Descrição do Produto: Ayush Herbs Multi
O Ayush Herbs Multi é um multivitamínico natural de alta potência, projetado para atender às necessidades nutricionais de homens e mulheres. Com 90 cápsulas vegetarianas, este suplemento é uma escolha ideal para quem busca uma saúde integral e um suporte antioxidante robusto. A fórmula é cuidadosamente elaborada para fornecer uma base sólida para o bem-estar, promovendo a saúde do corpo como um todo.
- SAÚDE INTEGRAL: Este multivitamínico hipoalergênico e de alta qualidade pode ajudar a construir uma fundação para uma boa saúde, atendendo às necessidades diárias de vitaminas e minerais.
- SUPORTE ANTIOXIDANTE: O suplemento é repleto de antioxidantes, como licopeno e luteína, que são essenciais para a saúde do cérebro, dos olhos e da próstata.
- MINERAIS CHELATADOS: O Ayush Herbs Multi apresenta minerais otimizados para a biodisponibilidade, que são fundamentais para o suporte ósseo e imunológico. Além disso, é livre de soja e glúten.
- VITAMINAS B ATIVADAS: A fórmula inclui um espectro completo de vitaminas B ativadas, como metilfolato, P-5-P e metilcobalamina, que ajudam a aumentar a energia e a reduzir o estresse.
- ABSORÇÃO APRIMORADA: O suplemento contém trikatu, um composto que melhora a absorção de nutrientes, garantindo que o corpo aproveite ao máximo cada cápsula.
1. Saúde Geral Aprimorada: Contribui para o fortalecimento do sistema imunológico e a manutenção da saúde óssea.
2. Aumento de Energia: As vitaminas B ativadas ajudam a combater a fadiga e a aumentar os níveis de energia ao longo do dia.
3. Proteção Antioxidante: Os antioxidantes presentes na fórmula protegem as células contra danos causados por radicais livres.
4. Melhora da Saúde Mental: O suporte ao cérebro e à saúde ocular promove uma melhor função cognitiva e visão.
5. Fácil Digestão e Absorção: A presença de trikatu facilita a absorção dos nutrientes, tornando o suplemento mais eficaz.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de duas cápsulas do Ayush Herbs Multi diariamente, preferencialmente com uma refeição. Isso não apenas maximiza a absorção dos nutrientes, mas também minimiza qualquer desconforto gastrointestinal. É importante manter uma rotina consistente para garantir que o corpo receba os benefícios contínuos deste multivitamínico de alta qualidade.
James B. –
I entered the supplement industry as a consumer when I was 15 years old. I am now 34. Back then, my mother and sister (who was training to be a personal trainer at the time) took me to the local GNC to pick up my first round of whey protein (those of you who are educated on the reality to the advantageous and often dishonest supplement industry will laugh at this GNC reference like I now do). Fast-forward five years and I had experienced the majority of the (mostly) disappointing realities to my supplement ventures; that is, that I realized and learned the hard way that many companies provide low-quality/questionable ingredients to their products, that many ingredients can be (or flat out are) unsafe, and that many of those products don’t even work and have blatant lies with empty promises written on their bottles. And so very unfortunately, the companies that willingly do this do it all in the name of making sales to you, myself, and the rest of the general public, because that is their main concern. And as long as the product says that it’s not FDA approved (which has its own limitations as well even if a product is), then those companies are just about absolving themselves of having to take responsibility for the fact that their customers health and money were/are taken advantage of, and also for the fact that their products don’t work as advertised, or at all (like we’ve seen time and time again in the industry). And unless their product is causing extensive harm to one’s health, they’re often able to get away with it.
I don’t currently train and am no longer certified, but was ACSM certified while doing personal training in my younger years and in my less advanced career. I have completed other courses in recent years in the name of furthering my education (even though it is not my career field anymore), such as the J.B. PN1 Precision Nutrition course, but still lack a more extensive and a more formal education on the subject, such as a B.A./B.S. degree (or further). Despite that, because of this interest and my exposure to the advantageous nature of the supplement industry when I was younger, I developed a strong sense of will to expose those types of companies and products as often as I could and to anyone that I could. I spent hours and hours researching faulty supplements (and their ingredients) and writing as many articles as I could exposing those bad ones. My sources only consisted of the most verifiable kinds (Harvard, Yale, MIT, PhD achieving individuals in the field, etc.). Luckily, I eventually stumbled across John Berardi and his science, which only added to my fire because through him, I was able to see and realize the magnitude of just how flooded the industry is with misinformation (which was so much worse than I imagined before), especially when it comes to supplements.
