Comfytemp Almofada de Aquecimento para Alívio da Dor nas Costas, Elegível para FSA HSA, 22″x33″ XXL Peso Elétrico Aquecido para Pescoço e Ombros, Desligamento Automático de 2H, Envoltório Aquecido para as Costas, Presentes de Aniversário para Mulheres
A Almofada de Aquecimento Comfytemp para Alívio da Dor nas Costas é o presente perfeito para mulheres que sofrem de dores musculares e tensões. Com um design amplo e confortável, esta almofada aquecida é feita de flanela macia e possui um peso de 2,4lb com microesferas de vidro nos ombros, garantindo que ela se ajuste perfeitamente e não escorregue. Além disso, o efeito do calor é multiplicado para um alívio eficaz da dor.
A segurança é a nossa prioridade número um. A almofada de aquecimento possui 3 níveis de calor ajustáveis para atender às diferentes necessidades de alívio da dor em todo o corpo. No entanto, ela possui a tecnologia de desligamento automático de 2 horas, garantindo a segurança e economizando energia. É importante ressaltar que não é recomendado o uso durante o sono, para garantir a segurança do usuário.
A almofada de aquecimento Comfytemp oferece aquecimento completo para alívio da dor. Com fios microfinos embutidos, ela distribui o calor de forma mais uniforme, proporcionando cobertura completa para tratar o pescoço, as costas e os ombros. Além disso, ela também pode ser usada no abdômen, joelhos e cintura. Seu design perfeito relaxa os músculos, melhora a circulação sanguínea e alivia dores, músculos doloridos, estresse e cãibras. É uma excelente escolha de presente para mulheres ou homens em seus 40, 50 ou 60 anos de idade.
O tamanho grande da almofada de aquecimento, 22″ x 33″, oferece cobertura completa e ajuste perfeito. Ela se estende até o pescoço, ombros e costas inteiras. Com uma alça de cintura ajustável (suporta até 53″ de tamanho de cintura) e um fecho para prender na gola, a almofada aquecida para pescoço, ombros e costas permite que você fique com as mãos livres e se sinta abraçado pelo calor.
A flanela é amigável à pele e a almofada de aquecimento é lavável à máquina. Basta desconectar o plugue da tomada e a almofada de aquecimento para o pescoço pode ser lavada na máquina, proporcionando máxima conveniência para o uso diário. Ela é elegível para FSA HSA, tornando-a uma ótima opção de presente para o Dia dos Pais, Dia das Mães, Natal e aniversários.
Dicas de uso: não amasse, sente-se ou pressione a almofada – evite dobras afiadas; não use enquanto estiver dormindo; não use diretamente sobre a pele nua.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Alívio eficaz da dor nas costas, pescoço e ombros
- Design amplo e confortável com peso ajustável
- Tecnologia de desligamento automático para segurança e economia de energia
- Cobertura completa e aquecimento uniforme para alívio da dor em todo o corpo
- Flanela macia e lavável à máquina para fácil limpeza
A Almofada de Aquecimento Comfytemp oferece uma série de benefícios que melhoram a qualidade de vida dos usuários. Primeiro, proporciona alívio imediato para dores nas costas, pescoço e ombros, permitindo que você retome suas atividades diárias sem desconforto. Segundo, seu design ponderado e amplo garante um ajuste confortável, evitando que a almofada escorregue durante o uso. Terceiro, a tecnologia de desligamento automático de 2 horas não só assegura a segurança, mas também economiza energia. Quarto, a distribuição uniforme do calor melhora a circulação sanguínea, promovendo um relaxamento profundo. Por último, a facilidade de limpeza, com a possibilidade de lavagem à máquina, torna o uso diário prático e conveniente.
Para usar a almofada de aquecimento Comfytemp, conecte-a a uma fonte de energia e ajuste a temperatura desejada utilizando os 3 níveis de calor disponíveis. Envolva a almofada ao redor do pescoço, ombros ou costas, ajustando a alça de cintura conforme necessário para um encaixe seguro. Deixe a almofada aquecer por alguns minutos e desfrute do alívio da dor e do relaxamento muscular. Lembre-se de seguir as instruções de segurança, evitando o uso durante o sono ou diretamente sobre a pele nua para garantir uma experiência segura e eficaz.
AJ85 –
The company replaced the heating pad with no problem & sent a new one to us. It stays on your shoulders & has a tie belt for waist. The heat settings are great & feels great on your aching back & shoulders. I would definitely recommend it to family & friends.
