As Almofadas Térmicas Instantâneas Frida Mom para os Seios são a solução ideal para mães que buscam conforto e alívio durante a amamentação. Com um design inovador, essas almofadas aquecem em apenas 3 segundos com um simples clique, proporcionando um calor reconfortante que estimula o fluxo de leite em seios cheios. A praticidade é um dos grandes diferenciais deste produto, pois não é necessário o uso de micro-ondas, tornando-as extremamente convenientes para o dia a dia das mães.
Cada conjunto inclui duas almofadas pequenas, que podem ser utilizadas antes ou durante a amamentação ou extração de leite, maximizando a eficiência de cada sessão. As almofadas são reutilizáveis, podendo ser reativadas até 30 vezes ao serem colocadas em água fervente, o que as torna uma opção econômica e sustentável. Cada aquecimento dura até 20 minutos, oferecendo alívio prolongado e conforto durante a amamentação.
Além disso, as Almofadas Térmicas Instantâneas Frida Mom são compatíveis com a maioria das bombas de leite, permitindo que as mães aproveitem ao máximo cada momento de amamentação. Com dois tamanhos disponíveis, as almofadas pequenas são perfeitas para áreas específicas, enquanto as grandes oferecem cobertura completa e suporte. Ambas podem ser usadas juntas ou separadamente, adaptando-se às necessidades individuais de cada mãe.
A segurança é uma prioridade, e as almofadas são feitas com materiais livres de toxinas, sem BPA ou BPS, garantindo que tanto a mãe quanto o bebê estejam protegidos. Cada conjunto vem com uma bolsa de armazenamento, facilitando o transporte e a organização.
1. Estimula o fluxo de leite: O aquecimento instantâneo ajuda a facilitar a amamentação, tornando-a mais confortável.
2. Reutilizáveis e econômicas: Podem ser reativadas até 30 vezes, oferecendo uma solução sustentável e de baixo custo.
3. Compatíveis com a maioria das bombas de leite: Aumentam a eficiência durante a extração de leite, otimizando cada sessão.
4. Versatilidade de tamanho: Disponíveis em tamanhos pequenos e grandes, adaptam-se às necessidades específicas de cada mãe.
5. Segurança e qualidade: Feitas com materiais não tóxicos, garantem a segurança para mães e bebês.
Para utilizar as Almofadas Térmicas Instantâneas Frida Mom, inicie clicando nas almofadas para ativar o aquecimento instantâneo. Posicione-as nos seios antes ou durante a amamentação ou extração de leite, conforme sua necessidade. As almofadas podem ser utilizadas juntas ou separadamente, dependendo da área que você deseja tratar. Após o uso, reative as almofadas colocando-as em água fervente por alguns minutos, permitindo que estejam prontas para o próximo uso. Cada aquecimento deve durar até 20 minutos para garantir o máximo de alívio e conforto.
Francesca Recart-Navarro –
I have both this product and the lansinoah one.
The Frida one is pretty cool the first time you open the package. It has that little metal that you click and it starts turning into that hot pad. The idea is great and it works until you have to go and boil it so it can turn back to the original form.
Now after the first use i noticed that the gel is getting less in it and since ive used it twice so far (such a hassle to boil it every time) i can not tell if it will get smaller and not work for longer period of time.
The Lansinoah one is with little gel like balls that you heat in the microwave. I’ve used that one a ton of times because its so much easier to toss it in the microwave for 15sec and repeat right away if you need it. No boiling needing. Again over time the balls pop, break or shrink and the package becomes smaller but i would prefer that due to the time it takes.
Now depending where you are the pros and cons of these vary.
If you are at home or have a microwave wherever you are, get the Lansinoah ones.
If you are somewhere on the move, like a trip with the car and intend to use it just once or if needed, grab the frida mom.
These are great for letdowns and also for clogged ducts.
Whitney W Allen –
This product works as intended. I love how it instantly heats. Not as warm as I had hoped. Easy to use. But I only use them once or twice a day because it’s a process to reset them. Boiling them and waiting for them to cool to use them.
Amazon Customer –
I got it opened it washed it did not microwave it as instructed. I put them on and used the breast warmers I’ve been sitting like this for over an hour and they’re still ice cold. Big waste of money. If I could I’d give it a zero on the star scale. And I really needed for this to work I’ve been having difficulties with my letdown and production of milk. I was really hoping this would help but it’s just hard and cold. Probably made my body do completely the opposite of what I am desperately needing it to do. Anyway don’t buy.
So I decided to try and boil it then when it cooled down I snaked the metal again and it worked. Instantly started to crystalize. Had to mush it around but it worked. Got hot but not to hot. Then just warm and it lasted maybe five minutes. So it works but not for very long. Still giving it a lower rating but no longer a one star now a three because it finally worked after boiling it for a bit.
Ashley Canant –
Salvo mi mastitis !!! Funcionan muy bien calientan rápido !
Kahley Heikes –
I thought these were really cool when I first received them. Popped the disc and they started warming right up! My issue is coming with returning them back to the normal gel state. I boiled water in a kettle and dunked them in the boiling water. They started to go back to gel but then when I went to use them again, they still had crystals and I couldn’t reclick the disc! Do I need to actively watch them over boiling water on my stove? I barely have time to cook, let alone watch them boil. The idea was good, but I prefer the microwaveable pads. They are a little more work up-front, but at least they can be properly reused.
ItsJesMe –
great if you’re breast feeding
Whitney W Allen –
Sometimes I wake up in the AM, near where I sleep on my side, close to my armpit and under my arm and feel a little nagging knot or section of clogged duct. Even after that first morning feed, I may still have some discomfort, which if not handled can lead to a fully clogged duct or much worse! These new Frida Mom Instant Heat Breast Warmers are a life saver. I can wear them solo, while I’m actively breastfeeding or even when I’m pumping! The heat to loosens the clog and improves my let down. Love that they are reusable and be so targeted on my chest. The box contains a drawstring bag for storage of the 4 heat packs as well as instructions – which also fit inside the drawstring which is perfect. Just remember – no microwave! 4 heat packs (2 small, 2 large) x 30 uses a piece – the price per use is super low. A great gift idea, too. No more knuckle kneading in the shower or hanging over baby to have gravity release the clog.
Jalissa –
Bought this when I got clogged ducts and it helped loosen it up and warm everything smoothly. Would definitely recommend and to reset it all u have to do is boil it.
Giss –
Product couldn’t return to liquid state after boiling (as per instructions). One of the parks burst open and leaked too. Disappointed. Had to throw whole thing away.
Shaun –
Love the warming for when I’m breastfeeding and I feel like I’m on the verge of a clogged duct. These are a life saver and I can’t recommend them enough! Love the new formula and that Frida mom is always working on improving their products for us!