Descrição do Produto: Starwest Botanicals Sodium Bentonite Clay, 1 Pound
O Starwest Botanicals Sodium Bentonite Clay é uma argila natural de alta qualidade, extraída de depósitos vulcânicos, conhecida por suas propriedades absorventes e purificantes. Com 1 libra (aproximadamente 454 gramas), esta argila é ideal para diversas aplicações, incluindo cuidados com a pele, desintoxicação e até mesmo uso em receitas de cosméticos caseiros. Sua textura fina e suave permite uma fácil mistura com água ou outros ingredientes, resultando em uma pasta que pode ser aplicada diretamente na pele ou utilizada em banhos de argila. Além de suas propriedades estéticas, a argila bentonita também é amplamente utilizada na indústria alimentícia e na medicina natural, sendo uma escolha popular para quem busca alternativas naturais e eficazes para a saúde e bem-estar.
1. Desintoxicação Natural: A argila bentonita é conhecida por sua capacidade de absorver toxinas e impurezas, promovendo uma limpeza profunda do organismo.
2. Cuidado com a Pele: Ideal para tratamentos de acne e oleosidade, ajuda a desobstruir poros e a melhorar a textura da pele.
3. Propriedades Anti-inflamatórias: Reduz a inflamação e acalma a pele irritada, sendo benéfica para condições como eczema e psoríase.
4. Uso Versátil: Pode ser utilizada em máscaras faciais, banhos de argila, ou até mesmo como suplemento alimentar, dependendo da necessidade do usuário.
5. Produto Natural e Sem Aditivos: Livre de produtos químicos e conservantes, é uma opção segura e saudável para quem busca produtos mais naturais.
Para utilizar o Starwest Botanicals Sodium Bentonite Clay, comece misturando 1 a 2 colheres de sopa da argila com água filtrada ou outro líquido de sua escolha, como suco de maçã ou vinagre de maçã, até obter uma pasta homogênea. Aplique a mistura na área desejada da pele, evitando a região dos olhos. Deixe agir por 10 a 20 minutos e enxágue com água morna. Para uso interno, consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar, e siga as orientações de dosagem recomendadas. É importante realizar um teste de sensibilidade antes da aplicação em grandes áreas da pele.
Y. Curtis –
I bought this to replace a product I was using that got discontinued. I have been using it to remove chemicals and heavy metals from my system by way of making up capsules containing the clay I take at night before I go to bed, that’s when the body works on healing and detoxing it’s self. I have had no issues with it all. It is simple to make up the capsules and that avoids the issue of trying to mix it in something and not tasting very good. I have been using the same bag now for well over a year and have taken a couple of capsules a day, every single day. It lasts a very long time and now I’m back for more. It is working for me, doing just what I need it to do.
KB –
Tried to for an underarm detox and it work. The clay was easy to work with and easy to apply.
Michelle Nelms –
It arrived on time, product is as it is described. I would recommend. 🙂
Edith Mceacheron –
I bought it so excited to start this product , I Flip it over to check more about the ingredients or more information about the product and there was nothing 🫢😱! not labeled on the back, but the most concerning it’s the product have a warning ⛔️ it can cause cancer!!!!; I went right there after I saw that and Dump it the garbage, My life and my health are worth more, I don’t think we should mess with this product or take any chances, is better be safe the sorry.
SavedbyGrace –
It did exactly what I bought it to do – to detox my body from heavy metals, chemicals, and poisons that had built up over many years. About the 2nd week into my detox, a vary nasty rash broke out on my arms, which I understand can happen when our bodies are shedding poisons…. I made a paste of my Bentonite clay and covered the area with this thick paste. When it had dried scraped off the hardened clay and it had drawn all the fluid and redness from the blisters, and there was very little to see where these raised welts had been just a few hours earlier! Good stuff! Having finished my detox now, I feel really well and I am glad I did it.
anne –
Its a great product and using it plenty, as it has many uses
Denmark –
This clay really saved my life two times in about a 4 week period. I took a supplement that I had an allergic reaction to. I was so sick from this reaction, passing out, swelling, extremely itchy, breathing was very difficult. I soaked in a tube with a lot of clay in it for 1 hour. When I got out of the bath, my itching was very minimal, swelling was not gone but I could breath and I could stand without passing out. This product is a got to for bites, digestive issues (i take a pill to use internally because I am a baby about the taste of drinking mud). For bites, I woke up in the middle of the night with a bunch of bites from a mosquito that was in my house. I was itching like crazy. I got up and put clay on it, let it sit about 5 minutes and went back to bed with no itching. Clay works, brand you use….research the company. I have used one bag from this company. This bag pulled me through the flu that came on me at 4:00 p.m. and I had a flight at 6:00 am the next day. I put it in a bath and soaked, the nausea and pain went away and I was able to travel. Clay works!
Richard J. Andrews Jr. –
This is the first time I’ve used Bentonite Clay, so I don’t know how to compare it to others. However, I did get the Zeolite Pure, but I could be wrong, but I think they do the same thing. You would have to do your own research. However, I can tell you that the Bentonite Clay is supposed to be mixed with a non-metal spoon from what I’ve been reading.
I used a plastic spoon, and it seemed to never dissolve 100% for drinking, but I guess that is expected somewhat. But the chucks that were left behind; I just swished in my mouth until it was gone. The taste wasn’t all that bad in my opinion. I didn’t gag or anything, but it has a unique taste. If your used to bitter teas and sea weed, you shouldn’t have a problem with this. In comparison to the Zeolite, the Zeolite dissolved completely.
I did use it for a face mask, and it was simple enough. It seemed to do a good job, since my skin was red when I washed it off. The package didn’t come with any instructions, so I just googled on how people used it, and trial and error.
I’m going to do more research on both the Zeolite and Bentonite Clay. I just read on HealthMatters that these were some of things you should be using. I thought it was two different things, but I guess they both detox your body. They seemed to be safe to use in conduction. I use one in the morning and the other at night. I do feel like I have more energy, less hungry, and just better in general. I don’t have any condition that I know of, but I’m going to keep going with this for a while. Only reason I give it a 4 star is it’s difficult to mix, and no instructions. Otherwise if you know what your doing, this seems to be a good choice.