BABOR Doctor Retinol Eye Patches – Máscara para os Olhos Anti-Idade Contra Olheiras e para Firmeza, Máscara Anti-Rugas, Patch de Renovação Tripla com Pro-Retinol, Pacote com 5 Unidades
A poderosa formulação exclusiva do patch para a zona dos olhos contém um complexo de ingredientes ativos triplo de pro-retinol e ingredientes ativos cuidadosamente selecionados com efeitos suavizantes e refinadores, que apoiam a renovação da pele, ajudam a melhorar a estrutura natural da pele e combatem os sinais de envelhecimento precoce, proporcionando uma tez radiante e revitalizada.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Reduz as olheiras e o inchaço ao redor dos olhos
- Minimiza a aparência de rugas e linhas finas
- Estimula a renovação celular e melhora a textura da pele
- Hidrata e nutre profundamente a pele delicada ao redor dos olhos
- Proporciona um efeito lifting instantâneo, deixando a pele mais firme e tonificada
Os BABOR Doctor Retinol Eye Patches são a solução ideal para quem busca combater os sinais de cansaço e envelhecimento na delicada área dos olhos. Com a capacidade de reduzir olheiras e inchaço, esses patches oferecem um tratamento intensivo que melhora a textura da pele e proporciona uma hidratação profunda. O efeito tensor imediato garante uma aparência mais firme e rejuvenescida, tornando-os um aliado indispensável na rotina de cuidados diários. Além disso, a facilidade de uso e a conveniência de cada embalagem com 5 unidades tornam o tratamento acessível e prático para qualquer pessoa que deseja revitalizar seu olhar.
Para obter os melhores resultados com os BABOR Doctor Retinol Eye Patches, comece limpando e secando bem a área ao redor dos olhos. Retire delicadamente os patches da embalagem e aplique um patch sob cada olho, pressionando suavemente para garantir uma aderência adequada. Deixe os patches agirem por 15-20 minutos, permitindo que os ingredientes ativos penetrem na pele. Após o tempo de aplicação, remova os patches e massageie suavemente o excesso de produto na pele até que seja completamente absorvido. Para resultados otimizados, recomenda-se o uso dos patches duas vezes por semana.
Canyonguy –
This product appears to have good ingredients. The patch is a gel-covered strip that fits below your eyes and over the bridge of your nose. There is no adhesive; you simple align it and press it in place and the gel basically holds it on your skin. The instructions say to leave it on for 10-15 minutes.
Two of us tried these patches — twice — and could discern no visible effect either during or after use. The first time, we applied it for 10 minutes; the second time, for 15 minutes. Based on other reviews, we were hoping it would at least feel relaxing during use, but it just felt like a piece of wet fabric on our faces; neither of us felt any sensation whatsoever. After the treatment, one of us felt a barely noticeable tingly feeling while the other just felt a sticky residue, but neither of us saw any visible results even after two applications.
The packet, which describes all the ingredients and contains the instructions (in German and English), is extremely difficult to read because it is printed in very tiny (about 4-point) type on a reflective silver background, but we managed to decipher it (and I’m posting the clearest photos I could get). The listed ingredients seem good, but left us with the distinct impression that any potential benefits would result only “when used regularly.” At this product’s extremely high price ($55.00 for 5 patches at time of order), “regular use” would be a very, very expensive proposition indeed.
Bottom line: Perhaps this product would show some visible results with “regular use,” but at this price, I could not recommend the multi-hundred-dollar experiment “regular use” would require just to see if you noticed any results. There are plenty of topical Retinol-based product at much lower price points. I would recommend looking at those before ordering these very expensive masks.
3 stars.
Julie –
Ich liebe diese Eyestrips. Es gibt keine besseren für mich.
Customer Reviewed –
There’s a lot of serum in the pouches containing the mask, I like to remove the mask and get the extra serum out and apply it to my undereyes before putting the mask on. The shape of this is unique and I mostly like it because I get more surface area coverage to let my skin absorb the serum. They don’t lie flat over my nose, so I cut a few slits, one at the bridge of the nose, one at the tip, and one on either side to better fit my face shape. The paper material of the mask dries out pretty quickly, I think I would have preferred a gel type eye patch mask to aid in absorption. Overall, it’s a convenient and easy way to get direct hydration applied directly to my undereyes that feels nice. They leave my skin feeling hydrated and plump, but I have not noticed any difference in tightness, the appearance of wrinkles, or improvement in my dark circles. I like them, but cannot say they’re any more effective than other eye products I use that are a lot more affordable.
HC –
I have many Babor products I like and these eye patches are another total winner. And I love that they come in one piece because your nose sort of anchors it in place, and they don’t curl or fall off. The patch is also nice and wet so it doesn’t dry out. I also like these contain retinol, so you aren’t just getting a cosmetic effect, but also an anti-aging treatment. There is plenty of moisture to massage in after removal. Like all Babor products, these are gentle and effective, no irritation. I used this patch in the morning and my eyes still looked smooth and perky by the end of the day. These are the perfect product to have on hand for special occasions, or when you just want to knock a couple years off! Highly recommend!
Sonja –
Zu meiner Ausgangssituation 🙋♂️
Ich habe es mit Augenringen zu tun und verwende dafür häufig Augenpads. Als ich auf diese Augenpatches von Babor gestoßen bin, hat mich ihre Form neugierig gemacht, denn sie unterscheidt sich von meinen üblichen Augenmasken, die aus zwei einzelnen Pads für jedes Auge bestehen. In meinem Erfahrungsbericht möchte ich verraten, ob mich diese Form überzeugt und ob ich von einer Sofortwirkung wie beworben etwas bemerke.