So with that being in mind, let me try to make this a much more beneficial review for you. I could do this; I could sit here and type up a huge article for you, highlighting the ingredients in this product and their effects on the human body. It would be one that honestly, you probably wouldn’t be interested in finishing. I mean, this is Amazon after all and this review is already long enough; it’s not a personal blog inviting as much text as the writer would like. So as a potential consumer of this product you’re looking at, I understand you probably want a shorter review and this one is probably annoying you already due to its length. Unfortunately for that, I don’t know how to provide you anything short of what’s in this review already. And even if I were to write that longer article that I was just speaking about and you were willing to read the entire thing, realistically, who am I to claim this information that I’m presenting you to be true? Like I said, I don’t have a PhD in this subject, or even a B.S. at that. So why should you believe me? The answer is, you shouldn’t. If you doubted me, GOOD. Remember how I said that this industry is flooded with misinformation? Well, the best thing that you can ever do for yourself in a situation like this is to learn how to research effectively.
To clarify on a supplement, for example, I would suggest searching the name of the ingredients listed on the multivitamins (or whatever supplement you happen to be looking at), as well as the vitamins/minerals. When searching the vitamins/minerals, be sure to include any other names that may be found in a pair of parenthesis behind the vitamin name (such as where it says ‘as cholecalciferol’ after Vitamin D3), as this will help to pinpoint how the vitamin/mineral is created/extracted in a lab and the level of its potency/effectiveness. After this, add the name of a reputable source such as MIT, Harvard, Yale, The National Library of Medicine, etc. right after (and ensure that you’re visiting their verified websites when the results load), and you will have completely verifiable sources of information on each ingredient, from a source that you can trust. My advice is that you should never put your health in the hands of anyone that is not a reliable and verifiable source. And if you search these as I have suggested, then top-tier, highly academic achieving groups and individuals will provide you with the information that you are looking for. A good example of the unbiased kinds of information that you’ll get this way is this one, where someone said that they have had restless leg syndrome for years and asked if there is anything they can take for it that won’t cause side effects. Harvard’s answer on this questions (asked in 2013) was: “Unfortunately, there is no medicine for any condition that has zero risk of causing side effects.”
Next, you need to know how to effectively research a company and the specific type of methods that they use to create their product. Many ingredients lose their ability to be broken down, recognized, and/or absorbed by the body when they undergo processing. Cheap, compressed multivitamins especially fall victim to this. You know that shelf of really cheap multivitamins at the local Mart? I’d be willing to bet a paycheck that at least 95% of them don’t work (some won’t even break down). What’s worse (or what potentially can be worse), these cheaper supplements can include lesser-quality versions of what we call ‘excipients.’ An excipient is used in the manufacturing process to help stabilize products so that they can be taken in various dosage forms. These include additives, fillers, diluents, anti-adherents, flow agents, preservatives, binders, coatings, disintegrates, lubricants, dyes, thickening agents, and/or sweeteners (and I suggest familiarizing yourself with these). Some carry health risks and can actually in-fact render the vitamin/mineral/ingredient/supplement to be completely useless in every sense of the word, but this company here has not taken this route.
When you learn how to get passed the overpriced/overhyped scam supplements and get into quality, worthwhile ones instead, you get what you pay for with supplements – remember that. When it comes to this brand here, do you see how they market it as ’bioavailable’ and chelated?’ Bioavailability basically refers to somethings (such as a vitamin’s) ability to be absorbed by the body; as previously stated, many of those cheap vitamins I was just referring to simply aren’t bioavailable – either the vitamin/mineral undergoes processing that ruins its bioavailability, or its a cheap material that was never bioavailable in the first place. As for the term ‘chelated,’ it means that they basically have an aide that assists in better absorption and delivery of the vitamin/mineral. And what’s more is that this is a quality found in mostly pharmaceutical grade vitamins (where less than 3% of multivitamins in the industry reach this standard).
