Bálsamo de Talo Artesanal (Sem Fragrância/Infusionado com Ervas) – Manteiga Corporal Orgânica com Azeite Infusionado, para Eczema, Rosácea, Bebês – 1,3 oz
Em um mundo onde os cuidados com a pele muitas vezes são dominados por produtos sintéticos e promessas vazias, o Bálsamo de Talo Artesanal surge como um retorno às raízes da sabedoria ancestral. Feito à mão com talo, ou gordura bovina renderizada, este bálsamo é uma homenagem às práticas de nossos antepassados, que confiavam nas gorduras animais para hidratar, proteger e curar a pele. Com uma textura leve e derretível, o bálsamo é uma experiência sensorial que combina tradição e modernidade, proporcionando um cuidado eficaz e natural.
O talo é uma verdadeira potência de vitaminas, rico em A, D, E, K e B1, além de ácidos graxos estearico e oleico. Essa composição não apenas nutre a pele, mas também garante uma estabilidade excepcional do produto, permitindo que você desfrute de um bálsamo que se mantém eficaz ao longo do tempo. É importante notar que variações na textura são comuns, devido à pureza dos ingredientes utilizados.
A origem do nosso talo é cuidadosamente selecionada, proveniente de pequenos agricultores que praticam a agricultura regenerativa. Esses produtores alimentam suas vacas exclusivamente com pasto, resultando em uma gordura de cor amarelo-dourada, rica em vitaminas e minerais. Nossa principal fornecedora de talo é a Polyface Farm, na Virgínia, onde cada lote é lentamente renderizado em nossa propriedade, garantindo a qualidade e a integridade do produto.
Ao contrário de outros bálsamos de talo que podem ter odores desagradáveis, nosso produto apresenta um aroma suave e limpo, com um leve toque amanteigado ao ser aberto. Isso permite que você desfrute de cuidados naturais para a pele sem o incômodo de cheiros fortes ou indesejados.
Na Hearth and Homestead, somos uma pequena empresa familiar que se compromete a manter altos padrões em cada ingrediente que utilizamos. Trabalhamos apenas com óleos essenciais de alta qualidade, manteigas, gorduras, ervas e especiarias, evitando ingredientes artificiais como micas, corantes ou fragrâncias sintéticas.
– Hidratação Profunda: O bálsamo proporciona uma hidratação intensa, ideal para peles secas e sensíveis, como as afetadas por eczema e rosácea.
– Ingredientes Naturais: Com uma fórmula livre de aditivos artificiais, é seguro para uso em bebês e pessoas com pele sensível.
– Rico em Nutrientes: A presença de vitaminas A, D, E, K e B1 ajuda a nutrir e regenerar a pele, promovendo uma aparência saudável.
– Aroma Suave: O leve aroma amanteigado torna a aplicação uma experiência agradável, sem odores fortes.
– Sustentabilidade: O talo é obtido de práticas agrícolas regenerativas, apoiando a saúde do solo e o bem-estar animal.
Para obter os melhores resultados, aplique uma pequena quantidade do Bálsamo de Talo Artesanal nas áreas afetadas da pele. Massageie suavemente até que o produto seja completamente absorvido. Utilize diariamente, especialmente após o banho, para maximizar a hidratação e proteção da pele. O bálsamo pode ser usado em qualquer parte do corpo, incluindo áreas delicadas como o rosto e a pele do bebê. Armazene em local fresco e seco para preservar a qualidade do produto.
Betty Boo –
I really wanted to give this a chance before I left a review. I ordered a jar in November 2024 and come January 2025 I’m now ordering my second jar of the unscented, herbal infused beef tallow. I am extremely sensitive to scents and smells that go on my face due to allergies and asthma. They don’t come more sensitive than me as far as that goes and also dry skin. I work in an environment where there’s constant AC blowing and it dries the skin out. I tried a different beef tallow brand and disliked it due to a lingering smell that I couldn’t tolerate. This one specifically has NO strong scent or smell to it. It’s very smooth and I love the way it makes my skin feel once I apply it all over my face before I go to bed and also in the morning. I wear this before I put any type of BB cream to even out my skin tone. I have had no allergic reactions to it. I put it on my hands as well. I carry it in my bag now it goes everywhere with me! I reapply to my hands or face as needed throughout the day. I am extremely happy with this product. I would highly recommend anyone who has had a problem finding a good moisturizer for their face and has sensitivity to strong chemical ingredients, smells or perfume smells that can irritate your nose or even your eyes after a while. I’ve gotten compliments from friends who I haven’t seen in a while and they ask what I am using on my skin because it looks fantastic. I recommend them this product. Thank you, hearth and Homestead for this fantastic product!
Suzanne Moore –
It’s not often that I reorder any product or see the bottom of a container. Usually, I will try something and move on to the next product because they don’t live up to the hype. I’m in love with this whipped tallow! Hearth and Homestead, your tallow is superb! My skin is nourished, glowing, and soft! The texture is smooth and moisturizing! The is no fragrance or irritation, just natural ingredients that I feel good to be using on my body. I have become very health conscious over the last few years so I look at ALL ingredients. Also, it’s cold/flu season and my hands were cracking from the excessive washing. This tallow balm has soothed my chappy hands and made them look and feel younger. I’ve read comments about the size of the jar but honestly it’s a generous amount. My jar lasted over 2 months and I use it multiple times a day on several areas. The consistency of the whipped tallow spreads easily. You only need a small amount because it goes a long way. If you want a natural, nourishing, moisturizing product, THIS IS IT!! Hearth and Homestead, please don’t charge a thing!! The world needs more of this in it! Thank you for a product that is changing my skin!
I also use this balm on my 2 pugs. It keeps their noses and paw pads soft and moisturized. It’s puggie approved 🐾 🐾
Lastly, I have not been paid or given product. These are my honest feelings towards this tallow. I just felt like others need to hear from a woman in her 60s, that finally found a product that works! God gave us a natural product that works! I’m thankful for the cows also! MOO 🐄 🐮
CC –
This is my first “tallow” product. Worth the price and really I pay almost the same now for my face moisturizer but I can see this jar will go a long way, you only need a little. LOVE that its all natural & made in the USA – VA. Product is creamy, light and fresh, I use on my face & neck. I have dry, sensitive skin – no sensitivity issues from this balm – this really gives my skin a drink of moisture, love it! I purchased the vanilla orange for my face and then ordered the coffee vanilla about 3 weeks later for my hands. Dont be fooled by “like” products- I had ordered another tallow product from another company (starts with a R & ends with an R) to compare since I was new to tallow productcs. The second product from another company (starts with a R & ends with an R) was dried up and hard, appeared old and dried out, probably sitting on a shelf for several months. I returned it immediately. There was no comparison to the Hearth & Homestead whipped balm – theirs was sofy, creamy and light-whipped texture, very fresh & pleasing to my skin. Both of my containers from Heart & Homestead were made to order, freshly made to me – soft, creamy, light fragrance & texture. Try it, I know you’ll love it like I do. Btw, I see reviews where people get free or reduced priced products, I am not reviewing this for any other reasons except I love the product!
Amber Perry –
I’ve been using this tallow cream both morning and night, and I absolutely love how it feels on my skin. When you first apply it, it goes on a bit greasy, but the best part is that it absorbs quickly, leaving my face feeling nourished and moisturized without that heavy, greasy residue. It’s perfect for dry or sensitive skin and provides long-lasting hydration throughout the day. I’ve noticed a smoother, more hydrated complexion since I started using it. Highly recommend for anyone looking for a rich, natural moisturizer that delivers results! It’s even helped my husbands eczema.