Descrição do Produto: b.tan Ultra Dark Self Tanner Mousse
Descubra o segredo para um bronzeado perfeito e intenso com o b.tan Ultra Dark Self Tanner Mousse. Este mousse de bronzeamento rápido é ideal para quem busca resultados extremos e não se contenta com menos. Com uma fórmula inovadora, você pode obter o bronzeado mais escuro possível em apenas uma hora. Se você deseja um brilho dourado e radiante, este produto é a escolha certa para você.
- DARKEST POSSIBLE RESULTS: Perfeito para aqueles momentos em que o escuro simplesmente não é escuro o suficiente. O b.tan Ultra Dark proporciona um tom profundo e luxuoso que vai deixar sua pele deslumbrante.
- EASY TANNING: Sem truques, sem cheiro de bronzeado falso, apenas o bronzeado mais incrível do planeta. A aplicação é simples e prática, garantindo resultados excepcionais sem complicações.
- 1 HOUR CURE TIME: Com um tempo de desenvolvimento de apenas uma hora, você pode deixar o produto na pele por 4 horas ou mais para resultados ainda mais escuros. Ideal para quem tem uma rotina agitada e não quer esperar dias para um bronzeado perfeito.
- PRO TIP: Aplique um hidratante nos cotovelos, joelhos e tornozelos antes da aplicação. Aplique de maneira uniforme (mas não muito espessa) e misture bem para um brilho bronzeado perfeito. Use com uma luva para resultados ultra suaves.
- VEGAN FRIENDLY: Amamos os animais, por isso somos cruelty free, vegano e livres de substâncias nocivas como parabenos. Cuide da sua pele e do planeta ao mesmo tempo.
- MADE IN THE USA: Fabricado por especialistas em bronzeamento nos EUA. Nossas instalações de produção de última geração utilizam apenas ingredientes da mais alta qualidade, garantindo que sua pele seja bem cuidada.
1. Bronzeado Intenso e Duradouro: O b.tan Ultra Dark proporciona um tom profundo que se destaca, ideal para quem busca um bronzeado marcante.
2. Fórmula Sem Cheiro: A ausência do típico odor de bronzeado falso torna a experiência de aplicação muito mais agradável.
3. Rápido e Prático: Com apenas uma hora de tempo de cura, é perfeito para quem tem uma rotina corrida e não pode esperar por resultados.
4. Fácil Aplicação: A aplicação é simples e, com o uso de uma luva, você garante um acabamento suave e uniforme.
5. Compromisso com a Sustentabilidade: Sendo vegano e livre de crueldade, você pode se bronzear com a consciência tranquila.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o b.tan Ultra Dark Self Tanner Mousse, comece preparando a pele. Esfolie e limpe a área a ser bronzeada para garantir uma aplicação uniforme. Aplique um hidratante em áreas secas como cotovelos, joelhos e tornozelos. Em seguida, agite bem o mousse e aplique uma quantidade generosa na luva de aplicação. Espalhe o produto de maneira uniforme sobre a pele, evitando camadas muito grossas. Para um bronzeado mais intenso, deixe o mousse agir por 4 horas ou mais antes de enxaguar. Após a aplicação, evite contato com água e roupas apertadas para garantir que o bronzeado se fixe adequadamente. Com esses passos, você estará pronta para exibir um bronzeado deslumbrante e radiante!
Anastasia –
Lo he usado solo dejándolo actuar máximo 2 horas y deja un color precioso. Además ya me duró casi una semana, claro que sin la misma intensidad del día uno pero aún está ligeramente presente el color
Christina🪬 –
Ok, here’s a real review from an expert tanner. I have tried drug store tanners to Sephora tanners to high-end tanners like Loving Tan. This stuff is gold! I think some of the bad reviews might be from people that don’t know what they are doing.
First of all, NEVER WAIT JUST AN HOUR for any self tanner. I don’t care what the bottle says. I don’t care if it’s a $7 bottle or $100. You need to wait 8 hours for results. Beauty is pain people!
