Descrição do Produto: Bentonite Clay Montmorillonite Fine Powder ~ 8oz ~ NATURAL FOOD GRADE POWDER
Descubra o poder da natureza com a nossa Bentonite Clay Montmorillonite em pó fino, um produto de qualidade premium que traz os benefícios da desintoxicação e do cuidado natural para o seu dia a dia. Extraída das majestosas Montanhas Big Horn, esta argila pura e limpa passa por um rigoroso processo de lavagem com água, que remove impurezas e reduz o teor de grãos, garantindo um produto de alta qualidade. Sem adição de produtos químicos ou solventes, a nossa argila é um pó fino e sedoso, ideal para diversas aplicações.
A Bentonite Clay Montmorillonite é conhecida por suas propriedades absorventes e purificantes, tornando-se uma escolha popular para desintoxicação interna e externa. Ao ser misturada com água, o pó pode formar grumos, por isso é essencial seguir as instruções contidas na embalagem para garantir a melhor experiência de uso. Para garantir que você receba sempre o produto mais fresco, realizamos pedidos de estoque a cada duas semanas, assegurando que você tenha acesso a uma argila de qualidade superior.
1. Desintoxicação Eficaz: Ajuda a eliminar toxinas do corpo, promovendo uma limpeza interna.
2. Cuidado com a Pele: Pode ser utilizada em máscaras faciais para purificar e revitalizar a pele.
3. Propriedades Antissépticas: Contribui para a cicatrização de feridas e alívio de irritações cutâneas.
4. Suporte Digestivo: Auxilia na digestão e pode ajudar a aliviar desconfortos estomacais.
5. Uso Versátil: Pode ser aplicada em banhos, compressas e até mesmo em receitas culinárias, ampliando suas possibilidades de uso.
Para utilizar a Bentonite Clay Montmorillonite, comece misturando uma colher de sopa do pó com água filtrada em um recipiente não metálico. A proporção ideal é de 1:1, mas você pode ajustar conforme a consistência desejada. Misture bem até obter uma pasta homogênea. Para uso facial, aplique a mistura na pele limpa e deixe agir por 10 a 15 minutos antes de enxaguar com água morna. Para desintoxicação interna, consulte um profissional de saúde para orientações sobre a dosagem adequada. Lembre-se de armazenar o produto em um local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar suas propriedades.
Kelly broome –
I looked at the ingredients of my favorite powder dry shampoo and this was one the main ingredients so I thought I’d save some money and buy this directly, I dust it on my hair with a big blush brush, it blends in easily because it’s so fine and they grayish color blends in better than white dry shampoo, I like it
Lisa W –
I will always and forever keep the clay in my life.. It is one of the best thing that has ever happen to me in my life.. I am 29 years old with Severe rheumatoid arthritis… This clay helps with eliminating the fluid on my joints, which helps ease the pain… Anytime I feel nerve pain I drink some clay and I takes it away. Its kind of weird and unbelievable…
Also my mom was having really bad acid reflex problem or just a really bad stomach ache like literally couldn’t walk… So I made her a cup of clay water and I kid you not, within 5 minutes she was feeling 100% better. My Lil brother had caught the flue; bad head cold. Migraine, upset stomach the whole nine… I also gave him some clay water and he was feeling 100% better the next day .. These two are people that don’t believe in good healthy eating or natural foods, or eating or drinking things that are foreign to them. And they took a leap of faith and was glad they did.
Jessica Varela –
I have been using the liquid Bentonite clay detox, but decided to try this one because it was a few dollars cheaper. I love it! It’s a chalky type powder, and I get a big spoonful and mix it into some almond milk with a dab of honey, stir it up and it actually tastes good! Bentonite is a great detox and I always feel so much better when I use it regularly!
Kelly broome –
I like that the package is resealable but I think a jar would have been better. It has little to no smell and has a good texture. Its a nice product. I use this as an ingredient in most of the handcrafted bath and body products I make. It has many uses and is very good for the skin.
Steph –
I knew this was too good to be true.. I should’ve known when I saw NO brand.. I am almost done with this but every time when I’m almost done with my drink I always notice this sitting at the bottom? So I finally took a magnet and sure enough, heavy metals… good thing I got EDTA. Don’t drink this!!!
Biggs E –
Excellent product! Have been eating this twice a week for a couple months, with no ill affects at all. That said, it is a powerful detoxifying substance, and each time I take it my stomach lets me know that something strong is happening. I always take on an empty stomach, usually a few hours after breakfast, and you can feel it go to work almost instantly. The powder is VERY hard to mix into water or juice, but adding it slowly to the water, while stirring, seems to work slightly better. In the end, I mostly end up swallowing a bunch of little chunks rather than a uniform “smoothie”. Take plenty of water with it, and swallow quickly or it might get in your teeth and it is pretty gritty.
Whatever you do, don’t take too much and start slow until you are used to the process and the effects. More is definitely not better, and it’s not hard to imagine a gut full of too much clay leading to constipation. This product will definitely interfere with medicine uptake, so make sure to avoid taking before or right after any medicine. Also, do NOT allow any metal to touch the clay, and don’t let a lot of this stuff go down the drain.
Overall, this is a great way to activate your bodies natural immune defenses and reduce inflammation in the entire GI tract. I’m pretty sure I’ll be taking this wonderful natural product for years to come….
ps- it has also been confirmed to be an excellent facial mask and skin purifier…!
Jessica Varela –
I’m not sure how to rate something that I have no experience with prior to buying this kind of item. I guess it’s good.
It did work well for my needs. (detox purposes)
I only needed a small amount. The pkg weight and price were much better than what I could get locally.
urzula –
This product is used for external use only. I used this product as a clay mask.