As Bamboobies Almofadas de Amamentação são a solução ideal para mães que buscam conforto e praticidade durante a amamentação. Com um design inovador e funcional, essas almofadas reutilizáveis e laváveis estão disponíveis nas suaves cores azul e rosa claro, trazendo um toque de delicadeza ao seu dia a dia. O pacote inclui 3 pares regulares, perfeitos para o uso diurno, e 1 par noturno, que oferece uma proteção extra durante a noite. Com a tecnologia à prova de vazamentos, você pode amamentar com confiança, sabendo que está protegida contra qualquer incidente indesejado.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Variedade de Opções: O pacote inclui 3 pares de absorventes finos em formato de coração para uso diurno e 1 par de absorventes grossos e super absorventes para uso noturno. Com essa variedade, você estará preparada para qualquer situação.
- Reutilizáveis e Laváveis: Esses absorventes foram projetados para serem laváveis e reutilizáveis. Feitos com veludo super macio feito de bambu renovável, eles são perfeitos para proteção durante o dia ou a noite, proporcionando conforto o dia todo e protegendo você de vazamentos constrangedores.
- Design Adaptado às Suas Necessidades: O formato em coração se ajusta ao seu seio, tornando-o menos visível sob a roupa, independentemente do tamanho do seu busto. Já o formato redondo oferece maior área de proteção para vazamentos mais intensos.
- Conforto Garantido: Esses absorventes são macios e confortáveis na pele sensível. Use o lado de veludo macio contra o seio para obter os melhores resultados. Eles são fáceis de posicionar e se adaptam ao seu estilo. Use com ou sem seus cremes para mamilos favoritos para maior conforto durante a amamentação.
- Proteção contra Vazamentos: Os absorventes foram especialmente projetados para fornecer proteção contra vazamentos a qualquer hora do dia, com um design super macio e sem costuras e um revestimento à prova de vazamentos. Para obter os melhores resultados, lave-os antes do primeiro uso. Eles são laváveis à máquina e podem ser secos na secadora.
- Conforto prolongado durante a amamentação, evitando irritações na pele.
- Economia a longo prazo, já que são reutilizáveis e laváveis.
- Menor impacto ambiental, contribuindo para um estilo de vida sustentável.
- Design discreto que se adapta a diferentes tipos de roupas, garantindo que você se sinta confiante.
- Facilidade de uso e manutenção, com instruções simples para lavagem e secagem.
Para usar os absorventes Bamboobies Women’s Nursing Pads, posicione o lado de veludo macio contra o seio, ajustando conforme necessário para um encaixe confortável. Eles podem ser utilizados com ou sem cremes para mamilos, dependendo da sua preferência pessoal. É recomendado lavar os absorventes antes do primeiro uso para garantir a máxima absorção e conforto. Após o uso, lave-os à máquina e seque na secadora para maior conveniência. Com esses cuidados, você garantirá a durabilidade e eficácia dos absorventes, proporcionando proteção e conforto durante toda a sua jornada de amamentação.
Marcel Sánchez López –
Me gustaron mucho, ya me compre más. Me gustan más las de día. Aunque si se llegan a marcar un poquito con la ropa.
María Fernanda R –
Okay estuve usando protectores de lactancia desechables y eran demasiado incómodos, me picaban, me molestaban se sentía algo muy ajeno a mi cuerpo y a mi piel y tener que traerlo todo el día todos los días. En cuanto me puse los bamboobies me enamoré por la sensación y suavidad con mi piel. Es un gran gran cambio, en verdad los recomiendo!!
Tonya –
I have tried many brands of reusable breast pads and Bamboobies are by far the best. Believe me, I have experience, as I nursed my first child for nearly 2 years and now have a newborn. I have bought every reusable pad I have seen at both mass retailers and small children’s stores. All of the others are so bulky, show under clothing, get cold when soaked with milk, and easily soak through, getting my clothing wet in an instant. I just thought that was something I had to deal with as a breastfeeding mother, as no brand solved those problems. I never tried single-use pads, as those didn’t appeal to me. The closest solution I found were the silicone pads, but I couldn’t wear those overnight (engorgement would pop them off) and I would even have leakage issues with daytime use, too. Plus, when nursing in public, you have to be careful where you set them, since you have to mind the sticky surface.
