Autistic UpBeat: Complexo de Vitamina B para Crianças
O Autistic UpBeat é um complexo de vitamina B especialmente formulado para atender às necessidades nutricionais de crianças autistas. Com uma combinação única de vitaminas B1, B2, B3, B6, B7 e B9, este produto visa promover um desenvolvimento saudável e melhorar o bem-estar geral das crianças. As gotas amigáveis, sem sabor, são ideais para crianças que podem ser seletivas em relação à alimentação, facilitando a administração das vitaminas de forma prática e sem complicações.
A fórmula probiótica fermentada do Autistic UpBeat não apenas melhora a absorção de nutrientes essenciais, mas também promove um microbiota intestinal equilibrado, fundamental para a saúde digestiva. Essa abordagem inovadora garante que as crianças recebam os benefícios máximos das vitaminas, contribuindo para um sistema nervoso saudável e um desenvolvimento cognitivo adequado. As vitaminas B desempenham um papel crucial na manutenção da saúde das células nervosas, proporcionando uma base sólida para o funcionamento adequado do cérebro.
Além disso, o Autistic UpBeat é projetado para melhorar a função cerebral e a clareza mental, oferecendo suporte essencial para o cérebro em crescimento das crianças. A mistura de vitaminas B ajuda a combater a fadiga, promovendo níveis de energia sustentados que são benéficos tanto para a atividade física quanto para o humor e a vitalidade geral. Com isso, as crianças podem se envolver plenamente em suas atividades diárias, aproveitando ao máximo cada momento.
– Suporte para um sistema nervoso saudável.
– Estimula o desenvolvimento e função cerebral.
– Melhora o metabolismo e aumenta o foco.
– Fórmula probiótica fermentada para uma saúde digestiva equilibrada.
– Fácil de administrar para crianças com autismo.
Recomenda-se adicionar 1 ml das gotas do Autistic UpBeat em um copo de suco e misturar bem antes de administrar à criança. É fundamental seguir as orientações de um profissional de saúde e não exceder a dose diária recomendada, garantindo assim a segurança e eficácia do suplemento.
Lonnie –
Completely tasteless and dissolves right into any beverage. I use this in my son’s juice each morning.
Samantha –
Goodness –
I bought this product for my son and I’m so glad I did. There has been a noticeable difference with him. Especially at school. His teacher asked what I have done differently because he is more focused on task. Definitely a product that I’ll keep buying.
Courtney –
I just received this right now and opened the carton just to find out everything is spilled out. The medication didn’t even come with any pack or label. Just the bottle as seen inside the carton.
Please I need a refund or replacement ASAP.
Elizabeth Leonard –
I was skeptical due to my autistic child being extremely picky with food, drinks, and vitamins. I put this in his Apple juice and he could not taste it. Will decently purchase again.
2 week update: After using this product for the last 2 weeks I noticed a slight improvement in my kid’s behavior. Nothing major but it is a slight improvement. Mainly, with some focus and listening. My kid is a super picky eater and doesn’t like texture so this works great. He is also prone to getting sick most likely due to a lack nutrition- since it is a fight to eat a well balanced meal. I’m going to continue giving this to him in the mornings and try to do another update next month. I’m hoping for more positive improvements.
2 month update: My kid has had less tantrums and more focus. He still doesn’t know that he’s been given the vitamin. I have continued to add it to his apple juice. He seems to be more alert and hasn’t gotten sick during flu season. By no means am I saying that this is a miracle product or a cure all- but I have seen a difference in my kid. Therefore, I personally think that it is worth the purchase.
(Non related but I found out that this product is made by a small business owner that has Autistism in the family… and I love that. Because, I’d much rather support that than a big company that makes their products in China)
Jessica A. Simmons –
I bought this product on Amazon about a month ago after reading many reviews(very positive except for possible niacin flush due to b3) My son has experienced this rash so I came to write my review about it and I can’t find any of the reviews that were connected to this product? Red flag for me. I personally wouldn’t recommend this product after my son’s rash and the missing reviews. Feels sketchy to me.
Elizabeth Leonard –
Bought this for my child to help with everyday needs with behavioral and sensory sensitivity.
Quality seems great. Not watery or too thick.
No adverse effect on my child’s stomach.
I feel within a few weeks performance of understanding emotions and regulating has improved some.
Child does not notice when product in added into her milk so very very easy to take.
Goodness –
My son still tastes it and I trying to get him to like it, but he doesn’t.