aSquared Nutrition Cúrcuma Curcumina 1300mg com Extrato de Pimenta Preta BioPerine – 180 Cápsulas
O aSquared Nutrition Cúrcuma Curcumina 1300mg é um suplemento natural em cápsulas que combina a potência da cúrcuma com a eficácia do extrato de pimenta preta BioPerine. Cada porção contém 1300mg de cúrcuma, dos quais 100mg são compostos por 95% de curcuminoides, garantindo uma absorção ideal e maximizada dos seus benefícios. Com 180 cápsulas por frasco, este produto é uma excelente opção para quem busca um suporte à saúde geral, oferecendo propriedades anti-inflamatórias e antioxidantes.
A cúrcuma, conhecida por suas propriedades medicinais, é um aliado poderoso na promoção da saúde cardiovascular e na manutenção da função cerebral normal. A adição de BioPerine, um extrato de pimenta preta, potencializa a absorção dos curcuminoides, tornando este suplemento ainda mais eficaz. Ideal para quem busca melhorar a mobilidade das articulações, a cúrcuma ajuda a aliviar dores musculares e rigidez, sendo uma escolha popular entre atletas e pessoas ativas. Além disso, seus efeitos antioxidantes contribuem para um sistema imunológico fortalecido e um corpo mais saudável.
1. Cápsulas de Máxima Potência: Com 1300mg de cúrcuma por porção, você obtém uma dose concentrada de curcuminoides para maximizar os benefícios.
2. Melhor Custo-Benefício: 180 cápsulas oferecem um suprimento de 90 dias, superando marcas concorrentes que oferecem doses menores.
3. Suporte à Mobilidade das Articulações: Reduz dores e rigidez, ideal para quem pratica atividades físicas regularmente.
4. Enormes Benefícios para a Saúde: Apoia a saúde do coração e a função cerebral, promovendo bem-estar geral.
5. Poderoso Antioxidante: Fortalece o sistema imunológico e ajuda a desintoxicar o corpo, combatendo radicais livres.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 2 cápsulas diariamente, preferencialmente com uma refeição. É aconselhável consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer regime de suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos.
Susan B Chase –
My husband and I have been taking Turmeric Curcumin for one month and noticed a difference in our well being immediately. We both suffer from arthritis and the pain from our arthritis has been debilitating at times. For example, I used to enjoy mowing our lawn and other gardening work, but one hour behind our mower left me in pain for 2 or more days and crippled to the point I almost couldn’t walk after the one hour mow. This past Sunday I raked and pulled tarp loads of leaves across our property for 3 hours surprising myself that I lasted that long. I feared I wouldn’t sleep that night because the pain would catch up to me as it had in the past when I overworked myself. No pain ever emerged! No need to take any pain medication either. This has been an amazing supplement. And, i read this past week that taking Curcumin is excellent for brain health. We are sold on this product!
Charlotte in Alabama –
Excellent product! I recently learned about the dynamic benefits of Turmeric + black pepper + coconut (or olive) oil for arthritis and fibromyalgia pain and swelling. I am getting amazing results. My daughter-in-law had learned of this trio for arthritis for their dog, who is old and has had a hip broken twice, resulting in severe arthritis. I saw the dog in December 2015, and she was really having a hard time moving about, literally dragging her left leg. The next time I saw her, 3 months later, it was as if she had backed up in time 3 or 4 years; it was literally astonishing to see her getting around as if pain free. She had been given Golden Turmeric Paste for a couple of months. I knew I had to try it. I never made the paste, because I found aSquared Turmeric Curcumin with BioPerine on Amazon. I took it with a Tbsp. coconut oil, and it reduced my pain level over night. (I have been on prescription medicine for arthritis for over 20 years, and have been able to stop the meds within 3 days of starting this Turmeric + coconut oil.) This product has been much more effective for me. Within a few hours of first taking it, I had a major detoxing effect. I believe toxins had built up in my joints. My doctor was talking about knee replacement surgery on my left knee — no way that is happening now! The swelling is down, pain has greatly decreased, and motion is much better. I am now mixing a half capsule with our cat’s canned food and pouring a Tbsp. olive oil on it. She seems to like it, and her appetite has picked up. She had been a finicky eater and had pain in one leg. Based on my results, I highly recommend this product for chronic pain.
