Astepro Spray Nasal – Alívio de Alergia
O Astepro Spray Nasal é um produto inovador que oferece alívio eficaz para sintomas de alergia, como congestão nasal e coriza, por até 24 horas. Com uma fórmula antialérgica sem esteroides, ele proporciona um alívio duradouro e seguro, ideal para quem busca uma solução prática e eficiente para lidar com as incômodas reações alérgicas. A sua ação rápida, que começa em apenas 30 minutos, permite que você retome suas atividades diárias sem interrupções.
Desenvolvido para atender tanto a alergias internas quanto externas, o Astepro Spray Nasal é a escolha perfeita para quem sofre com alérgenos como pólen, poeira e pelos de animais. Sua fórmula avançada age diretamente nas causas da congestão nasal, proporcionando um alívio completo e eficaz. Além disso, por ser livre de esteroides, álcool e fragrâncias, é uma opção segura para pessoas com narinas sensíveis ou que preferem evitar certos ingredientes.
- Alívio Rápido: Começa a agir em apenas 30 minutos, proporcionando alívio imediato dos sintomas alérgicos.
- Efeito Prolongado: Oferece alívio por até 24 horas, permitindo que você viva seu dia sem interrupções.
- Força de Prescrição, Sem Receita: Acesso fácil a um spray nasal de força total sem a necessidade de consulta médica.
- Versatilidade: Eficaz contra alérgenos internos e externos, adaptando-se a diferentes ambientes e situações.
- Gentileza na Fórmula: Livre de esteroides, álcool e fragrâncias, ideal para quem tem narinas sensíveis.
Para utilizar o Astepro Spray Nasal, siga as instruções abaixo:
- Agite o frasco suavemente antes de cada uso.
- Assoe o nariz gentilmente para limpar as vias nasais.
- Remova a tampa protetora do frasco.
- Mantenha o frasco com o polegar na parte inferior e o indicador e o dedo médio nas laterais.
- Incline a cabeça levemente para frente e insira o bico em uma das narinas, direcionando-o para a parte de trás do nariz.
- Pressione firmemente a bomba para liberar o spray enquanto respira suavemente pelo nariz.
- Repita o processo na outra narina.
- Após cada uso, limpe o bico com um lenço limpo e recoloque a tampa protetora.
Seguir estas instruções cuidadosamente garantirá o uso adequado e a máxima eficácia do Astepro Spray Nasal.
Scott D Hopkins –
For years, this product was not over the counter and only prescription… with a very high co-pay. The fact that I can order this from Amazon now has changed my life. Ask your doctor about it. It is the best of it its kind on the market and as good as any script you night be asked to get….
Pat Wickham –
This product works great but has a terrible taste that takes a while to get rid of.
DS –
I have a ton of experience with this product. You must tilt your head forward towards you knees when you spray it. The directions say to do it this way specifically to avoid the medicine draining down the back of your throat and thereby giving you the terrible taste. Another tip is, once you spray the solution, avoid the temptation to sniffle in. That will also drag it to the back of your throat! Just simply pinch your nose and let the medicine stay in there for a while (maybe 20 seconds) and settle, then lift your head and you will be fine. It is a great medicine, but you really need to learn to do this to appreciate it!
AJ –
This brand is the best nasal allergy spray that money can buy. It’s not cheap but is really worth it.
L. Nobles –
Our family was recommenced by our family doctor to take this product to help during especially heavy allergy season this Spring. Unfortunately, after repeated use it didn’t work for us. We switched back to Allegra which was more effective.
James –
While this nasal does appear to work, the taste is just too gross for me to continue using. I had been meaning to give this a try and finally when my Flonase ran out I decided it was the perfect time to start. At first it was like any other nasal spray, you get a good mist into the nostrils. It wasn’t until a few minutes that I began to notice what I thought was user error, maybe I sprayed too far up the nostrils and was getting post nasal drip of the medicine. This has happened before with other products but it never lingered like this. I frantically went to the review section for this product to see if anyone else has experienced this. Apparently the unpleasant taste is quite common.
Regardless of the effectiveness of this product I would much rather just suffer with my symptoms than deal with the taste. I ended up using a nasal saline to flush my nose which helped alleviate the taste. I also popped some lozanges to mask the taste.
And yes I promptly threw it in the trash.
Mark T HarmonMark T HarmonAmazon Customer –
V directions say to use this product with your head tilting forward, but I find it works best with my head tilted back. It gets into my system better and works quickly. I love it.
B –
My seasonal allergies seem to get worse every year. I read that this is better for nose related allergy symptoms than your normal OTC allergy pill. My review is based off of relief of having a very stuffy nose.
There are a lot of negative reviews about side effects and having a bitter taste in the mouth after using the spray. It is extremely important to follow the instructions on how to use this spray, and better yet, check out their videos. If you take this standing in a regular position with the nozzle point up into your nose you’re gonna have a bad time.
The first time I used this product I did not read the instructions and I did have a bad time via bitter taste, sinus headache, and scant bloody noses. After regrouping for a couple days I tried this medication with the correct technique. It has worked wonders!!! I use it at night when my nose starts to get stuffy. I usually have relief for a couple of days. I end up using this product at night about 3 times a week.
To summarize the technique: stand with your chin on your chest. When you aim the nozzle in your nostril imagine pointing it towards the back of your head not the top, and aim the nozzle slightly out towards the ear. When you spray the medication do NOT breathe in forcefully through your nose. Take tiny puff inhales through your nose. Repeat on the other side. I keep my chin down on my chest for about a minute. Wipe any excess medication the drips out.
I have not had an issue with a bitter taste or adverse side effects. I do notice a slightly sweet taste about 15-30min after taking the medicine. More importantly I’m able to prevent mouth breathing at night. This has greatly increased my comfort and reduced my nasal allergy symptoms.