I did the leg work for you on this one and researched this company, ‘Ayush Herbs INC,’ along with the professionals listed in the sellers photo, being Dr. Virender Sodhi, Dr. Shailinder Sodhi, Dr. Anju Sodhi, and Dr. Tejinder Sodhi.
Spoiler alert: All of these professionals that I just named legitimately appear to be very ethical, moral, and decent humans with a deep passion to provide effective and safe products to their customers. After completing my research on them, I can sincerely say that it’s hard to come across an honest, ethical, and transparent supplement company in this industry, to this degree. On the Ayush website, you can click the ‘About Us’ link followed by the ‘Our Doctors’ link, and you can pull up a short biography of each doctor explaining their verified backgrounds and education.
There is a fair amount of information to be found on Ayush Herbs INC, which is a great sign. Established companies that have been around for a while (and have a reputation to lose) tend to be more trustworthy. This company got their start in 1988, meaning they’ve been around for roughly 34 years – it’s hard to find a supplement company that has been around and thriving for that long.
On their Ayush website, you will find a very fair amount of promising mission statements, commitment statements, and information about the company having a passion in regards to wanting to provide quality supplements to (what has for a very long time been) an abused consumer system – being the supplement industry. The aforementioned website is a professional platform though, and it only provides services to physicians, clinics, specific medial agencies (and their patients), licensed medical professionals, and/or direct patents of Ayush Herbs. So, in order to service anyone outside of these parameters, they have created Ruved, which is their retail site for the general public. Both of these sites explain their ethical standards and they perfectly intertwine with each other, without giving clashing information (another great sign of a quality supplement company). We all know that a company exists to make money, but a truly well-intended supplement company always makes note of their concern for their customers and reassures the quality of their products, while the monetary gain comes later. If you want to be honest and transparent with your customer base, this should be a key factor in marketing supplements, and Ayush Herbs INC throughly provides this. For example, here is one paragraph (out of many) from the ‘Our Philosophy’ section on the Ayush website:
“When they first started their Ayurvedic and Naturopathic practices (referring to both of the Dr. Sodhi brothers), they were shocked at how difficult it was to find quality products. They looked everywhere; even trying products from the most reputable sources they could locate in their native India, but they soon discovered that even those products were too contaminated to satisfy FDA requirements. Knowing how critical having quality products was to the health of their patients, the Sodhi brothers decided that the only way to ensure that they were getting the pure ingredients that they needed was to grow their own herbs.”
Likely illegitimate/advantageous companies will provide an overabundance of confusing and conflicting information in regards to this vital data that I speak of (or else you’ll just come across it while doing your own research), and that lack of transparency should seriously make someone question the main goal of a company. I mean, if providing safe and effective products to the public is not the main goal of a company, then we can conclude that monetary gain is the dominating goal for said company; this means that our health isn’t the main factor in their mind when it comes to these supplements. The questions then start to snowball… “Are they cutting corners to make profit?”….”Are they using subpar ingredients and techniques to create the supplement?”….”Am I gambling when I take this?”….”Is this really healthy for me?” So on and so forth.
Furthermore, many facilities will claim to be FDA certified, but remember, this does NOT mean that the supplements are FDA certified; on the bottle of most supplements, you’ll find the statement explaining that the supplement statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. So when you come across a company that says that their supplements are all made up to FDA standards, it can (sometimes) be intentionally misleading because they’re referring to the lab standards that they must meet and must pass to become a certified lab – it does not mean that the supplements themselves are FDA certified. Statements like ‘our procedures are based on the FDA guidelines’ don’t exactly do much to reassure us that the procedures they use are wholesome and healthy since we still don’t know what they are. If the statement said something like ‘we strictly follow FDA guidelines,’ then that would be a completely different story.
Guess what Ruved had to say about this? They are clear, concise, and do not use misleading words. Here’s just one of the FAQ questions and answers (out of many); under the ‘About Us’ section, you can click on the ‘FAQ’ link. It then takes you to a page explaining where their products are made, how they are made, what makes them stand apart, so on and so forth. Check this out:
Question: Are Ruved products tested for heavy metal?
