Descrição do Produto:
O Comfytemp é um aquecedor elétrico ponderado projetado para proporcionar alívio da dor no pescoço, ombros e costas. Com um peso de 2,6 libras e dimensões generosas de 19″x 23″, este envoltório aquecido se ajusta confortavelmente ao redor do corpo, oferecendo uma sensação reconfortante que se assemelha a um abraço. Além de ser ideal para o alívio de tensões musculares, ele também pode ser utilizado no abdômen e na cintura, sendo uma excelente opção para aliviar cólicas menstruais. Este produto é um presente perfeito para mães e pais, proporcionando conforto e bem-estar.
Com 9 configurações de calor e 11 opções de desligamento automático (variando de 0,5H a 9H), o Comfytemp permite que você personalize a temperatura e a duração da terapia de calor, garantindo um uso seguro e eficiente. O desligamento automático evita o superaquecimento e economiza energia, tornando-o uma escolha prática e segura. Este aquecedor é um presente ideal para diversas ocasiões, como aniversários, aposentadorias e momentos de recuperação, oferecendo relaxamento e alívio após um dia cansativo.
A função de permanecer ligado proporciona calor contínuo, ideal para quem busca alívio prolongado da dor. O design retroiluminado facilita a visualização das configurações, mesmo em ambientes com pouca luz. O aquecedor possui uma gola alta que cobre bem o pescoço e os ombros, e seu controlador de LED é intuitivo, permitindo que pessoas de todas as idades o utilizem com facilidade. Feito de flanela macia e luxuosa, o tecido proporciona uma experiência agradável ao toque e ajuda na distribuição uniforme do calor. O envoltório é lavável à máquina, garantindo praticidade no cuidado do produto.
Dicas importantes: evite amassar ou pressionar o aquecedor, não utilize enquanto dorme e não aplique diretamente sobre a pele nua. O Comfytemp é aprovado pela FSA e HSA, e nossa equipe está sempre pronta para responder a quaisquer dúvidas sobre o produto. Este aquecedor é uma excelente opção de presente para o Dia das Mães, Dia dos Pais, aniversários e Natal, proporcionando conforto e alívio para homens e mulheres.
- Alívio eficaz da dor no pescoço, ombros e costas, promovendo relaxamento e bem-estar.
- Personalização das configurações de calor e tempo, permitindo um tratamento sob medida para cada usuário.
- Função de permanecer ligado, ideal para quem necessita de alívio contínuo da dor.
- Design user-friendly, acessível para todas as idades, facilitando o uso por qualquer pessoa.
- Tecido macio e lavável à máquina, garantindo conforto e praticidade no dia a dia.
Para utilizar o Comfytemp, conecte o controlador e ajuste a temperatura e o tempo desejados. Envolva o aquecedor ao redor do pescoço e ombros, ajustando-o para um encaixe confortável. Selecione uma das 9 configurações de calor e defina um dos 11 temporizadores de desligamento automático para personalizar sua terapia de calor. É importante seguir as instruções de uso e evitar o contato direto com a pele nua. Após o uso, remova o controlador e lave o aquecedor à máquina, evitando a secagem em máquina para preservar a qualidade do produto.
Juan Benitez Panero –
Se uso para terapia
MeMi –
I bought this specifically for my every morning neck pain. It is very effective. It has a great range of heating levels, and timing shut off. I love the heavier weight of it. I find it comforting. My only complaint is as a larger person, it doesn’t quite span far enough. I would definitely recommend.
Bee Russell –
This product delivered on almost 100% of what I was imagining from the description–thorough and even heating throughout the pad, incredibly soft, secure fasten, various settings (including timing as well as temperature), and a cord that was long enough to get the job done. The only reason I removed a star is that the heating does not really extend into the neck; the piece around the neck is just soft and the multiple times I have used it, I have not felt heat radiating on my neck as I had hoped. That said, I would absolutely recommend this product to anyone–the fact that it wraps around your neck to stay securely over your shoulders (thus actually heating your shoulders and not just your back–users of regular heating pads know what I mean), is worth the purchase alone! Also to note, there is enough space in the neck for the heating pad to stay secure, but not so tight that it feels uncomfortable.
JD –
I like the shape of the heating pad and the great button that keeps it in place. The button that holds it on, but doesn’t strangle me. it has the ability to get very (IMO) HOT, It’s addictive because it’s so soft and snuggly. It helps me sleep at night because I have migraines and chronic pain. There are only two buttons on it: Time and Heat level, 5 works for me, and I’m accustomed to laying with a heating pad. I like that I can just slide it down to my low back; it’s made for the neck, but I use it wherever it hurts. It has a thick electrical cord that’s a sometimes awkward, not a deal breaker. It would have been nice if it was like my last one. It .had a sponge that you slipped in between the heating pad and the fabric bag provided. The combination would provide moist heat, which is good for tight muscles other types of injuries. I would be very, very careful with this.. The sponge was about the dimensions of a piece of paper (A4) and the thickness of the news paper.
