A Caralluma Fimbriata 1200mg – 180 Cápsulas da aSquared Nutrition é um suplemento natural de perda de peso que oferece uma solução eficaz e segura para quem busca emagrecer de forma saudável. Com uma fórmula concentrada e potente, este produto é uma excelente opção para suprimir o apetite, aumentar a energia e melhorar o metabolismo.
Com 180 cápsulas por frasco, você terá um suprimento completo para 3 meses de uso, o que representa um excelente custo-benefício em comparação com outros produtos disponíveis no mercado. Além disso, nossa fórmula é testada quanto à potência e pureza, garantindo a máxima qualidade.
A Caralluma Fimbriata é uma planta suculenta (cacto) que tem sido utilizada há séculos na Índia. Ela é conhecida por sua capacidade de aumentar a resistência e a energia, sem causar os efeitos colaterais indesejados de outros suplementos. Ao ingerir a Caralluma, você estará combatendo a fadiga e mantendo seu corpo em pleno funcionamento.
Nossa formulação é 100% pura e concentrada, com 1200mg de Caralluma Fimbriata por porção diária (2 cápsulas vegetais). Diferente de outros produtos que oferecem uma fórmula impura e com menor concentração, nossas cápsulas são vegetarianas e garantem a máxima eficácia.
A aSquared Nutrition se preocupa com a qualidade e segurança de seus produtos. Por isso, nossa fórmula é livre de enchimentos desnecessários, aglutinantes, conservantes potencialmente prejudiciais ou organismos geneticamente modificados (OGMs). Todos os nossos complexos e suplementos passam por rigorosos testes de controle de qualidade antes de serem engarrafados e vendidos. Além disso, nossa fórmula é fabricada em uma instalação certificada GMP nos Estados Unidos, garantindo a máxima qualidade.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomendamos o uso de 2 cápsulas por dia. Você logo perceberá uma diferença em seu metabolismo, com uma melhora na supressão do apetite e redução da circunferência da cintura. Aproveite para combinar a Caralluma Fimbriata com outros produtos da aSquared Nutrition, como Canela do Ceilão (100% natural), Forskolin 500mg, Complexo de Limpeza de Candida, CoQ10 400mg, Cardo de Leite 1000mg, Garcinia Cambogia, Extrato de Café Verde, DHEA 100mg, Chá Verde e Resveratrol 1000mg.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Suplemento natural de perda de peso altamente concentrado
- 180 cápsulas por frasco, oferecendo um suprimento completo para 3 meses
- Fórmula 100% pura e vegetariana, garantindo máxima eficácia
- Livre de enchimentos, aglutinantes, conservantes potencialmente prejudiciais ou OGMs
- Fabricado em uma instalação certificada GMP nos Estados Unidos
- Redução significativa do apetite, facilitando o controle da ingestão calórica.
- Aumento da energia e resistência, ideal para quem pratica atividades físicas.
- Melhora no metabolismo, contribuindo para a queima de gordura.
- Uso de ingredientes naturais, promovendo uma abordagem saudável para a perda de peso.
- Suprimento prolongado com 180 cápsulas, garantindo um uso contínuo e eficaz.
Para obter os melhores resultados, tome 2 cápsulas por dia. Recomendamos tomar as cápsulas com água, de preferência antes das refeições. Não exceda a dose diária recomendada. É importante manter uma dieta equilibrada e um estilo de vida ativo para potencializar os efeitos do suplemento.
Susan –
aSquared Nutrition’s Caralluma Fimbriata supplement is designed as a natural weight loss aid. Derived from the roots of the Caralluma Fimbriata plant, this supplement aims to suppress appetite, boost energy, and support lean muscle mass.
* **Appetite suppression:** Caralluma Fimbriata is believed to help reduce hunger cravings by increasing satiety and reducing ghrelin, the hormone that triggers hunger.
* **Energy boost:** The supplement contains caffeine, which can provide a temporary boost in alertness and energy levels.
