O esfoliante corporal de café artnaturals Natural Arabica Coffee Scrub é um produto incrível que oferece uma experiência de cuidados com a pele rejuvenescedora e revigorante. Com uma fórmula totalmente natural, este esfoliante é perfeito para esfoliar suavemente a pele do rosto, mãos e corpo, removendo as células mortas e promovendo uma aparência mais saudável e jovem. Os grânulos de sal presentes no esfoliante ajudam a melhorar a textura, o tom e a aparência da pele, além de auxiliar na redução da celulite e acne.
Além disso, este esfoliante facial é um poderoso aliado no combate aos sinais de envelhecimento. A cafeína presente na fórmula ajuda a combater a acne, manchas de idade, manchas escuras, linhas finas e rugas. Ele também ajuda a clarear a aparência das olheiras ao redor dos olhos, proporcionando uma aparência mais jovem e radiante.
O esfoliante corporal de café artnaturals Natural Arabica Coffee Scrub também é eficaz na redução da aparência de estrias, celulite, varizes e veias de aranha. A combinação de sais do Mar Morto com café Kona estimula a circulação sanguínea, ajudando a melhorar a aparência desses problemas comuns da pele.
Além de todos esses benefícios, este esfoliante é altamente hidratante. Extratos botânicos, como o óleo de oliva, amêndoa doce e semente de uva, trabalham juntos para combater a secura e a irritação, enquanto hidratam profundamente a pele. O resultado é uma pele ultra macia, suave e bonita. E não podemos esquecer do aroma delicioso que este esfoliante proporciona. Você vai se sentir incrível e cheirar maravilhosamente bem.
A artnaturals é uma marca comprometida com a qualidade e a satisfação dos clientes. Todos os produtos são veganos, livres de sulfatos, glúten, crueldade animal e parabenos, além de serem livres de organismos geneticamente modificados (GMO). A satisfação é garantida ou seu dinheiro de volta.
- Esfoliação suave e eficaz: Remove suavemente as células mortas da pele, deixando-a mais saudável e rejuvenescida.
- Combate aos sinais de envelhecimento: A cafeína ajuda a reduzir rugas, linhas finas e manchas de idade, proporcionando uma aparência mais jovem.
- Redução da celulite e estrias: A combinação de sais do Mar Morto com café Kona estimula a circulação sanguínea, melhorando a aparência da celulite e estrias.
- Hidratação intensa: Extratos botânicos hidratam profundamente a pele, deixando-a macia e suave.
- Produtos de alta qualidade: A artnaturals é uma marca comprometida com a qualidade e a satisfação dos clientes, oferecendo produtos veganos e livres de substâncias nocivas.
Para obter os melhores resultados, aplique o esfoliante corporal de café artnaturals Natural Arabica Coffee Scrub na pele úmida durante o banho. Massageie suavemente em movimentos circulares, concentrando-se nas áreas problemáticas, como celulite, estrias e varizes. Enxágue bem e desfrute da sensação de uma pele renovada e hidratada. Recomenda-se o uso regular para manter a pele saudável e radiante.
highnotediva –
I can not get over how much I love this scrub. It has really helped me clean up all the dry skin and has given my skin a more buoyant appearance. It does not cause a rash or irritate my skin in any way, which is super hard for me to find items that do not do that. Leaves my skin feeling clean and fresh, I tend to only use this once and week and it helps all the same. Will be purchasing more when this is gone. A little bit tends to go a long way!
5catsforme –
Body scrubs are normally a hit or miss for me. Sometimes they are so oily that they leave slimy residue all over my skin and shower. Other times, they are so abrasive that they cause irritation and redness. I love using body scrubs, especially in the dry winter months. My skin always gets so dry and flaky. Using a good exfoliating scrub and following with a hydrating moisturizer always does the trick!
The coffee fragrance is soooo nice! I love everything coffee so this is right up my alley! It’s all that I smell so if you aren’t a fan of coffee scents, this probably isn’t going to be for you. The scent is pleasant but not ridiculously overpowering. I don’t smell it much on my skin after rinsing off.