Second, as a person who likes to be 10 shades darker I am VERY hard to please. I like to be very dark so most tanners do not cut it for me. I chronically do 2-3 applications for one tanning session. I wait for one application to dry for 5 minutes and then apply 1-2 more. Even then some self tanners do not cut it for me. Tan AF tanner is definitely a beautiful darker color. I was shocked that a $10-$14 bottle could achieve a fairly dark color. My one complaint is that it was 3 applications to achieve the results in the photo but I love the color.
Third, people have complained about this coming off of sheets or the grey color (second photo). Omg. That’s just silly to me. The grey color gave me BEAUTIFUL dark color without a hint of orange. Tan AF nailed it in the color department. I’m not a golden tan. I’m a deep dark brownish tan. Incredible. I wore it all night. Very little depositing of color on sheets or clothes, which is awesome. They use very little bronzer in their solution. Two thumbs up from me.
Fourth, it dries so quickly. I’ve had sooooo many self tanners be sticky as hell and annoying to have on for 8 hours. This stuff dries fast with no sticky residue feeling!!! Amen to that! And for the first time ever….there is virtually no scent. No other tanner has achieved that! Impressive.
Fifth, the price is awesome. You can grab this at Walmart for $10. That’s amazing even if I apply 3 times. The bottle is a great size. Not too small but not on the large side either. I freaking love this stuff. Give it a try!! And, make sure that the week before application you are heavily moisturized, shower and exfoliate right before application, and wait the full 8 hours!!
Ari –
Questo prodotto è veramente ottimo. Non bisogna eccederne nel darlo, ma dà un’abbronzatura bellissima naturale. Lo consiglio vivamente.
Nancy –
I bought this years ago randomly in TK Maxx and since then I’ve tried different brands including some that are three or four times the price of this. The purple tone really does balance out any risk of orange Tan and leaves my skin a gorgeous, subtle olive colour with one layer. Great for a little boost of fake sunshine in otherwise miserable UK weather . So glad I found this on Amazon. Already binned all my other tans.
I wish it would let me add a photo or video, but it won’t for some reason. Apologies!
Christina🪬 –
I have fair skin, this gets me dark. I do two to three coats. I’ll probably buy the darkest color when I reorder as I have the second to darkest. I leave it on all day. Then wash it off the next morning. By the time I shower any color that comes off is very minimal- just the color guide which is a slightly gray tint. I end up coming out of the shower as dark as I was going into the shower, just with a beautiful brown color minus the slight gray hue. I, like many here, have used almost every self tanner on the market. This stuff is cheap and gives you a deep, dark tan, what more could you ask for? The color doesn’t settle right away so you can check it out once done in one area and you have time to even it out if you need to. I never have streaks or am blotchy. Just be sure to properly prep your skin, this is the key to an even, beautiful tan. If you’re a beginner do your research, or read the pro tips below. I wish someone had given me these tips before I first started on my self-tanning journey. Here is how I prep and how I keep my tan lasting as long as possible.
– Start exfoliating two to three days prior to tanning. (Here’s why this first step is MOST important: If you just exfoliate once, you’re going to get a bunch of dead skin cells off, but you’re not going to get everything off. When you tan dead skin cells, those dead skin cells are going to eventually shed themselves not at the same time as the other skin cells, and so you’ll left looking patchy or spotty. I use Indie Lee’s ‘Coconut Citrus Body Scrub,’ but any salt or sugar scrub you like will do. If you have dry skin, use a moisturizing body scrub as exfoliating can be abrasive and remove moisture.
– Remove hair the day before with an epilator or by waxing, something long term so you don’t have to shave your color off. If you must shave, shave the day of tanning when you shower, not the day before.
– Shower the day of tanning- but WAIT to tan. You want your skin to be clean when you apply your self-tanner, but you should wait a little bit post-shower to slather on tanner. When you get out of the shower, your skin is more absorptive and the self-tanner or the bronzer [can] seep into your pores, which can leave you with a speckled appearance, almost looks like blackheads or freckles. **If you’re in a hurry to apply, you can run ice cold water over skin for 15 seconds to prevent seepage, but your skin should be completely dry before applying tanner to prevent uneven application.