It was wonderful, while it worked. We had this for 6 weeks. Not used everyday, but a lot. We turn it on one day, and nothing worked. Looked it over, it looks the same. Tried again, nothing worked. Now is time to get in touch w/ mfg. & see if they would like this thing.
CJ –
First, I was surprised at the quality of the material! It’s Super soft and like a cotton velvet (if you’ve ever felt a cotton velvet over a rayon or silk one it’s denser and has more heft to it). I was surprised it was so soft! I love the weight of it and it heats well. So far though, I’ve really only used the low setting. This heating pad, like almost all others I’ve tried, feels extremely warm when it first heats up. So much so that I actually have to take it off until it completely heats up and then it will cool off a bit and be, to me at least, more manageable and comfortable. But, I Do have fibromyalgia, and fibro tends to magnify pain impulses. So it might actually not feel that hot to someone who doesn’t have fibromyalgia. And, as I said, it’s not just this heating pad that feels that way to me. The only thing I don’t actually like about this weighted heating pad, is the fact that the weight is only in the shoulder area, not in the back. And that I don’t feel the heat Quite as much below my scapula area (that’s the shoulder blades) and down to the end of the pad, but it does get some warmth there too. Just not as intense as the shoulders because there is no weight to that part. The heating element does go all the way down though. I do understand that, unless it is quilted in order to hold the stuff providing the weight and keep it from shifting, putting the stuff in to weight the back area of the pad would probably make it so the pad would have a tendency to be pulled down off the shoulders due to so much weight being in the bottom of the back. So, perhaps that’s why the back Isn’t weighted. However, I’m more than happy enough with this device as it is!! The softness of the material of the whole pad (including both the front and back of the pad and the ties that go around your waist too!), the weight in the shoulder areas, and the heat all combine to make a very pleasant experience. I Highly recommend it to Anyone who has issues with their shoulders, neck, and perhaps even their upper back. And for my fibromyalgia, it’s been a lifesaver so far! I loved it from the minute I put it on! Being weighted truly adds a much needed touch! I’d recommend this to Any fibro sufferer and to just about anyone, period! Basically, I love this weighted heating pad!!
AJ85 –
it was smaller than I expected only because it said it was an XXL, other than that, it heated up quite quickly and nicely. it’s comfortable and soft. It is weighted which I like, however, I wish it was a little bit bigger when it draped over me to enhance the pressure but other than that, it’s really nice quality heating pad. If you have shoulder clavicle pain it works really well plus, if you have any kind of issues with your back, it heats up all the way down to the bottom is quite nice and good quality and all I would recommend . I was hoping for it to be a little larger, but it doesn’t appear any smaller on me than it does in the pictures so that’s no fault of the seller. if you’re looking for a good heating pad for your neck back shoulders, even possibly clavicle pain I would say this is a good product.
susan meyer –
The fabric is terrific, soft against the skin and weighted along with snap at neck and ties around waist to keep in thus!, and very east to just slide onto back! It also heats up very quickly, with 3 Temps. and I found that the low gives enough warmth if you don’t wish to use high temp. I liked that I was able to attend to 2 sore spots, neck and lowback at same time. Overall, this is worth the buy and will be buying one for husband as we both have back issues. So very happy Amazon carries this!
Julia –
I have really bad back pain and this is by far the best full back heating pad I have ever had. The only frustrating thing is after a few months it completely stopped heating. With that being said, customer service sent me a replacement (still waiting to receive) and did not give me a lot of grief going through the process in filing a claim.
*Update – I received my heating pad within 5 or 6 days! I noticed that the heating pad was actually bigger than my first. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing lol, but after using it a few days I realized it only gets about half as hot and really doesn’t hold the heat. It’s also about twice as stiff as my other one and feels more like a soft cardboard than a flexible fabric. I emailed the customer service and they are sending me out a different one. I have to say that even with these issues, customer service has been incredible. I am never given a hard time, and they don’t just say they will make it right, they follow through! So refreshing!!
I will update when I receive my replacement.
**Update. I received my replacement. It was still a little firm but not as bad, and the heating was amazing! However, one week later it yet again stopped heating up!! I am following all the guidelines and did all the troubleshooting, it just stops working! This really is a great heating pad and the heat on it is excellent but when it only works for a week or two it really isn’t worth the extra money. The customer service has been great so far… currently working on a resolution. But I really just need a heating pad that works. I have severe back pain and this is my only relief… I can’t keep waiting weeks at a time to get the pain relief I need. This is getting ridiculous at this point.
Update – they gave me a full refund. Excellent customer service. Product has serious potential, but needs work. Super bummed we couldn’t get me one that works.