Answer: “Yes. In-house manufacturing, lab testing, and heavy metal testing of all herbs grown and cultivated in Himachal Pradesh region confirms that this area, which is the natural habitat of most Ayurvedic herbs, yields the highest quality herbs. As the extracts are concentrated, they go through another inspection for heavy metals and microbiological testing. Independent third party testing is completed on all materials and again on the finished products.
It is important to note, many plant-based foods, even when grown organically, can contain lead and mercury due to absorbing low amounts that are naturally occurring in soil. Heavy metals can be found in the air we breathe, the water we drink, and even some of the foods we eat. This is not limited to any particular area of the world. Ruved ensures that our products meet or exceed FDA, EPA, and American Herbal Product Association guidelines.”
See what I mean? Point and case in that very last sentence there. You need to understand the utmost importance behind a supplement company being transparent about their processes, as these processes are key in deciding whether a supplement ingredient is safe and effective. The transparency here is a breath of fresh air, and because of the corrupt ways of the supplement industry, I do not give the benefit of the doubt on something like this until that transparency is given from a company. Especially because I see it this way: Anyone that is in the supplement industry knows that it is corrupt, and if a company doesn’t do a decent job explaining their position and practices (to a reasonable extent for each specific supplement) as a valuable and honest supplement supplier, then there is no reason to trust them as one.
I have seen the most manipulative wording with supplement products before and I have learned well to look through them, as they are usually disguising a faulty brand and product. So with that being said, I am currently standing 100% on the side of Ayush Herbs Inc. These supplement companies (at the very least) owe us the decency to reassure us that we are ingesting healthy products, especially considering that we’re infested in a sea of unhealthy/scam products in this industry already. And after reviewing Ayush, I can in all good conscience recommend the brand and company. What most of us don’t know is that it’s simply not enough to go off of uneducated consumer reviews on supplements, but Ayush Herbs Inc willingly and confidently fills in the gaps for us.
I implore you to visit their sites to educate yourself on all of this vital information that they offer about their products. As I’ve said before, it’s a breath of fresh air. They offer a 60 day guarantee on their products, they explain their farm location, they explain their manufacturing processes and the standards that they adhere to, along with many other things. They even cover issues such as how their products can legitimately be labeled as ‘organic,’ which I’m willing to bet that their own standard for the word far exceeds the US’s standard, since yes, even the word ‘organic’ is highly taken advantage of here in the United States. And hey, for all of you nature lovers out there (such as myself), they’re even ‘green committed’ at their facility. For you Californian’s, they even have a FAQ section dedicated to the Prop 65 initiative.
So, after over 30 days of continuous use of this, I can say that I actually do feel the difference from before when I wasn’t taking them. I admittedly had a lapse in vitamin and mineral supplementation and I was lethargic and tired way more than I’ve ever been before in my life. And I know that I can attribute a good amount of this to my poor nutritional intake. I stopped taking Opti-Men due to the skyrocketing prices recently and the lesser quality manufacturing processes that have taken place over the past handful of years (not that it’s a terrible multivitamin or anything). It’s easy to fall off of your vitamin wagon, but certain products will remind you just how important they are – that’s what this Ayush Herbs Inc. multivitamin supplement has done for me. Of course, nothing beats a sound diet (which is where you are supposed to get your vitamin/minerals from), but it can be tough and these will bridge the gap.
Remember though folks – no matter what supplement you buy and no matter what company you buy them from, always at least read the caution label and to adhere to it if any of the circumstances apply to you. As this bottle reads, during pregnancy or lactation, CONSULT YOUR PHYSICIAN BEFORE USE. Realistically, everyone should consult their health care professional before taking any supplement, but we know that’s not going to happen unfortunately. If you’re one of them, please just be diligent in reading the ingredient labels and avoid a product if it’s not going to work for you and your body. This is your health that we’re talking about – your quality of life. It is important and it’s up to you to watch out for it. Don’t you ever let anyone sacrifice or put it at risk in the name of their monetary profit. Trust me when I say that this industry will try to. And hey, if you don’t want to take my word for it (which you shouldn’t), utilize the information you read here and research effectively to find out for yourself.
