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Lotus Blooming Herbs - Autêntico Shilajit – Resina Genuína de SHILAJIT Himalaia 100% Pura com Ácido Fúlvico

*R$832.90 Em até 6x de R$138.82 sem jurosEm até 6x de R$138.82 sem jurosMais formas de pagamento 1x de R$832.90 sem juros2x de R$416.45 sem juros3x de R$277.63 sem juros4x de R$208.23 sem juros5x de R$166.58 sem juros6x de R$138.82 sem juros

O Authentic Shilajit é uma resina genuína e 100% pura de SHILAJIT do Himalaia, enriquecida com Ácido Fúlvico. Suas principais características incluem sua autenticidade e pureza, enquanto seus benefícios incluem o aumento da energia, melhora da saúde geral, fortalecimento do sistema imunológico e propriedades antioxidantes.

(7 avaliações de clientes)
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Autêntico Shilajit - Resina Genuína de SHILAJIT Himalaia 100% Pura com Ácido Fúlvico
*R$832.90 Em até 6x de R$138.82 sem jurosEm até 6x de R$138.82 sem jurosMais formas de pagamento 1x de R$832.90 sem juros2x de R$416.45 sem juros3x de R$277.63 sem juros4x de R$208.23 sem juros5x de R$166.58 sem juros6x de R$138.82 sem juros

Autêntico Shilajit – Resina Genuína de SHILAJIT Himalaia 100%% Pura com Ácido Fúlvico

O Autêntico Shilajit é um produto de alta qualidade, fornecido na forma de resina purificada. Diferente de outras opções disponíveis no mercado, não oferecemos cápsulas ou pó. O Shilajit é um complexo mineral viscoso e negro que contém inúmeros minerais e elementos traços essenciais para o funcionamento ideal do corpo humano. Além disso, possui ácido fúlvico, que auxilia na absorção desses minerais em nível celular.

Nossa fórmula é testada em laboratório nos Estados Unidos, por um laboratório independente registrado na FDA e certificado pelas boas práticas de fabricação (cGMP). Isso garante a segurança e a qualidade do produto que você está adquirindo.

O Autêntico Shilajit é 100%% puro e segue um processo tradicional de purificação nas montanhas do Himalaia. Nós mesmos selecionamos e supervisionamos todo o processo de purificação, garantindo que não haja intermediários envolvidos. Assim, podemos garantir a autenticidade e a pureza do produto que chega até você.

Nossa matéria-prima é obtida de regiões remotas e intocadas, localizadas a altitudes acima de 16.000 pés. Isso garante que o Shilajit seja colhido em ambientes naturais e livres de poluição, preservando assim todas as suas propriedades benéficas.

Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:

  • 1. Alta qualidade: O Autêntico Shilajit é produzido com os mais altos padrões de qualidade, garantindo um produto puro e eficaz.
  • 2. Segurança comprovada: Nossos produtos são testados em laboratórios independentes e registrados pela FDA, garantindo a segurança do consumidor.
  • 3. Origem confiável: Nós mesmos selecionamos e supervisionamos todo o processo de purificação nas montanhas do Himalaia, garantindo a autenticidade e a pureza do produto.
  • 4. Sustentabilidade: O Shilajit é obtido de regiões remotas e intocadas, preservando o meio ambiente e garantindo um produto de qualidade superior.
  • 5. Benefícios para a saúde: O Shilajit contém minerais e elementos traços essenciais para o funcionamento ideal do corpo humano, além de ácido fúlvico, que auxilia na absorção desses nutrientes.

Benefícios Destacados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:

  • Aumento da energia e resistência física, ideal para quem busca melhorar o desempenho em atividades diárias ou esportivas.
  • Melhora da saúde geral, contribuindo para um bem-estar duradouro e uma vida mais ativa.
  • Fortalecimento do sistema imunológico, ajudando a proteger o corpo contra doenças e infecções.
  • Propriedades antioxidantes que combatem os radicais livres, promovendo um envelhecimento saudável.
  • Melhora na absorção de nutrientes essenciais, potencializando os efeitos de uma dieta equilibrada.

Sugestão de Uso:

Recomendamos tomar uma porção de 300-500mg de Autêntico Shilajit por dia. Dissolva a resina em água morna ou chá e consuma de preferência com o estômago vazio. É aconselhável consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, garantindo assim uma utilização segura e eficaz do produto.

7 avaliações para Lotus Blooming Herbs - Autêntico Shilajit – Resina Genuína de SHILAJIT Himalaia 100% Pura com Ácido Fúlvico

  1. CH47

    ***Note… Quick update: I still take this when I feel a bit ‘dodgy’ along with other natural supplements, but I have moved on to other products (not available on Amazon). There is no negative reason for this, but I found some products that give me better results overall for immune support and energy. I still highly recommend giving this a try!

    This is going to be a long review – I’ll break it up in sections so anyone who reads it can skip the parts that aren’t relevant to them.

