Badger Bálsamo Labial de Manteiga de Cacau e Laranja Doce – 7g Stick
O Badger Bálsamo Labial de Manteiga de Cacau e Laranja Doce é um produto essencial para quem busca lábios hidratados e protegidos. Com um formato prático em bastão de 7g, este bálsamo combina a rica Manteiga de Cacau Orgânica Certificada pelo Comércio Justo com o aroma refrescante da laranja doce, proporcionando uma experiência sensorial única. A manteiga de cacau é conhecida por suas propriedades emolientes, que ajudam a manter a umidade dos lábios, enquanto o aroma de laranja doce traz uma leveza e um toque de alegria a cada aplicação.
Este bálsamo labial não só hidrata, mas também protege os lábios contra as agressões do dia a dia, como o vento, o sol e o frio. A fórmula é enriquecida com antioxidantes provenientes do Aloe, Rosa Mosqueta e Espinheiro Marítimo, que combatem os radicais livres e ajudam a prevenir o envelhecimento precoce da pele dos lábios. Com um tamanho ideal para carregar na bolsa ou no bolso, o Badger Bálsamo Labial é a solução perfeita para manter os lábios macios e saudáveis em qualquer lugar e a qualquer momento.
- 1. Hidratação profunda: A Manteiga de Cacau Orgânica proporciona uma hidratação intensa, evitando o ressecamento e as rachaduras nos lábios.
- 2. Proteção antioxidante: Os ingredientes como Aloe, Rosa Mosqueta e Espinheiro Marítimo oferecem proteção contra os danos causados pelos radicais livres.
- 3. Praticidade: O formato em bastão de 7g é ideal para levar a qualquer lugar, garantindo lábios hidratados em qualquer situação.
- 4. Composição natural: Livre de fragrâncias artificiais, corantes e ingredientes agressivos, o bálsamo é seguro e saudável para o uso diário.
- 5. Marca confiável: A Badger é reconhecida por seu compromisso com a qualidade e a sustentabilidade, oferecendo produtos que respeitam o meio ambiente e a saúde dos consumidores.
Para obter os melhores resultados, aplique o Badger Bálsamo Labial de Manteiga de Cacau e Laranja Doce nos lábios sempre que necessário. Deslize suavemente o bastão sobre a superfície dos lábios, garantindo uma cobertura uniforme e completa. Reaplique sempre que sentir os lábios ressecados ou expostos a condições climáticas adversas, como sol, vento ou frio intenso. Aproveite a sensação de hidratação e proteção que este bálsamo labial proporciona, mantendo seus lábios saudáveis e bem cuidados ao longo do dia.
Wen from S.F. –
I love this lip balm, the smell is great, it goes on very smoothly and since I have larger lips I like that the balm is wide and can cover my lips in one smear. Also, this is my second time buying this brand and IT LASTS FOREVER!! Always a plus in my book. 🙂
Jessica Cortez –
If you’re currently using Chapstix or another ‘main brand’ to combat your chapped lips- STOP and buy this product. I used to have chronic chapped lips and used Chapstix religiously until I was on a trip and a friend handed me one of these. One weekend of using this product and my chapped lips started to fade. She let me keep the stick and within 30 days, my lips were completely normal and healthy. I highly recommend this product to anyone.
Joanne Z –
This lip balm works better than any other I have ever used.
J & A Solarz –
Badger makes the best lip treatments. I like the thicker packaging. The sweet orange flavor is just perfect subtle and not over powering.
Amazon Customer –
My new favorite, even over Burts Bees. I really only like the orange and the highland mint though, as the vanilla gave me a headache and the pomegranate has an overwhelming smell of…soy sauce?…for some reason. But the orange is great. The cocoa butter keeps my lips soft and I don’t have to use it as often as other lip balms. The smell reminds me of those chocolate orange slices. Very nice.
Tara G –
I can’t say enough nice things about this product. You see all these ingredients in most lip balms that you think are good (lanolin anyone?) But they end being drying, or worse exfoliating in the dead of winter that’s cracked, bleeding lips.
Badger Balm is great, not only is the ingredient list short, but you can literally read/understand what every ingredient is. Not to mention, ethically sourced. All of that aside, it just works. It’s light, it doesn’t feel like you have a jar of vaseline on you lips, it’s a larger tube than I’m used to, more product for the money as far as I’m concerned. It’s a great, uncomplicated product that does what it says it’s going to do at a reasonable price. Literally can’t ask for more than that. Plus the scent/flavor is great. It smells really nice and bright but not artificial.
It arrived quickly, packaged appropriately, intact, on time with zero complications. Perfect transaction.
Mutt765 –
It might be because its made with cocoa butter but this stuff is great. It’s stickier than other lip balms I’ve tried, meaning it doesn’t feel like I’m going to lick it all off at once (sorry for the imagery but you are reading reviews about lip balm…) It stays on your lips for a good amount of time, not all day but longer than chap stick or burt’s bees.
Mx.c3ll0_feign –
I wanted to love this because I love citrus fruits and scents, however, I was disappointed with this product. When I first opened the tube, it smelled really good and tasted decent. I used it maybe two to three times until it started to smell and taste rancid. I loved that it was in a big tube, but unfortunately I had to throw it away. It is a super bummer especially because of the cost. I do not recommend this flavor at all.