Descrição do Produto: B12 Complete Professional Strength Active B12 – 3 Meses de Suprimento
O B12 Complete Professional Strength Active B12 é um suplemento alimentar desenvolvido para fornecer uma combinação poderosa de formas ativas de vitamina B12, essenciais para a saúde e bem-estar. Cada comprimido mastigável contém 2,5 mg de Metilcobalamina, 1,25 mg de Hidroxocobalamina e 1,25 mg de Adenosilcobalamina, oferecendo uma fórmula completa que promove a absorção eficiente e a utilização da vitamina B12 pelo organismo. Este produto é ideal para aqueles que buscam aumentar seus níveis de energia, melhorar a função cognitiva e apoiar a saúde do sistema nervoso. Com um suprimento para três meses, os comprimidos mastigáveis são práticos e saborosos, facilitando a inclusão na rotina diária.
1. Aumento de Energia: A vitamina B12 é fundamental para a produção de energia, ajudando a combater a fadiga e o cansaço.
2. Saúde Cognitiva: Contribui para a função cerebral saudável, melhorando a memória e a concentração.
3. Suporte ao Sistema Nervoso: As formas ativas de B12 ajudam a manter a saúde das células nervosas, promovendo um sistema nervoso equilibrado.
4. Fácil Absorção: A combinação de Metilcobalamina, Hidroxocobalamina e Adenosilcobalamina garante uma absorção superior, maximizando os benefícios da vitamina B12.
5. Praticidade: Os comprimidos mastigáveis são convenientes e saborosos, tornando o consumo diário mais agradável e acessível.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de um comprimido mastigável por dia, preferencialmente pela manhã, para otimizar a absorção e os efeitos energizantes da vitamina B12. O comprimido deve ser mastigado completamente antes de engolir, permitindo que os ingredientes ativos sejam liberados e absorvidos de forma eficaz. Para melhores resultados, mantenha uma dieta equilibrada e consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação.
Jason Luis –
Jamie Horn at Methyl-Life is a godsend. She and her company understand methylation. They provide a very focused set of products to help you manage methylation issues and they also provide guidance on how to apply them to your situation. The products and information are extremely valuable to me. I haven’t found a doctor yet who understands my particular issue (MTHFR gene mutation) to any appreciable depth. But by following the protocols suggested by Methyl-Life and using their products, I can function like a normal human being with real energy. I would not want to return to life without their B12 Complete and L-5 MTHF supplements.
This stuff works. And if you watch the video by Jamie Horn at the Methyl-Lire website, you will understand why. A great company, great products and I should also mention, fantastic customer service.
Annie Rich –
Worst vitamin b12 I’ve ever bought. Went back to my old b12. Feel much better now that I’ve gone back to my old b12. Don’t believe the hype on this one.
K. Peterson –
I like the fact that this B12 supplement has three forms of B12. It is in an easy to take liquid with a mild taste that does not overwhelm me (and I am quite sensitive to tastes).
I wish I could tell if I had renewed energy but that is so subjective I will not review it based on that. I do know that I have the energy to do Jillian Michael’s workouts with my daughter and keep up with my two young grandsons, so I tend to think taking B12 is helping; for sure it isn’t hurting.
Mom of 2 –
I was getting so darn tired at about 2-3pm every day, like wanting to just lay down and sleep. I am vegetarian and am also taking new migraine meds so I was not sure if those were the problem. Well after starting the Active B12 Complete, I no longer have afternoon slumps. It’s wonderful! Highly recommend!
When I got toward the bottom of the bottle I found many tablets were separated, as if they were sliced in half (obviously weren’t but did fall apart)! I won’t be buying this brand again; it was my first try.
Amazon Customer –
I liked this product because it’s used by the body without the intrinsic factor
Ami Samuels –
I’ve tried many other brand names and types of B12 and this one by far works the best for me. The 3 forms of B12 seem to be the key for optimal focus, energy and overall health. It also tastes great in comparison to other vitamins. I do have the MTHFR gene mutation and this product is a must have for me.
C. Bassett –
This is our favorite B-12 supplement. We like that it contains three bio-available forms of B-12 which are not all methylated, so it meets the needs of all the various genetic patterns represented in our extended family.
The corn-derived question (see questions above) did concern me, but we do well with it. Our corn concern is not “allergy” to the protein but rather a delayed, IgG immune response which was identified through antibody testing.
Customer support is timely and knowledgeable. My orders of this and one other Methyl Life product through Amazon have been fulfilled accurately and in a timely manner. Highly recommend this product.