Descrição do Produto:
A Argila Bentonita Curativa é um produto 100% natural, especialmente formulado para aliviar dores musculares e articulares. Com 4 fl. oz. de pura argila bentonita, este produto é pronto para uso e cientificamente comprovado, oferecendo uma solução eficaz para quem busca alívio de desconfortos físicos. A argila bentonita é conhecida por suas propriedades absorventes e desintoxicantes, que ajudam a reduzir a inflamação e a promover a cicatrização. Ao ser aplicada na pele, ela forma uma barreira que retém a umidade e os nutrientes, proporcionando um efeito calmante e relaxante. Ideal para atletas, pessoas com condições crônicas ou qualquer um que deseje um alívio natural para dores, a argila bentonita é uma adição valiosa à sua rotina de cuidados pessoais.
1. Alívio Rápido da Dor: Proporciona alívio imediato para dores musculares e articulares, permitindo que você retome suas atividades diárias sem desconforto.
2. 100% Natural: Com ingredientes totalmente naturais, é uma alternativa segura e livre de químicos para o tratamento de dores.
3. Propriedades Desintoxicantes: Ajuda a eliminar toxinas do corpo, promovendo uma sensação de leveza e bem-estar.
4. Fácil Aplicação: Pronto para uso, não requer preparação, tornando o processo simples e prático.
5. Cientificamente Comprovado: Baseado em estudos que validam sua eficácia, garantindo resultados confiáveis e satisfatórios.
Para utilizar a Argila Bentonita Curativa, aplique uma camada uniforme sobre a área afetada, massageando suavemente para garantir a absorção. Deixe agir por 20 a 30 minutos ou até que a argila esteja completamente seca. Em seguida, enxágue com água morna. Para melhores resultados, recomenda-se o uso de 2 a 3 vezes por semana, ou conforme necessário. Evite aplicar em feridas abertas ou áreas irritadas da pele. Armazene em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta.
Christian Béland –
I used this for sports injuries and sprains and it worked amazingly well. Works great as a face mask as well. Definitely recommend -nothing else like it on the market!
Alex S. –
This product did absolutely nothing for me
This product is absolutely Amazing!!! I have had a sciatic flare up for over 3 months. The pain has been Excruciating & I have had trouble walking & sleeping. Thankfully a friend recommended that I try Clayer! I Love it!!! It really works! I put it on yesterday for about 20 minutes then washed it off. I have been pain free for about 14 hours now. I am beyond Happy!!!! This is the only product I have used that actually works for this long!
In addition, I put it on my neck. I was in a car accident about 5 years ago & suffered from whip lash. I now have degenerative discs in my neck. Which also causes me pain. I put Clayer on my neck & same results. No pain now for 14 hours! I’m sold!!! Clayer is my new product & I recommend it to anyone who has any kind of body pain! You will not regret buying this Wonderful & Amazing product that actually works!! Try it just once & you will be a lifetime customer:) Thank you Clayer!!!!
B. Nelson –
This stuff is amazing! Applied it to a fresh bruise and the pain almost went away completely, and purplish color lightened significantly! The thick layer felt like a comforting bandaid as it dried and I swear I could feel the toxins getting pulled from my skin.
There are just two ingredients listed on the back of the packaging (water & French green clay) and that is enough for this to work it’s magic!
Would highly recommend and now know what I’m getting everyone for Christmas 🙂
Amazon Customer –
I am so glad I ordered this product to try!!! It’s amazing. Someone had told me about for and ankle injury I’ve been dealing with. A little goes a long way, easy to use, and no bad or weird scent. I’m sensitive to scents so that was another plus for me. It helped with my pain the first time I used it. This stuff is magical! Definitely worth it. I will be rebuying it.
james prendergast –
I was impressed. My foot bruise fells better ,I can feel the difference. I used a whole tube on my knees and feet, and lower back. Will continue!!! 5 stars for this clay!!!
B. Nelson –
Wow. I am truly amazed after using clayer on my knee. As someone who has had multiple knee dislocations and deals with chronic knee pain, I was browsing amazon searching for a new ointment. After Stumbling Upon Clayer. I am Truly amazed with the results. It’s a clay that you just apply to the area of pain and let it sit. SIMPLE and Truly WORKS !!!! The fact that it significantly reduced my joint pain more than any other product/ icy hot type cream, is amazing. THANK YOU CLAYER!
Will be ordering more and suggesting this to all my friends and family who deal with joint pain.
MUA Rene Gonzales –
Used it twice up to know. Seems to be helping my shoulder. It would be nice if the clay was a little thicker.