– Protect your hands and feet, apply a fragrance free moisturizer because if you don’t they will be orange. Go for a non-oily moisturizer that absorbs quickly. Make sure whatever you use even if it’s something you have to use in a bind, that it COMPLETELY absorbs into skin first. For dry skin do two coats. I VERY lightly apply moisturizer to knees and elbows and lightly apply tanner on these areas as well.
– Use a tanning mitt, for small areas like feet you can use a make up brush, it works just as well as a tanning brush- trust me I’ve used both. Doing this ensures a subtle tan in those areas also. I use one for my face also, and blend it into my hairline in circular motions.
– Work from the feet up. Your body creases and so will your tanner if you don’t.
– If you forget to pick up a sling tanner for your back, use a spatula and put it in your mitt. (Don’t judge 😂)
– WASH HANDA IMMEDIATELY AFTER. Use a makeup brush to blend the areas around your hands and wrists so that you don’t finish with a line.
– To preserve your self-tan for as long as possible, take lukewarm showers. Once you get out of the shower, be sure to pat yourself dry instead of rubbing and always moisturize. If you need to wear something tight like a sports bra, apply talc-free baby powder onto your skin before you wear it to make sure your tan stays glowing.
To keep up with your tan for as long as possible be sure to use these showering tips towards the bottom. When you remove hair try a cream hair remover, avoid shaving if you’re gonna keep up the tan. Reapply as needed, every few days should do the trick.
Ncrane –
I know this product says “deep dark tan” but for me I have to put this product on multiple times for me to see any “dark tan”. However, I do like that it does provide a subtle color that you can build upon and it does look very natural. There is a smell to it that goes away once you wash your body. The color builds over 24 hours I’ve noticed. I like using this product as I dont want to be SUPER tan in the summer ( I live in MN and I dont want to look too unnatural lol) I use it on my legs because otherwise my legs are pasty white all year round and the light tan it gives my legs is super nice looking. Would def purchase again once I’m out
Nancy –
Zu dem Produkt unbedingt den Handschuhe Schamm kaufen.
Lässt sich gut auftragen,riecht angenehm, macht keine Streifen und hält super.
Wie bei allen Bräunungsmittel,passt bloß auf das ihr nicht kleckert!
Man sieht die Flecken nicht sofort,erst dann wenn es nicht mehr zu reinigen ist.
Spar dir die Sonnenbank oder langes backen in der Sonne,das hier ist günstiger und zeitsparend.
Habe es diesen Sommer getestet und bin total zufrieden.
Die Einwirkzeit bestimmt die Bräune,also nicht vergessen abzuspühlen 😉
AngR –
This is by far my favourite tanning mousse! Easy to apply with a mit for a no-streak, long lasting, natural tan. I’m a natural redhead and this suits a vast majority of different skin tones without a “fake” or “orange” look.
No harsh self tanner odours either.
Apply evenly with a tanning glove/mit, let dry naturally, leave on for 2-6 hours, rinse off with a quick shower if desired (rinse not scrub) and you’re left with an even and healthy glow!
Ncrane –
I’ve used B.Tan for 5 years and never steer from it because it’s perfect. Yes it has that tan smell but oh so worth it. Even tho this is a 1 hr product, I put it on at night and sleep with it in the shower in morning. Just be sure you exfoliate prior to next application. I apply once a week.
Huskergrl24 –
For the price, this is gold!!! It gives a nice tan. One con is…IT SMELLS LIKE CHICKEN SOUP when applied to skin. Yes, I took a shower before, shaved, exfoliated, and moisturized all of that good stuff. Now I am laying in my bed, smelling like cooked chicken… It does not transfer to your clothing though, which is great. I tried a self tan from White Fox before (yes, they sell fake tan), ($30, smells so so so good but peels off, there are definitely better stuff out there for the price) and I would say The B tan is better. One bad thing is the smell:(((