ATWATER Creme para os Olhos Masculino – Tratamento para Bolsas nos Olhos – Cuidados com a Pele para Reduzir Olheiras, Bolsas Sob os Olhos, Inchaço e Fórmula Anti-Envelhecimento – Hidratante para Linhas Finas – 30g
O creme para os olhos ATWATER foi especialmente formulado para atender às necessidades da pele masculina, focando na delicada área ao redor dos olhos. Com uma textura leve e de rápida absorção, este produto é ideal para homens que buscam um olhar mais descansado e rejuvenescido. Sua fórmula inovadora combina ingredientes poderosos que atuam diretamente nas olheiras, bolsas e inchaço, proporcionando um tratamento eficaz e visível.
Enriquecido com peptídeos e aminoácidos, o creme ajuda a firmar a pele, reduzindo a aparência de rugas e linhas finas. A presença de antioxidantes na composição protege a pele contra os danos causados pelos radicais livres, enquanto a cafeína atua na constrição dos vasos sanguíneos, minimizando o inchaço e as olheiras. O resultado é um olhar mais jovem e revitalizado, pronto para enfrentar o dia a dia.
Com 30g de produto em um tubo prático, o creme é perfeito para ser levado em viagens ou para o uso diário, cabendo facilmente em qualquer nécessaire. A fórmula é testada por oftalmologistas, garantindo segurança e eficácia, e é livre de parabenos, fragrâncias e crueldade animal, tornando-se uma escolha consciente para o cuidado da pele masculina.
- Hidratação intensa e específica para a área dos olhos, combatendo a secura e o cansaço.
- Redução visível de olheiras e bolsas, proporcionando um olhar mais fresco e descansado.
- Fórmula anti-envelhecimento que suaviza rugas e linhas finas, promovendo uma aparência mais jovem.
- Praticidade do tamanho de viagem, ideal para cuidados em qualquer lugar, seja no trabalho ou em viagens.
- Produto hipoalergênico e livre de substâncias nocivas, garantindo segurança para todos os tipos de pele.
Para melhores resultados, comece limpando e tonificando a pele ao redor dos olhos. Aplique uma pequena quantidade do creme na ponta dos dedos e distribua suavemente na área ao redor dos olhos, evitando o contato direto com os olhos. Massageie delicadamente até que o produto seja completamente absorvido. Recomenda-se o uso diário, tanto pela manhã quanto à noite, para maximizar os benefícios e manter a pele sempre hidratada e rejuvenescida.
strawberrykitten –
I have been trying to get the hubby into more skincare and he definitely could use under eye skin care, so this one looked like a great eye cream to try out! This is supposed to be for men, but I tried it alongside the hubby and it was fine for me too! Although, it is small, but eye creams are usually in small amounts since you only need a little bit at a time. I like that it is vegan and cruelty free, and the hubby loves the caffeine and that it’s fragrance free too. It’s very soft on the skin, caused us no irritation, and absorbs well without leaving any stickiness. Overall, I could recommend this cream to any gender as it works well for all eyes. 🙂
Steve –
After using up the entire container I do see some difference in my under eyes. There is some tightening that makes sure those bags are less noticeable. Also provides a nice amount of moisture
Kelly –
This product is thick, and a little goes a long way. It massages into the skin smoothly and easily, and the feel is very rich. It also is unscented and doesn’t irritate my skin or my eyes, which I appreciate. I like the texture a lot, and it makes my undereye area feel more moisturized. However, I don’t see any visible results.
RestlessinPhoenix –
This is the second Atwater product I’ve tried. I’ve been impressed both times. This is a men’s eye cream that arrives in a .5-fluid ounce tube. I noticed very quickly that it takes only a small amount for the cream to immerse in the area around my eyes. The first time I used it, I used too much and it felt heavier. As I adapted, I found that this goes on very lightly and immerses well.
This is targeted for men and built for all skin types. I sometimes have issues with eye creams due to sensitive skin, however, I’ve not had any issues with this cream.
I really, really like the inclusion of caffeine here. I’ve had positive results from caffeine before and I’ve found this particular cream really has a nice balance of ingredients. The caffeine is just a great touch that brightens my eyes and reduces darkness.
This cream is also designed to lift and firm wrinkles. Again, after using this cream for a bit I’m finding it really accomplishes this nicely. This isn’t a quick fix. It’s really doing nice things for the area around my eyes. I look healthier. I look more energized. I don’t look so tired all the time. It’s great.
Overall, I’m just really pleased with Atwater and will no doubt try other products. I’m super impressed and this eye cream is exactly what I was looking for to help my eyes.
Ash –
Got this for my husband. He says he likes it better than much more expensive products, as this one leaves his eye area softer.
He hasn’t experienced any irritation, which is always a huge plus in eye products.
He really likes it and plans to get more when he runs out.
Not sure if he has noticed any benefits, but the fact that he likes how it makes his skin feel means he’ll continue using it, in hopes to see any results.
Ron –
I was a bit surprised on the size of the tube but I guess I should have read the description better.
Being that it’s only for under the eyes, you really need a tiny amount. So the tube should last long.
I get dark circles under my eyes, especially during allergy season. I figured I’d give this a shot so I don’t look like I haven’t slept in a week.
It does tighten up the skin under my eyes where the black circles are about 70% gone.
There is no smell that I can notice.
A bit pricey for such a tiny tube though.
I have not noticed fine lines disappearing though.
Ron –
I decided to try this Eye Armor Men’s Eye Cream by ATWATER due to its high price. I thought a very expensive cosmetic product would be much better and create a better result. I was wrong.
This is an expensive eye cream but disappointingly does not deliver. The cream is so thick that it is hard to apply around the eyes especially underneath. Due to its almost solid consistency, it is hard to apply. Instead of providing protection, it messes up the delicate skin area around my eyes. I have to add a tiny amount of water to my finger and mix it with the cream so it can be applied. My skin also seems having a hard time absorbing this cream.
Overall, this is a disappointing pricey eye cream.
Ralph –
Really tightened the skin around my eyes.