over traditional dressings because they are occlusive (seal the environment OUT), waterproof so you can shower with it, and the hydrocolloid keeps the wound moist so that it does not scab and simply heals. I was able to wear these for 3 to 5 days without changing it. A white bubble forms on the top of the dressing, which is a result of the hydrocolloid interacting with exudate. Once the bubble reaches the edge of the dressing, it’s time to change it
rhonda –
First photo is after 4 days on. Second photo is after my long hot shower on the forth day. Still on pretty good after 4 days and a long hot shower with water running directly on it. No peeling when kept dry just a very little bit of lint on the edges. After the shower it has very minimal lifting of the edges, especially after drying off for a bit. And even then you’d still have to deliberately try to remove the bandage to get it off. Rubbing over the bandage even after the shower the bandage doesn’t peel at the adages like most would. I use an alcohol wipe to get it off, and while it sticks well, it doesn’t hurt anywhere near as bad as most Band-aids to take off, if at all! And I am incredibly sensitive to the feeling of adhesive being removed from skin too.
I use these for my Port-a-cath placement incision that is still healing when my port isn’t accessed. I left the surgical glue on for about a week and a half- two weeks but when it got gooey, clumpy, and collected lint, I decided to remove the glue gently with a wipe and use these instead. The glue was gross and irritated my already angry skin so I was happy to find this alternative. I left the glue on as long as I did cause you aren’t supposed to remove it but my incision wasn’t much of a fresh wound anymore so I decided to change to something I can replace periodically and wouldn’t irritate my skin as bad. Bonus!! It adds such a great barrier between my clothes and the incision, further preventing excess irritation better that the glue did once it got goopy. And my incision is healing beautifully, especially since switching to these instead of just keeping the glue!! ** Note my incision was small and not brand new so be careful and check with your doctor, especially if it’s a fresh surgical incision. ** If I get surgical incisions in the future I might consider asking them about using these instead of the glue all together (witch incisions already stitched shut like this one).
I also like to cover the spot they put the needle in. They say it’s not necessary once de-accessed to cover the site but the extra protection at the very least eases my mind. And again it really does help with the healing and I have had some issue with healing even with plain old peripheral IV’s so I absolutely love having something to protect my central line even more!
The bandages are seriously great! I can’t even handle the hypoallergenic Port dressings they provide at the hospital I have to bring my own, but these don‘t bother my skin one bit! These are easily my new go to I am so happy I found these!!
rhonda –
These are much smaller than appear. If using for larger wounds it’s worth it to pay a little more for something that’s 4×4 which meds already inside
Nikki loves Jesus –
El pegamento es muy agresivo para la cara y el parche está muy grueso
L Falkin –
I needed to keep a wound dry but normal bandaids would get soaked in the shower. These kept it clean and dry for days
Candis –
Definitely made the buildup on the top of the toe go down by changing it every few days. Provided relief and sealed well around the affected area