Mia Chaney –
UPDATE EDIT: the seller was SO helpful and replaced my heating pad and now I have had no issues! Really appreciate the incredible customer service. Would recommend!
When I first bought this heating pad I was in LOVE. I rely on heating pads for pain management and felt like I had finally found the BEST one in terms of size, weight, and heat levels. It heated up quickly and was heated throughout the whole pad.
I really thought I hit the jackpot with this product until 3 weeks after purchasing, it stopped working out of no where. The remote still works and shows that it’s on but instead of heating up it just makes a weird static noise from the remote. I honestly am so disappointed. I’ve become quite dependent on this heating pad and now I’m hesitant to repurchase. I really hope this is just a singular faulty product and I really want this exact one again but still worried about spending the money if it’s just going to break three weeks later.
Really loved this product but now I’m just disappointed.
D.G. –
My wife was using one of the microwavable heating pads for her neck, but the heat didn’t last long. I decided to get her this electric one. Works fantastic and snaps around the neck so it won’t slip off while keeping the heat where it needs to be. Very well-made electric wrap. In the Winter, it’s like an electric blanket when watching TV or just reading.
Mia Chaney –
EDIT: Bumped up from 2 stars to 3 because of the quality of customer support. They reached out after only a couple days after my review. Not only did they offer me a refund, but they directly referenced an issue I’d mentioned and said they would “communicate with the product department to inspect” and resolve the issues. Given how many companies would typically provide an uncustomized scripted response with no intention of improvement communicated, this one stands out in that regard and is something I’d want to support as a consumer in the future.
First, things I wish I’d seen more clearly from reviews about its design:
– the heat does not reach the neck. While there may be some coils on the back of the neck portion, they in no way heat enough to matter, nor would that heat radiate to other parts of the neck. I personally need heat at the back of the neck and on the trap/scalene portion and could only achieve this by draping the product over on its side. You’d be better off with a heated blanket
– a feature I thought would be a big plus was the weightedness for heat distribution. I don’t see how it helped at all. There was no significant weight to keep the heat against the skin, so I ended up always repurposing my rice socks to anchor it to my shoulders. This got hella tedious and frustrating, as getting them to balance or falling off with any adjustment just adds to the tension pain I’m trying to aleve.
– the back portion is not long enough. I’d hope to get my neck and down my scapula in one go and could not. Again, better off with a reliable heated blanket
For the actual heating quality, I can see why the ambivalent reviews are so conflicting:
Regarding those complaining about it burning or getting too hot: The unit itself does not at all get to a burning heat on its own. However, while I cannot confirm that this is what the reviewers did, I absolutely could see this product become fire-catching hot if it is in any way folded onto itself. On levels as low as 4, if parts of the product overlapped, it would get very hot. I used this to my advantage for the not-hot-enough issue.
For those who say it doesn’t get hot enough, i absolutely see why. I’ve tried to use this product thoroughly but it repeatedly has the same issue: it randomly stops heating, it’s maddening! The timer can be set to maximum, and no matter the heat level, it randomly stops conducting heat. No change in position, no bend in the coils, nothing unplugged, nothing turned off. I thought maybe my skin was just getting acclimated to the heat, but nope, feeling it with any other area confirmed that it was not warm. What’s interesting is that it resumes the heat when you turn it up, until it stops again. So every time I use it is been: start at 5, wait for it to cool off, bump to 6, wait, etc until 9, then after that I turn the product off and on again and start from 5 once more. I haven’t bothered to time it to see if it’s consistent, but it’s estimate it as frequently happening after like ten minutes. As you could imagine, this is pretty tedious for what’s supposed to help tension. Troubleshooting guide is unhelpful because while, yeah, turn it off and on again works, that shouldn’t be the main feature and function and shouldn’t be required for every setting.
When it did work and I got it to stay in the right places, I was the exact heat I needed. But if you have to use the product with more effort than it’s designed to, and you have to readjust a million times to get it to work for you, it’s no longer the convenient product you meant to purchase.
So I will likely be returning this. If I have to fight to keep it in place against my neck and traps, I may as well just get a blanket version of the same concept that will reliably heat and not require adjustment to get all the right spots at once.
Tr3VW –
excelente para dar calor terapeutico en cuello y espalda alta mientras sigues haciendo algo mas, en tu laptop o lectura
Melissa McMillin –
The size of this thing is amazing! The weight is perfect! The heat settings are right on the money, and the quality & durability are on point! I also really like the color, not that it matters tho. My neck pain had been debilitating, this pad has helped me get sleep I’ve so desperately needed! I highly recommend this to anyone!
Mulnah Dovat –
Came on time help with neck pain