Elka –
A Squared sent my order out immediately. I had this order at my house within a couple of days. I held off putting a review up, waiting to see how well this worked for my chronic pain conditions. Seriously, there is improvement. Hard to believe that I have some relief.
I didn’t start with this product. Before I ordered this, I had ordered tea, with the same ingredients. I noticed a slight improvement.
But now, taking 2 of these a day, and an occasional tea, I see a noticeable difference. Certainly worth a try if you are suffering from chronic pain. I read all the reviews. Some say it didn’t make a difference, many say it helped. I am one of the lucky ones. It’s working.
Cajun-Yankee –
This is not the greatest thing since sliced bread, as some would have you believe, but it does seem to offer a benefit in pain reduction. For those of us who live with daily pain, any improvement is welcome. I tried this on a whim because my wife wanted to try it. She found no improvement, and in fact, thought her pain worsened. With that, she stopped taking it. On the other hand, I saw an improvement in about two weeks after I began taking it. This is good, because I believe that the vast majority of dietary supplements take a month or longer to show any benefit. When the bottle was empty, I had to decide whether to continue or not. I decided to continue, and that should tell you all you need to know.
Started using this product around May 1, 2018 to see if it would help alleviate joint pain…mostly in my hips. I was somewhat reluctant and discussed same with my Orthopedist prior to starting. He said that he had heard some good results from people who tried Turmeric and that it seemed to help with anti-inflammatory issues.
After about 10-14 days I noticed significant lessening of pain in my rt. hip which had been plaguing me for about 3-4 months. After another couple of weeks I noticed much reduced pain in my L hip which I have had for several years. Now, after nearly 10 weeks, I have virtually no pain in either hip that I especially would notice after walking for 1/4-1/2 mile. I have so advised my doctor of this fact and he is elated that it has seemed to work so well for me and will be informing other patients of my experience.
I am 75 yrs old and usage of this product has really helped with my mobility. I have no hesitation in recommending that anyone having joint issues and pain as a result of inflammation give this a try, but be sure you use a product that contains a pepper extract ingredient such as Bioperine, as contained in this USA made “aSquared” product, for appropriate absorption into your system. I would also recommend that you first check with your doctor before trying this or any similar product.
Product Update 3/13/2019 –
I feel I have had reasonably good results from this product after nearly a fully years usage. I did have one setback around the Christmas/New Year Holidays and had to have a cortisone injection in the rt. hip area for the degenerative labral tear. I had no illusions that this herb would totally eliviate the rt. hip pain because of the tear and since this type of tear does not heal on its own and surgical intervention may well be warranted at some future point. However, I believe continued usage of this product has certainly helped with reducing inflamation and pain in other areas, including my L-hip and other joints. I have been doing a lot of moving around and lifting of relatively heavy objects over the past 90 days while clearing my storage unit and which I feel exacerbated the issue with my R/hip. I plan on continuing usage of this product for the foreseable future.
Update: 1/7/2020
It has been over 1-1/2 yrs. since I started using this product and I still feel that I am getting very good results from its anti-inflammatory properties. The labral tear pain in my rt. hip is still there but does not bother me nearly as much as it did before I started taking Turmeric. Because I am now 77yrs old, I have other degenerative changes in my body, i.e., wrist/hand/finger joints, etc. I strongly recommend anyone having degenerative joint issues to give this product a try. Use it for a reasonable period of time, 60-90 days before you make any judgement. Fortunately, this product is reasonably priced and should be easier on your system as opposed to prescription drugs.