Last, I’ll leave you with another quote from the Ayush website. It’s yet another great one:
“Providing uncontaminated, unadulterated herbal products is the founding principle of our company. We have full knowledge of and confidence in the contents of our herbal products. That is just one of the many reasons that Ayush Herbs is a name that represents quality and purity; for the sake of our customers and our own families.”
Thank you Dr. Virender Sodhi, Dr. Shailinder Sodhi, Dr. Anju Sodhi, Dr. Tejinder Sodhi, and managing director Mr. Jitender Sodhi – I hope that you feel my love and appreciation from all of the way over here in Orlando, Florida, USA. You’ve earned a dedicated customer for life.
I would like to thank Amazon for allowing me to be a part of their Vine program. My reviews are unbiased, honest, and sincere in an effort to provide you (the customer) with the information you may need in choosing this product or not, and I hope that is what my review accomplishes for you.
I would also like to thank the seller “Ayush Herbs INC.” for providing me this product as an Amazon Vine member. I look very forward to owning it and it will be getting plenty of use and exposure to other potential buyers throughout its life with me. Thanks again and I wish you success in your endeavors.
I have high standards for my multivitamin and haven’t changed brands for years but this one caught my eye. I do not think it is necessarily suited for everyone as there are certain differences from other multivitamins – note that the iodine is high in this so it’s great for people who have cut iodized salt from their diet, could be too much iodine for others; thiamine is lower than some others and you may need extra for some conditions. I love the high lutein in this, now I don’t need that extra supplement. And I’ve cut down from a 6-12 pill multi to 2 pills with this, which is great. As with other supplements, watch out you aren’t going too high on zinc total as this gives you about half of the max. In general, these are good vitamin forms that your body can absorb better, and I think this is a good blend for people who eat healthier and just looking to cover their bases, dosages are balanced and not super high. They’ve cut out some common items you may already be taking separately like C.
Prince Sam –
Good product but gelatin used in capsule is very bad.
Yambobo –
I have been taking multiple nutritional products daily for three decades, so I have become somewhat of a nutrition expert… at least among family and friends. I must say though, that I have never run across Ayush products before.
For some time, I have considered cutting back on some of the individual vitamins and minerals I take and use some type of multi product instead.
There are many junk nutrition products on the market… especially the multi products. This Ayush multi seems fairly well balanced, but more importantly they are using quality ingredients. For examples, this product uses the top line MenaQ7 brand of vitamin K2; the methylcobalamin form of vitamin B12; and the P5P form of vitamin B6.
One thing that jumped out is there is no Vitamin C in this product, but that is not a deal breaker. Many people prefer certain brands or types of Vitamin C products and often in very high doses that would be impractical to put into this multi. Just be aware that while this product covers most of the bases, there still may a vitamin, mineral, or other not included that you’ll want to take as an additional supplement.
While this product is free of most common allergens, it does contain cellulose filler. Again, that is not a deal breaker for most people as many nutrition products use fillers. Many products on the market also use some questionable flow agents, which can be more of an issue… but not this Ayush multi.
Emma –
I felt like the product was expensive but it has been worth it because it has exceeded expectations! I’ve noticed positive changes in my digestive and metabolic health (I lost 10lbs after a 5 year plateau!). This primarily had all the ingredients that my current brands at home did (Men’s One a Day and Sundown Women’s Multi Gummies), but in ELEVATED amounts. The serving size is 2 capsules, but I only take 1 because the ingredient daily value average is about 1896%. They are pretty big, but easy to swallow compared to compressed tablet vitamins. No harsh, unpleasant, or multivitamin odor – it actually smells like a box of teabags.
Since this product is Ayurvedic (Indian natural holistic medicine), it has has ingredients that my others don’t. The product did not give descriptions of these, so I looked them up: Lycopene promotes cardiovascular health. Lutron Esters promotes macular health. The Trikatu Blend seems like an anti inflammatory and helps your digestive system, respiratory system, and metabolic system. Boron is used in the musculoskeletal system and in hormone production. Vanadium may assist in blood sugar regulation.
Emma –
It was too strong for me and made me gag. I had to return it.