* **Lean muscle support:** By reducing appetite and promoting satiety, Caralluma Fimbriata may help individuals consume fewer calories and maintain lean muscle mass.
* **Natural ingredients:** The supplement is made with 100% pure Caralluma Fimbriata extract, making it a natural and plant-based option for weight management.
**Dosage and Usage**
The recommended dosage is 2 capsules per day, taken with a meal. It’s important to follow the dosage instructions carefully and to consult with a healthcare professional before taking any supplements.
Individual results may vary based on factors such as diet, exercise, and metabolism. Some users report experiencing reduced appetite and increased energy levels within the first few weeks of use. It’s recommended to use the supplement consistently for at least 6 weeks to observe optimal results.
Caralluma Fimbriata is generally considered safe for most adults. However, it’s not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women, individuals with gastrointestinal issues, or those taking certain medications. It’s always advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before using any supplements.
aSquared Nutrition’s Caralluma Fimbriata is a natural weight loss supplement that may aid in appetite suppression, energy enhancement, and lean muscle support. While results may vary, the supplement can be a useful addition to a balanced weight management plan. It’s important to use the supplement as directed and to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized guidance.
C. Callosa –
Caralluma Fimbriata is probably the best thing you can purchase if you want an appetite suppressant without any other effects (such as metabolism enhancement).
I’ve had issues over the years with stress eating, so I wanted something that could reduce appetite without any other huge physiological effects. I’m glad to report that these have fit the bill perfectly. Contrary to the labeling, there seems to be little impact from using more than the recommended dosage; I’ve found that taking them “as needed” fits my desired impact perfectly and without any unusual effects. (YMMV of course — do your own research first.) For me, 6-8 throughout the course of the day helps keep everything in check, and all the benefits of simply eating less come with it.
The 1200mg dosage is indeed “maximum strength”, at least from what’s normally available on Amazon. The bottle is literally filled to the brim with product as well. They should probably move to a larger-sized bottle for this quantity, so they can add dessicant or whatever, but I haven’t noticed any problems resulting from that, it was just surprising.
Anyway — excellent product. There are other ways to suppress your appetite with fat-burners and the like, but if you want to target JUST your appetite, definitely give these a try!
A Customer –
I have never tried an appetite suppressant, and I was very skeptical whether this natural product would work. I have only been taking it for three days, but I am so impressed by the difference it makes. I binge eat due to stress and have gained 40 lb in the last year because of that. I knew I wasn’t overeating because I was hungry; rather, I was eating for psychological reasons because of a ton stress. I wasn’t sure this product would help in my situation. It does. My binge eating only occurred after about 2 pm and then into the night. I never overeat before 2 pm, so I decided to take the CF at noon every day. What a difference! I was not even tempted to binge eat. I ate a normal dinner and that was it. No bags of cookies, crackers, cheese, candy, ice cream, etc. I had no desire to eat anything other than a modest dinner. This is fantastic! Some people in reviews complain about the size of the capsules, but they seem pretty normal to me. No aftertaste. No problem. I have lost 4 lb. in these first 3 days. I know there can be a honeymoon period on any new thing, so it will be interesting to see if the CF continues to work for me. All I can say is I am totally pleased and I am looking forward to losing the 40 pounds I gained.
Kim –
I have been taking these supplements pretty much twice daily. Some days I only take one. Usually, make sure it is after I have eaten something. Have not experienced any issues and it does not upset my stomach. Turning 50 this year, I am 20 lbs heavier than I would like to be. I can almost just look at food and put on weight. The gym doesn’t interest me and I never really had to exercise before.
Figured I had nothing to lose by trying this product. It’s been 3 weeks now and I have lost 10 lbs. Watch what I eat a bit better and have cut down a tad on my portions. Still not exercising. So I am happy with the results. I’d rather lose the weight slowly and have it stay off. Will add to my review in a few weeks.
Recommend for anyone wanting to lose a small amount. Results should be better with regular exercise.