O Aspercreme Max Força Lidocaína Alívio da Dor Adesivo XL (3 Unidades) é a solução ideal para quem busca um alívio rápido e eficaz da dor. Com uma fórmula potente que contém lidocaína a 4%, esses adesivos são projetados para atingir os nervos e entorpecer a dor, proporcionando um conforto imediato para áreas como costas, pescoço e ombros. O tamanho XL dos adesivos, que é 71% maior do que os adesivos originais, garante uma cobertura ampla, permitindo que você trate áreas maiores do corpo com facilidade.
Além de sua eficácia, os adesivos Aspercreme se destacam por serem sem odor, oferecendo um alívio discreto que não chama atenção. A aplicação é simples e prática, e o adesivo é feito de um tecido flexível que se adapta ao corpo, permitindo que você se mova livremente enquanto desfruta do alívio. Com uma duração de até 8 horas, esses adesivos são perfeitos para quem precisa de um suporte contínuo ao longo do dia, seja no trabalho, durante atividades físicas ou em momentos de descanso.
1. Alívio rápido e eficaz: A lidocaína de máxima potência proporciona um alívio imediato da dor, ideal para quem sofre com desconfortos nas costas, pescoço e ombros.
2. Fórmula sem odor: A ausência de fragrância garante um uso discreto, sem preocupações com odores indesejados.
3. Tamanho extra grande: A cobertura ampliada dos adesivos XL permite tratar áreas maiores, aumentando a eficácia do alívio.
4. Alívio duradouro: Com até 8 horas de ação, os adesivos oferecem um suporte contínuo, permitindo que você siga sua rotina sem interrupções.
5. Marca confiável: Reconhecida como a marca de lidocaína tópica número 1 nos EUA, a Aspercreme assegura qualidade e resultados comprovados.
Para utilizar os adesivos de alívio da dor Aspercreme, comece removendo o filme protetor do adesivo. Aplique-o diretamente na área afetada, garantindo que a pele esteja limpa e seca para uma melhor adesão. Os adesivos podem ser usados por até 8 horas, proporcionando alívio prolongado. Após esse período, remova o adesivo e, se necessário, aplique um novo. É importante consultar um médico antes de usar se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tiver alguma condição médica pré-existente.
Worked well for my knee. Would buy again.
Anne Reina –
I bought this item to have in my home in case I strain my lower back once again. I’ve used this product
last year and thought it best to have it handy just in case.
Mary Brooks –
No odor. Easy to apply and also easy to reposition.
Sunshine –
Great value, good price. Works great for my needs and lasts a long time. Stays put too.
KK4DogMom –
These lidocaine patches work very well, and don’t have a scent (yay!). But more importantly, they are worth the little bit of extra $ to me because they are easier to use (much easier to peel the backing off!!!) and, at least for me and for my mother, they adhere slightly better and stay on slightly better than the Amazon Basics version of the same item.
I’ve used these with success on my back and neck and shoulder to help with radiculopathy pain from spinal stenosis and general muscle tension, as well as on my knees for arthritis pain, on my hip for pain from torn cartilage and bone spur, and on lower back for sciatica pain. My mother has used them for post-surgical pain from cervical spine surgery – they were used on her in the hospital as well. Highly recommend if you have acute or chronic pain.
D –
I purchased these as well as Salonpas to have on hand. Came time that I needed them I was glad to have both.
I tried the Salonpas the first day. They worked well but didn’t have any give so when skin moved and stretched they didn’t stretch with it. I’d purchased these in the store previously and they stuck well but that was some years ago and on a different part of my body. Apparently they changed something in the manufacturing because they don’t stick as well as they used to.
The next day I used the Aspercreme patches. After showering, towel drying well, and air drying for a few minutes to insure my skin was completely dry I placed the pad on my skin. You have to pull these to separate the 2 pieces of plastic stuck to it so I knew immediately it would have some give. I liked the way it stretched but returned to it’s original size afterwards. After removing both sides of the plastic to make it easier to hit the spot on my back where I needed it I realized why they suggest removing the smallest piece of plastic first. It’s a bit flimsy so it’s difficult to work with unless the spot you need it is easily accessible or you have someone helping you. Unfortunately I was on my own and because the area was on my back starting with one side wasn’t possible.
Both the Salonpas and the Aspercreme pads gave me relief. The Salonpas weren’t flexible at all and didn’t stick very well. In fact they started peeling away from my skin immediately. The Aspercreme pads are very flexible and have some stretch so they worked better for the spot I needed them on. I must say I was a bit disappointed because even though they stuck well the first few hours they eventually started peeling as well.
For me the Aspercreme worked better but honestly I was a bit disappointed with both.
Linda A. –
This product edges DO NOT stay in place. I wash the my affected areas and I also wipe the areas down with alcohol. It’s a waste of my time straighting out the edges re-laying them back down. This product in my opinion is a waste of my money &time.. I will go back to purchasing the lotion formula. I will not suggest the patches product to family&friends.
DM –
Fast working. Easy to apply . No odor.