Descrição do Produto: AS-IS Simply 16 fl oz (31 Servings) | Omega-3 Smoothie de Óleo de Peixe | Promove a Saúde do Coração
O AS-IS Simply é um smoothie de 16 fl oz que oferece uma maneira prática e deliciosa de incorporar ácidos graxos ômega-3 à sua dieta. Com 31 porções, este produto é formulado a partir de óleo de peixe de alta qualidade, conhecido por seus benefícios à saúde cardiovascular. Cada porção fornece uma dose concentrada de ômega-3, que é essencial para a manutenção de um coração saudável, ajudando a reduzir os níveis de triglicerídeos e a pressão arterial. O sabor suave e a textura cremosa tornam este smoothie uma opção versátil que pode ser consumida sozinha ou adicionada a shakes, iogurtes e smoothies de frutas. Ideal para quem busca uma alimentação equilibrada e deseja melhorar sua saúde de forma prática e saborosa.
1. Saúde Cardiovascular: Contribui para a redução dos níveis de triglicerídeos e melhora a saúde do coração.
2. Fácil Integração na Dieta: Pode ser consumido puro ou misturado a outras receitas, facilitando a inclusão de ômega-3 na alimentação diária.
3. Rico em Nutrientes: Fonte de ácidos graxos essenciais que o corpo não produz naturalmente.
4. Apoio à Função Cerebral: Os ômega-3 são conhecidos por promoverem a saúde cognitiva e a memória.
5. Ação Anti-inflamatória: Ajuda a reduzir inflamações no corpo, promovendo um bem-estar geral.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se consumir uma porção (aproximadamente 0,5 oz ou 15 ml) do AS-IS Simply diariamente. O produto pode ser ingerido diretamente ou adicionado a smoothies, iogurtes ou cereais. Agite bem antes de usar para garantir a homogeneidade do conteúdo. Armazene em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, e consuma dentro de 30 dias após aberto para preservar a qualidade e os benefícios do produto.
Charlie –
Note: When taking this, the serving size is one tablespoon, not a juice cup full. Take it before you brush your teeth and use your mouth wash. This way, it will remove the aftertaste of the product. It’s not bad going down, it’s the after taste. However, considering what it is exactly, you must expect something. We use it occasionally around here. It doesn’t make you go yum yum, let me take a serving of that! Overall, B+ rating on this product
Reviewing: AS-IS Simply 16 fl oz (31 Servings) | Omega-3 Smoothie from Fish Oil | Promotes Heart & Brain Health | Dairy & Sugar Free | Natural Mango Flavor
RachelS –
I didn’t really enjoy this. The Mango flavor was artificial, and the fish oil taste was prominent. I don’t mind fish oil, and I add it to fresh smoothies I make quite often, but what I took issue with here was that this product is marketed as a “smoothie” and “ready to drink” but I’d much rather just add fish oil to anything else than drink this on it’s own. Sorry!
GT –
I was pleasantly surprised with this mango-flavored fish oil. The consistency and taste can pass for a mango smoothie. I wasn’t able to detect that much of a fishy flavor and overall did not have much GI sensitivity with it. Compared to other liquid omega 3 supplements though you will need to take a bit more of this to obtain similar amounts of omega-3. In order to get 1500 mg of EPA and 1000 mg DHA to achieve my medical goals I would have to take 3 tablespoons. This amounts to 210 calories and 108 g of cholesterol! This might be something I would take just to change things up, but I don’t think I would be able to take this every day.
Sarah –
This stuff is actually pretty tasty, very fruity although I get a very slight sense of fish with it, it is not enough to make me stop using it. This omega 3 smoothie is really good with no nasty after taste and blends easily with other juice, smoothies, or whatever. I like mixing mine with a passionfruit kombucha shot and it is delicious.
Miles –
I’m sure you’ll be tempted by the idea of a smoothie that promotes heart and brain health, not to mention that it would have rare mango taste. But don’t be deceived. This is absolutely horrid. There are so many things wrong with it. First off, don’t be fooled by the ‘smoothie’ description. Yes, it does have a texture that is similar to a smoothie. But it’s not something that you’ll be chugging like any soft drink. Take careful note that serving size is not 1 bottle, it is 1 Tbsp. So you don’t chug it down but rather portion it off like you are taking in medicine. You don’t dilute it nor squirt it into a glass cup. Chug at your own risk if you want to get a taste of that mango flavoring, which brings me to the second thing wrong with it – the mango flavoring is bland. It’s not the “sweet I want to keep drinking it” type, it’s the “bland can’t satisfy my sweet tooth” type. And the worst part of this product is that it carries a very heavy heady aftertaste of fish oil. It’s so bad that your breath will smell fishy after taking a little bit of this. I’ve taken fish oil supplements before and it wasn’t this bad. I’m really all for the health benefits of this product. And as long as they drop the ‘smoothie’ advert and fix the fishy aftertaste this product may be worth lookin at.
B. Brooks –
The lid to the bottle was cracked when I received it, but the inside seal was intact, so I don’t think that affected the product inside. However, the taste is so bad that I will not be able to take it. The recommended dose is 1 T/day, and I can’t imagine choking down that much.
Sarah –
This “simply as is” omega 3 smoothie is thick and creamy. It does coat your mouth for a bit when taken straight. Like when you eat a super high fat content creamy ice cream, you know that coated feeling you get? I definitely get a mango taste. I’ve only ever taken it cold from the fridge and take it straight. I can’t taste any fishy flavor and I don’t like fish. I get a few fishy, nothingsuper noticeable. It does say to shake before use and to refrigerate after opening and to use within 3 months of opening. In difficult print the lot number and expiration date is printed vertically anove the upc code. 1 tablespoon is a serving and it comes with 31 servings. It doesn’t have added sugar, but is sweetened with xylitol. The amazon page says it is processed in the US, but the bottle says it is a product of Canada and manufactured for the company that is based out of California. So, I’m a little confused there. They do provide a phone number to call. The amazon page says it is independently tested and come below dectable limits for mercury. I just have to take their word for it. It does have 70 calories, where pills don’t. But, if you can’t take huge fish pills this would work great. Overall, I’m very happy with it
GT –
I had my son add this to his regular mango and papaya smoothie. He said he couldn’t really taste it at all which is probably a good thing in general when it comes to additives. But it does give you the breakdown of omega-3‘s that you need on a daily basis. He said when he tasted it by itself, there was a little bit of a fishy taste, but in the smoothie, he couldn’t taste it at all.