Some body scrubs are incredibly oily which I don’t like. They not only leave a slimy residue on my skin but they make the tub dangerously slippery as well. That wasn’t the case with this body scrub. It is definitely on the dry, crumbly side. I would recommend applying this in your tub, not shower, as gravity is just going to make the scrub fall off your skin. I like to sit in my tub and apply the product. I can easily cover my legs and hit any problem areas (elbows, feet, etc) without having to worry about the shower spray washing it all off immediately! When I’m done, I just take my normal shower.
The first ingredient in this scrub is sea salt. I just wanted to throw that out there in case you had any papercuts! It will sting like craaaazy!!! Also, do NOT use this immediately after shaving. I made that mistake when I first started using body scrub years ago. OMG. Never again!!!!
The scrub is gritty and slightly abrasive. It does provide a nice exfoliation and is great for those rougher areas like elbows, knees, and feet. It does a nice job removing dry, flaky skin. Even though it is quite gritty, it didn’t cause any redness or irritation.
After rinsing, my skin felt super silky and smooth, NOT greasy like it has when using many other oil based coffee scrubs.
I didn’t find the scrub to be super moisturizing so following up with my regular moisturizer was a must!
Craig Witherspoon –
This has a great coffee smell and a very gritty texture and provides a really great scrub. It didn’t irritate my skin and I’d say I have pretty sensitive skin. I easily break out into hives usually but didn’t have any issues with this. I had shaved my legs the day prior and did feel a little irritation so definitely keep that in mind before use. It also leaves the shower a bit of a mess so you’ll need to make sure you rinse off after (didn’t leave any stains tho).
BookishTechie –
This artnaturals Natural Arabica Coffee Scrub is a 20oz jar of a whole body use exfoliating scrub. It smells very much like ground coffee that will really wake up your senses. The scrub was a bit dry in my opinion and needs a bit of moisture and water in the shower to make it use-able – but it definitely exfoliates well.
highnotediva –
So I love ArtNaturals brand products and I use them all the time, but I opened this jar and was immediately put off because it wasn’t sealed! The jar wasn’t shrink wrapped and their was no inner seal. I thought this must be tampered with and almost didn’t try it. But I did.
The smell is divine if you love the smell of coffee. Its very intense and maybe not for everyone. This scrub contains both coffee and salts and exfoliates really well. Its great for problem areas like heels, elbows and knees and dry hands. It left my skin very smooth, but its not a gentle scrub by any means. Might be too much for some.
What I don’t like about this scrub is the dryness. There are plant-derived oils in this blend, but the overall product is difficult to get out of the jar and spread because it so dry. It crumbles into the tub the minute you pick it up. Either there aren’t enough oils added or maybe its dried out due to the lack of an airtight seal. Someone suggested that maybe everything settled to the bottom, so I tried getting in there and moving the salts around to try to stir it up, but it still seems very dry to me. While the immediate exfoliating effect is good, it doesn’t really leave your skin hydrated, so I feel the need to moisturize afterward. I think I would like this a whole lot better if the consistency was better and it left my skin more hydrated.
Black Winged Angel –
I have noticed a significant change in my skin since I started using this product. It smells wonderful and leaves my skin feeling soft and nourished. I will continue to use it.
Farrah –
Used this scrub for the first time. It was great, I looked like I had been playing in the mud when I used it and I was worried that I would have to scrub my shower afterwards, but it rinsed cleanly and did not stain me nor my shower. I did have to give the shower an extra rinse to get all the little brown bits down the drain. My skin felt hydrated once dry without feeling oily. Hubby said “ooo your soft” There was no strong smell either. I do feel the granules are too course to use on my face. But for the body, its wonderful.
BookGeek607 –
I have purchased this repeatedly for a few years now. I recently ordered two more, and this is wildly different than it used to be. The smell is awful, it is not as moisturizing. I compared the back of the packaging and the ingredients are completely different. I will not buy this again. So disappointed.