O Diaper Balm é um creme orgânico para assaduras de fraldas de pano, que também pode ser usado como auxiliar para a pele. Feito com ingredientes naturais, veganos e à base de ervas, este ungüento alivia e previne assaduras em bebês e crianças. Além disso, é livre de plástico e é produzido de forma sustentável. Este bálsamo para assaduras é feito de uma infusão das ervas curativas mais poderosas da Mãe Terra nos óleos mais saudáveis, proporcionando alívio calmante e curativo para a pele irritada devido a assaduras de fraldas. Deixa a pele hidratada e nutrida. Muitos pais usam o bálsamo a cada troca de fralda como prevenção, enquanto outros o utilizam ao primeiro sinal de vermelhidão ou assadura. De qualquer forma, um pouco rende muito. Tem um aroma agradável e é facilmente absorvido. Seguro para fraldas de pano!
“TUDO EM UM” BALM PARA A PELE – Para Toda a Família: Foi testado e aprovado por milhares de famílias – bebês, crianças, pais e avós! Qualquer pessoa que precise de alívio para a pele. Ajuda a acalmar e curar várias irritações da pele – Crosta láctea, pele seca, lábios rachados, feridas no nariz, eczema, erupções cutâneas, hematomas, queimaduras solares, picadas de insetos, irritação pós-barbear, assaduras, cortes, arranhões e ferimentos pós-parto.
INGREDIENTES NATURAIS E ORGÂNICOS: Óleo de oliva extra virgem orgânico, óleo de coco virgem orgânico, óleo de macadâmia virgem cru, manteiga de karité orgânica, cera de candelila, camomila orgânica, confrei, calêndula orgânica, erva-de-passarinho orgânica, tocoferol (vitamina E T-50), mistura de óleos essenciais puros de laranja orgânica, lavanda e árvore do chá.
LIVRE DE PRODUTOS QUÍMICOS NOCIVOS: Sem produtos químicos prejudiciais, parabenos, sulfatos, ftalatos, petróleo, óleo mineral. Sem fragrâncias ou conservantes sintéticos. Suave até para as peles mais sensíveis. * Vegano * Livre de OGM * Livre de BPA * Certificado Leaping Bunny * Fabricado nos EUA * Seguro para fraldas de pano.
LIVRE DE PLÁSTICO: Não faz sentido colocar um bálsamo curativo tão maravilhoso em um recipiente de plástico que pode liberar produtos químicos nocivos. Portanto, este bálsamo é armazenado em um frasco de vidro de 2 oz livre de produtos químicos ou em uma embalagem biodegradável.
ARTESANALMENTE produzido em pequenos lotes pela Taylor’s Naturals (marcas BALM! Baby e Elevated Body Care) nos EUA – onde ingredientes de alta qualidade, sustentabilidade e Boas Práticas de Fabricação (BPF) caminham juntos!
- Alívio calmante e curativo para a pele irritada devido a assaduras de fraldas.
- Pode ser usado por toda a família para acalmar e curar várias irritações da pele.
- Feito com ingredientes naturais e orgânicos, sem produtos químicos nocivos.
- Armazenado em embalagem livre de plástico para evitar a liberação de substâncias químicas.
- Produzido artesanalmente nos EUA, seguindo altos padrões de qualidade e sustentabilidade.
Amazon Customer –
Absolutely love this! I use it with each diaper change so not hat nothing sticks to her bum. If I go without it, she does end up with redness and I will say this doesn’t seem strong enough to cure it. It’s perfect for prevention, but not a cure-all if a problem exists. I could see it being very helpful of the redness is actually stemming from an intolerance to the chemicals in average diaper creams
I have also used it under her chin where newborns get a little red if you miss some spit up. Worked great for that 🙂
Side notes:
It smells amazing!
Consistency is a little chunky, but melts when you rub it on. It think it’s the oil that solidifies.
I do not currently cloth diaper, but will be starting soon (didn’t buy NB cloth & was gifted so many size 1 Pampers). I will definitely be using this with CD’s since it is highly recommended by fellow cloth diapering moms and CD forums.
Jocelynn Cadenas –
Recently started our cloth diaper journey and needed a diaper balm in the event my daughter got a rash. Low and behold she got a rash (intolerance) and literally the next diaper I went to change (1 hour later) it literally decreased the redness by like 75%. Not only is this an amazing diaper rash cream, I even started using it on her mild eczema/dry patches and WOW. Absolutely love this product and will definitely always have it on hand.
Mommie.rn –
I absolutely love this balm and I use it in lieu of the traditional diaper cream. This is also my go to for baby shower gifts. It smells amazing and can be used for boys or girls. The value equals the price. The jar does last for a while. Bonus: I occasionally put a little on his neck and it prevents him from breaking out due to all the teething drool. This is a great product.
sarah –
This diaper rash cream is amazing I got this because it was sage to use with my babies cloth diapers and I love it I’m waiting for my second jar to come I only have a tiny bit left and this will still last a few days or longer. One jar lasted me 6 months!!!!! And I use it every diaper change a little really does go a long way. I would definitely recommend this i brag to my sisters about it all the time. I have also tried the spray version of this but this one is so much better and lasts a lot longer.
Michele –
Best diaper rash cream we have used so far. I used to be a firm believer in Dr. Smiths rash cream found at Walmart or other drug stores. I still think it works. But this stuff does wonders, nearly overnight. I can rely on this balm for any irritation my LO gets. It’s gentle enough for the tough diaper rashes that would otherwise cause baby to fuss and cry with other medicated OTC diaper creams and seems to be just as effective if not better! Though we rarely deal with that scenario because it most usually used as a preventative with the first initial sign of redness.
Also works well with cloth diapers too! Doesn’t affect the lining or cause leaks! 🙂
Emily Canibano –
We have been using the Balm since the great cloth diaper change gave it away as a sample over 13 years ago. It’s been helpful for sunburns, chapped lips, hand foot and mouth, diaper rash, dry noses and just about anything else that happens to your skin.
The smell is pleasant and not overpowering, it’s lubricating but not too greasy. I hope this product is here for another decade at least
Michelle E –
This is a miracle cure in my opinion. I and my baby had a yeast infection and I didn’t even know it. My friend and mom of six saw her red fat rolls and told me to rub this on it. I read the label, saw the ingredient list was all natural and words I could understand and obeyed. She sent the jar home with me and within an hour of her first dose the redness was reduced by 90%. I also had redness on me and when I applied it to my skin I felt instant relief. This is safe to use on open cuts, sunburn, athletes foot, diaper rash, basically anything skin. IT ALSO HEALED CRADLE CAP. I couldn’t believe it. I combed baby’s head until I removed half her hair and all the cradle cap when she got it the first time. The second round I had this in my arsenal and thought it wouldn’t hurt to try it. The cradle cap was completely gone with 2 applications and hasn’t returned. (no scraping off anything) I cannot recommend this product highly enough. I will be giving this at every future baby shower I go to and if the company offers me a sales position it would be so easy to do because the product truly sells itself.
My almost 19 months baby had been cloth diapered since day three & had only had a severe diaper rash once. We have only used Diaper Balm on her to help prevent rashes & we used through her diaper rash situation. This balm is amazing! I’ve also used it to heal other minor boo-boos & my daughter loves it too. It’s gentle the smell is wonderful. All diapers are in great condition, too! Definitely a must have if you are cloth diapering.