All of these problems are solved with Bamboobies! The regular Bamboobies are so thin that they are invisible under clothing, the first I’ve found that don’t leave the tell tale circles that scream BREAST PAD! It was hard enough finding a seamless nursing bra only to have the smooth look spoiled by the old pads. Now I can have a totally smooth look under any shirt!
The overnight Bamboobies are super soft and amazing. They absorb the milk, yet you don’t FEEL wet or even cold…my clothes are finally able to stay dry overnight even after 9-10 hour stretches between nursings–please don’t hate me since my 3 month old is doing this 😉 ! I’m glad I’m not soaking through layers of clothing anymore, which gets me more precious sleep because I don’t have to add a wardrobe change to the middle of the night feeding.
I started with a 2 pack of each type of Bamboobies and loved them so much I wanted more. The variety pack is the best deal–I did the math 😉 –so now I’m stocked with a supply to last between laundry days. Yes, I’m this excited about a nursing pad, but any nursing mother that deals with all of the issues I mentioned above would be excited, too, if all of those problems were solved in one amazing product. Add in the environmentally-friendly factor and the fact that they are made in the USA and you have an all around phenomenal product. I recommend them without hesitation and wish I had them 3 years ago with my first child.
Yay for Bamboobies!
Auria –
Have been using these for over a month now. Still love them. I wash them with any wash: baby clothes, sports clothes, dark or whites, non bio liquid or sports wash. Also tumble dry them. Still working well. I bought five packs (of 4) in the end as I get through 8 bamboobies in 24 hours. Highly recommend these.
Gaia –
I was using disposable pads and disposable diapers while nursing my first child, then I switched to cloth diapers with my second. To be more “green” I decided to give the cloth pads a try as well. First I bought a couple of the Avent brand. I considered them nice (that was when nursing my first one). But they leaked a lot. I thought that it has to be acceptable since they are cloth. And now, I decided to try some other brand, and after reading reviews of the bamboobies I decided to purchase them.
OH BUOY! I was so wrong considering the Avent pads “nice”!
The bamboobies are incredibly softer, more absorbent. and they look nice. No leaks, even during the first days when breasts are really full (breastfeeding moms know what I am talking about!)
So I got a couple of the day time pads and a couple of night time pads (I purchased the variety pack and the pack of the daytime pads). both are great quality, the two packs should last for almost a week or so before you have to wash them again. But since I run the washer every other or third day, I never run out of the pads.
They wash well (I throw them in the washer with diapers, which I wash on hot with a cold pre-wash and a cold rinse, so they are really clean!). It says not to dry on hot (or warm), I dry them on medium heat or air-dry them.
They are so much softer than the disposable ones, they absorb very well (especially the bamboo night time ones!!! I think those absorb even more than disposable!)
You really cannot see them through your shirt, even a thin one.
Ok, the big question is: can you use Lanolin with the cloth pads? well, I don’t, because it is so difficult to get rid of lanolin stains. I use coconut oil as nipple cream (which you can also use as a diaper area cream with cloth diapers), which washes out perfectly and IS safe for your baby (no need to wash it away before nursing) (approved by a doctor!)
And they are made by a WAHM, who does a great job!
Try to count how many nursing pads you need during the couple of weeks or months that you breastfeed, and you will see those are a good investment compared to the disposable ones.
Emma Oei –
Giving this a 4 star instead of 5 because the packaging is more or less destroyed when it reached me so I do not recommend getting these as gifts plus it’s super dusty as well (I’m wondering why).
The pads itself are soft and what I imagined it to be – I have sensitive skin so a lot of the disposable options are out of the question, they make my parts itch and are super uncomfortable.
Sarah –
I love these! Currently a week postpartum and I am loving them for their comfort and absorbency. I can wear them all day and that work great. They’re light and soft and wash super well – I just stick them in with the rest of my laundry, and they go through the washer and dryer perfectly. You can’t see them at all through my clothes. I’m already recommending them to all my pregnant and new mom friends! Make nursing easier, cheaper, comfier, and more eco-friendly with these guys.
Cliente de Amazon –
No tengo mucha leche y en la primera hora de uso se mojo todo mi bra con el pad puesto.