Descrição do Produto: MICROBE-LIFT Ecological Laboratories Calcium Montmorillonite Clay, 6 lb
O MICROBE-LIFT Ecological Laboratories Calcium Montmorillonite Clay é um produto inovador e essencial para aquaristas e proprietários de lagos que buscam otimizar a saúde e o bem-estar de seus peixes. Com um peso de 6 libras, esta argila montmorilonita é rica em minerais que proporcionam uma nutrição essencial para os peixes através da ingestão mineral. A sua composição única não apenas melhora a coloração dos peixes, tornando-os mais vibrantes e saudáveis, mas também atua como um poderoso agente de desintoxicação e clarificação da água do lago.
A argila montmorilonita é conhecida por suas propriedades absorventes, que ajudam a remover impurezas e toxinas da água, resultando em um ambiente aquático mais limpo e saudável. Isso é crucial para a manutenção da qualidade da água, especialmente em lagos e aquários onde a saúde dos peixes pode ser comprometida por poluentes e substâncias nocivas. Ao incorporar o MICROBE-LIFT em sua rotina de cuidados aquáticos, você não apenas melhora a estética do seu ambiente aquático, mas também promove um habitat mais seguro e nutritivo para seus peixes.
– Proporciona nutrição mineral essencial para peixes, melhorando sua saúde geral.
– Realça a coloração dos peixes, tornando-os mais vibrantes e atraentes.
– Desintoxica e clarifica a água do lago, promovendo um ambiente aquático saudável.
– Fácil de usar, com um formato em pó que se dissolve facilmente na água.
– Ideal para aquários e lagos, atendendo às necessidades de diferentes espécies de peixes.
Para utilizar o MICROBE-LIFT Calcium Montmorillonite Clay, comece medindo a quantidade necessária com base no volume de água do seu lago ou aquário. Recomenda-se adicionar 1 colher de sopa para cada 100 galões de água. Dissolva a argila em um balde com água antes de despejá-la lentamente no seu sistema aquático, garantindo uma distribuição uniforme. Utilize o produto uma vez por semana para manter a qualidade da água e a saúde dos peixes. É importante monitorar a resposta dos peixes e a clareza da água, ajustando a frequência de uso conforme necessário.
Dale W Hudson –
After having done extensive research, I purchased this product for human consumption. It is a marvelous and almost instantaneous treatment for most any form of nausea and stomach cramping. I have used it successfully myself and most every family member for flu symptoms, food poisoning and the ‘revenge’. Yes, it is very gritty and tastes like chalk/mud, but it works great. Do some of your own research on clay cure and clay detoxification. This product is also known as Bentonite clay.
ActvOutdoors –
Did some research and settled on this for our Koi pond. It provides minerals for the Koi and helps with water clarity (ironically since it clouds the water a little upon first use). Good stuff.
Rachael –
It’s keeping my pond crystal clear. With my waterfall, it clears up in about 15 Mins doing the mix with water first method. If your waterfall is more ornament style, you might want to make the balls of clay and let them slowly disburse instead. I actually noticed growth in our fish seemed to speed up to more what koi and goldfish guides said. I also had a mildly injured fish that wasn’t healing fast and within 2 weeks of this, her scales finally grew back. Maybe timing coincidences, but I think this gave the fish much needed minerals and completed the balance of our controlled ecosystem. They became more curious and active with no other changes to maintenance. I think especially when just starting with young fish, this is as crucial as food. The water quality also has been perfect since. I had a new issue start every month. Since using clay, it’s maintained stability. Wins all across the board.
Klasi –
Shipping was NOT the best at all!! The lid was not even on straight, let alone screwed on!! Even the outside of the box had a coating of clay!! Come on people; just how hard is it to check a lid before shipping?!?!
However, the clay itself is wonderful!! It clears up cloudy water quite quickly. The Bonus…the fish love it and it makes their colors bright AND it’s actually good for them!!
sojji59 –
My goldfish summer outdoors in a preformed pond. As they got big they would die. This was suggested and no more floaters. I use it in their winter pond in the basement ie. A deep extra large kiddie pool. I guess goldfish over 8 or 10 inches need the clay in their digestive tract. This bucket will last me a year at least. Well worth the dollars spent. My goodies are big old fish. Some are 14 to 20 inches long and 25 years old. You just don’t let your old pets die if you can help it.
Sophie –
Works great, provides a good amount of minerals to my tank and really helps my shrimps with their molts. Dissolves fully. The cloudiness dissipates in a day or two after adding it with water changes and then my water is crystal clear. I like that it comes in a practical size with a good bucket and a tight fitting lid. Also includes a scoop (I had to dig to find it though)!
This maybe fine for other people on here but not me. I was really excited for this, but right away I was making a slurry and I could smell some kind of fragrance or chemical. I bought this because it said premium grade and 100% natural. Maybe the clay is natural but it seems like there is something else in it too. I looked all over the bucket and it doesnt list ingredients, so I don’t even know what else is in it. Sending it back.
thomas holgado –
Been using this product for years. This seller offers the 6lb mini bucket for a few bucks more than the 4lb container. Item arrived 2 days sooner than promised. Thank you!
You’ll read mixed reviews when researching koi clay. In my experience, it really does improve water quality and helps with the overall health of my pond. My koi are more vigorous, pond plants are more lush, and water gets crystal clear a few hours after I add the clay to the pond.
There are other bentonite clays available but calcium montmorillonite clay works best. I tried saving money by ordering a 10lb bag that was much cheaper but the other bentonite clay didn’t polish the water as well as this brand