    **Tried 3 different brands**
    I started taking this in mid-October 2014. I’m addicted to this and for good reason. First let me say that I have also tried PurBlack brand and one on Etsy that was very cheap. All 3 smelled the same, had the same taste, and had the same daily results for me. I had all 3 at the same time and rotated them throughout the week to see if I could tell a difference. I couldn’t. I won’t buy the cheap version again, as I’m worried about why it’s so cheap (I’m paranoid). I prefer the one from Lotus Herbs because of the consistency. It’s easier to handle. I can get a small amount out, roll it in a ball and swallow it like a pill. With PurBlack, I have to dissolve it in water; consistency is a bit different, gooier. It’s not a big deal, but it takes 10-15 minutes and I’m usually in a hurry. I take it on am empty stomach in the morning, with other supplements (right now, fermented cod liver oil/butter oil blend, MegaFoods multi, and a couple times a week I add triphala and turmeric).

    **Initial reaction when taken**
    I am a highly sensitive person – that means that heat, coffee, medicine, supplements, and food seem to have a greater impact (usually negative) on me than others. That is important to know, because when I shared some of the supplement with 4 other people, no one else had my same reaction. They had a small reaction of overall feeling better, but nothing like I experienced. I started with PurBlack and my initial response as rather euphoric – it was seriously so magical that even though it tasted and smelled terrible I was drawn to it and wanted more all day long (I limited myself to 1-2 servings). I couldn’t believe how amazing I felt right after I took it. I had energy boost, and I just felt alive and amazing.

    A bit of background (feel free to skip); I work about 60 hours a week, working on my doctoral degree, I have twin preschoolers, and far too many interests and hobbies – I am one of those people who loves doing things; I rarely sit down to relax, no time for TV watching, etc. But I have been struggling to keep up with myself for the last 5 years. I never fully ‘recovered’ from having twins in 2011 – I’ve been exhausted ever since I was first pregnant and I knew my mineral levels were likely very low as I had a very rough pregnancy. I also had a very poor diet (lots of sugar and fast food) until the twins were born. Afterwards, I learned about proper nutrition, which changed my life (and my family’s), but I still needed something to help. I entered the world of natural supplements and homeopathy around 2012. I love to experiment. I have explored so many different supplements, remedies, Paleo, whole foods, juicing, smoothies, etc. It’s all wonderful, and eating as many veggies as possible really helped me feel so much better, but I still didn’t feel 100%.

    **What it has done for me**
    Besides giving me the energy boost that I really needed (w/no crash), it has helped with my blood sugar levels (hypoglycemia), psoriasis, boost in my mood, boost in my immune system in a huge way, I have better focus, clarity, and feel ‘alive’ or ‘whole’ – I’m not quite sure how to explain that last part. I feel like I’m functioning at 100% or at least near it on my bad days. I have struggled with hypoglycemia ever since I can remember. I’ve never been treated for it, but try to manage it on my own. I am sensitive to sugar, so when I don’t eat well, my mood suffers (I turn into a grouchy monster), I get tired/crash, and feel weak/shaky. It happens if I have too much coffee (usually more than 1 cup) or anything that is a stimulant. If I don’t eat very well (mostly organic produce, with some grass-fed/pastured meats) I suffer with signs of hypoglycemia. If I take shilajit first thing in the morning, I can eat whatever I want and have 2 pots of coffee (terrible, I know) without feeling any bad effects related to hypoglycemia. I have not been eating that well since I started on shilajit, as I like to use the holidays as an excuse to eat whatever I want 😉 I have started eating better recently and looking forward to seeing what shilajit will do with a better diet. However, thanks to shilajit, I haven’t suffered due to eating poorly (not much produce and too much pizza).

    The 2nd biggest reason why I can’t live without it is the boost it’s given my immune system. I was eating well until I got lazy a year ago, and started eating poorly. I ended up getting ill more times in 2014 than I have in nearly my entire adulthood (I’m in my late 30s). Part of that is having 2 young children who go to school who bring home a lot of germs 🙂 I work from home, so I don’t have to don’t get exposure from work. In 2014, I had the flu 2-3 times, several head colds, I ended up with bronchitis 3 times (never had it prior), etc. Since taking shilajit, the girls have been sick multiple times. If I get sick, I will have maybe one day where I don’t feel great (a bit run down), but recover quickly. A couple weeks ago both of my girls were fairly sick, and I woke up one morning with a raw/swollen throat. The next day my throat was better, but I had a very mild cold. It last for one day. The biggest difference is that I still have clarity and focus, unlike in the past where having a cold would really impact that area and make it difficult to work.

    **Why I can’t stop taking it**
    I tried to stop a couple of times – it’s expensive! I don’t like being dependent on any type of supplement. I just like to experiment and move on. However, for me, this is the most important supplement I take and I’ll take it as long as I can afford it. On the days I tried to stop, I felt jittery from having more than 1 cup of coffee, I had hypoglycemic episodes, I felt ‘okay’ but not 100%. It’s not worth it for me to stop, the negative effects of not taking this are too great for me.