Anwendung & Passform 👀👌
Die Augenpatches kommen in einer kleinen Packung mit 5 einzeln hygienisch verpackten Masken. Das Öffnen der Verpackung gelingt problemlos dank der Aufreißlasche. Die Augenpatches von Babor sind keine gewöhnlichen Augenpads. Im Gegensatz zu den herkömmlichen Ausgenpads, die ich nutze, bestehen sie aus einem Stück statt aus zwei Teilen. Diese Form zahlt sich bei der Anwendung aus, denn die Anwendung der Augenpatches gestaltet sich dadurch äußerst einfach! Die Ausgenmaske besteht aus einem dünnen, schwarzen Stoff, den man mühelos aus der Verpackung ziehen kann ohne das etwas glitscht. Anders als bei anderen Augenpads musste ich nicht herumfummeln – sehr angenehm! Kommen wir zur Passform: Die Passform der Augenpatches ist wirklich einzigartig. Sie passen sich perfekt dem Augenbereich an und umschließen großzügig die Bereiche unter meinen Augen. Sogar schwierige Stellen wie die zwischen Auge und Nase werden hervorragend abgedeckt. Diese Bereiche sind bei mir besonders dunkel und wurden von anderen Augenpads oft vernachlässigt. Großartig!
Wirkung & Ergebnis ✨💦
Die Augenpads von Babor bieten eine angenehme kühlende Wirkung, ohne dass ich sie vorher in den Kühlschrank gelegt habe – klasse! Einen auffälligen Duft nehme ich nicht wahr, was ich aber bei einem Pflegeprodukt für sensible Augenbereiche begrüße. Die Augenmaske blieb während der Anwendung an Ort und Stelle, selbst wenn ich mich bewegt habe und meinen täglichen Aufgaben nachgegangen bin. Sie legt sich wie ein großes Pflaster eng an die Haut an. Ich habe die maximale Anwendungszeit von nur 15 Minuten ausgereizt und staunte im Anschluss beim Blick in den Spiegel nicht schlecht: meine Augenringe waren tatsächlich etwas gemildert! Ich war überrascht, wie schnell ich ein Ergebnis sehen konnte. Meine Augen wirkten vital und strahlend im Vergleich zu vorher. Das Serum, das die Augenpatches bereits enthalten, hat eine leicht gelbliche Farbe und wird von der Maske an die Haut gut abgegeben. Ich musste im Anschluss keine überschüssigen Reste mehr einklopfen.
Fazit 💭💭
Die Augenpads von Babor haben mich mit ihrer einzigartigen Form, ihrer einfachen Anwendung und den sichtbaren Ergebnissen beeindruckt. Ich werde definitiv weiterhin auf sie zurückgreifen, besonders nach durchzechten Nächten, um meinen Augen etwas Gutes zu tun. Die Qualität und Wirksamkeit der Augenpads haben mich vollständig überzeugt, sodass ich nichts auszusetzen habe und 5 von 5 Sternen vergeben kann. Ich hoffe, dass ich mit meinem Erfahrungsbericht weiterhelfen konnte – vielleicht bis zum nächsten Mal, der Adler 🦅.
Canyonguy –
I received these serum treated eyepatches through the Amazon Vine Voice program.
The ingredients are magnificent:
The eyepatches are simple to use and relaxing if you can lay down for 20 minutes or until the serum is fully absorbed.
Other reviews stating that they didn’t see a visible improvement after one or two applications makes me wonder what their expectations are?? It’s a serum covered patch and not some miracle product.
Anyhow, I experienced a pleasant moisturizing effect around my eyes. The ingredients are capable of repairing the skin with ongoing use. Also, I think it would be beneficial to have the option to buy the serum separately, as not everyone wants to use the eyepatch application method.
Still, all things considered, It’s a wonderful product, and the price is on par for its classification in skincare treatment.
LynnMarie –
Nulla da dire, il prodotto era quello richiesto
Roby –
Im Rahmen des Vine-Programms durfte ich schon zahlreiche Kosmetikprodukte testen. Die Produkte von BARBOR sind mir dabei ganz besonders positiv aufgefallen. Allerdings bin ich von den Augenpatches nicht so überzeugt. Schön ist die Größe. Die Anwendung ist an sich auch angenehm und meine empfindliche Haut verträgt die Patches gut. Allerdings ist mir die positive Wirkung auf die Augenpartie gerade für den hohen Preis einfach zu gering. Da kann man durchaus zu günstigeren Produkten aus der Drogerie greifen.
Begeistert bin ich hingegen von dem Peptide Replump Set von BARBOR.
E tries it –
I have been a fan of the Babor Doctor company for a long time, and I know it as a respected European brand. These eye patches offer a little spa time at home. They have a unique design – instead of two eye patches in a pack, they come with one long curved patch that goes over the nose and under both eyes. I find that helps them stay in place when I am walking around and I don’t need to lie down to prevent it from sliding down my face. The main ingredient is retinol, which in my opinion, offers the best results for anti-aging. Retinol is best used at night because it can make the skin sensitive. So keep these part of your night routine.
In conclusion, I think these are great patches that provide results. My eyes look more rested and dark circles are lessened in the morning. They are definitely pricy – at over 11 bux a pop – but if the price point doesn’t put you off, you will be pleased with the results.
LynnMarie –
The best ever these have transformed my
eyes. I will always use them for ever and ever. !!!!!!!