    **Advice for others**
    I asked others to try this and some felt a mild effect, but no one thought it was worth the money and they couldn’t stand the taste and smell (not that you really taste it as you aren’t chewing on it). For me it’s a life changer, but none of the other people that tried it are like me – they don’t have the same issues that I do. So this may or may not be a ‘magical’ supplement for you – you will have to be willing to spend the money in order to try it out for yourself.

    Also, that euphoric-like feeling wore off after 3 months. One day it just stopped. I only had this product (Lotus Herbs) at the time, so I quickly bought PurBlack to see if that would give me the ‘feeling’ again. It didn’t. So I tried to quit altogether, thinking that it no longer was working for me, and got the same aforementioned negative results (sensitivity issues). I know it’s still working, but I also know that I may never get that ‘magical’ feeling again. That was just a bonus effect, so I’m okay with that, though it was wonderful while it lasted.

    **Bottom line**
    I cannot live without this supplement, but it’s certainly not for everyone. Just like all natural supplements – some are ‘magical’ and many do nothing, even if ‘everyone else’ swears by them. You have to find what your body needs and you will know it when you find it.

  2. DeniHelene

    Can’t say much about it because I’ve only taken the rice grain amount twice per day for a couple of days. It gave me an enhanced feeling of calm, but I’m typically calm anyway. So, I’d say it embellished what I already enjoy: peace and serenity. But I wouldn’t make a habit of it. I’ve read all about it and still find the grain-of-rice portion to be somewhat concerning. Could very well be too powerful over time leading to who-knows-what.

  3. Ashraff Ismail

    Probé el famoso shilajit diario, 2 veces al día, la primera en ayunas y la segunda por la tarde durante 3 semanas y no tuve resultados, en mi opinión NO ES RECOMENDABLE

  4. claudio

    Hola a penas voy a comenzar a utilizarlo, ya les contaré.

  5. claudio

    Although too soon to tell full effrcts, can already feel the difference.

  6. Ryan

    I take this shilajit with my coffee at least once a day. I definitely felt a more sustained boost in energy along with less muscle fatigue during workouts due to the antioxidants in the product. This was my second order and Amazon actually butchered the delivery by losing my order when they dropped a damaged package with a hole just big enough for the small shilajit container to fall out of. The item probably fell off somewhere in the wearhouse or delivery truck, but Lotus Blooming Herbs was kind enough to replace the item for free. I was impressed by how awesome and responsive their customer service is. They got the replacement mailed out in the same week Amazon lost my order.

    I will definitely keep using this product as I continue my more intensified work out routine. After, all less oxidative stress means quicker recovery. The only downside I noticed with this is that I initially had too much energy in the first week of using it to the point where I couldn’t sleep, but I mitigated that simply by working out more which is a win/win since it helped me get quicker results.

  7. Filipe

    Recently, Authentic Shilajit Health has been getting more attention as a natural health product that might have a lot of benefits. Shilajit is a blackish-brown rock fluid that comes from rocks in the Himalayas. It is known for having a lot of minerals in it and possibly being good for your health. This article will talk about the different parts of Authentic Shilajit Health and how it might affect your health as a whole.

    The high mineral level of Authentic Shilajit Health is one of its most important benefits. Minerals that are good for your health, like fulvic acid, iron, calcium, and magnesium, are found in shilajit. These minerals are very important for many body processes, like keeping bones healthy, making energy, and staying healthy overall. Shilajit is a powerful natural supplement for fixing mineral deficits because it contains fulvic acid, which helps the body absorb these minerals better.

    Authentic Shilajit Health is known for more than just its minerals. It may also help the body adapt. There are natural substances called adaptogens that help the body deal with stress and keep its balance. Shilajit has been used for a long time in Ayurvedic medicine as a stabilizer to help the body handle both mental and physical stress. It can give you more energy and make you feel less tired, which makes it a useful supplement for people who want to control how worry affects their health.

    Authentic Shilajit Health has also been linked to possible anti-inflammatory and antioxidant qualities. Shilajit may help with its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties because it has fulvic acid and other bioactive substances in it. These qualities are important for fighting reactive stress and inflammation, which are at the root of many long-term health problems. By adding Shilajit to a healthy routine, people may be able to benefit from its ability to protect against oxidative damage and inflammation.

    In conclusion:

    Authentic Shilajit Health, did support my overall health in a natural and whole way. Shilajit could be very helpful for health and energy because it has a lot of minerals, can help with adapting to new situations, and might have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. It is important to talk to a doctor before adding Shilajit to your routine, as with any natural vitamin, to make sure it will work with your health needs.

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Autêntico Shilajit - Resina Genuína de SHILAJIT Himalaia 100% Pura com Ácido Fúlvico Autêntico Shilajit - Resina Genuína de SHILAJIT Himalaia 100% Pura com Ácido Fúlvico
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