O Aquecedor de Micro-ondas SunnyBay para Pescoço e Ombros é a solução ideal para quem busca alívio imediato e eficaz para dores e tensões nessa região do corpo. Com um design ergonômico que se adapta perfeitamente aos contornos do pescoço e ombros, este envoltório de aquecimento versátil possui 1,27 kg e 66 cm de comprimento, proporcionando uma cobertura ideal para áreas doloridas. A possibilidade de aquecê-lo no micro-ondas permite que você desfrute de uma terapia quente que alivia a dor e relaxa os músculos, enquanto a opção de resfriamento oferece uma compressa fria que ajuda a reduzir inchaços e inflamações.
O aquecedor é preenchido com grãos de trigo, que não apenas retêm o calor por 20 a 30 minutos, mas também exercem uma leve pressão sobre as áreas sensíveis, melhorando a circulação sanguínea. A superfície de lã macia e durável garante conforto ao toque, tornando-o perfeito para uso em qualquer lugar, seja em casa, no escritório ou durante viagens. Com a umidade superficial, o calor penetra profundamente, proporcionando um efeito terapêutico ainda mais eficaz.
- Alívio eficaz da dor no pescoço e nos ombros, promovendo relaxamento muscular.
- Versatilidade para uso quente ou frio, adaptando-se às suas necessidades.
- Design ergonômico que proporciona conforto máximo e se ajusta ao corpo.
- Peso adequado para compressão suave, melhorando a circulação sanguínea.
- Superfície de lã macia e durável, garantindo um toque agradável e elegante.
Para utilizar o Aquecedor de Micro-ondas SunnyBay, aqueça-o no micro-ondas por alguns minutos, conforme as instruções de aquecimento fornecidas, para evitar superaquecimento. Para uma compressa quente, aplique-o na área afetada por 20 a 30 minutos. Para uso frio, coloque-o no freezer até atingir a temperatura desejada e, em seguida, aplique-o na região afetada. Sempre verifique a temperatura antes de aplicar diretamente na pele para evitar queimaduras. Este produto é uma excelente adição à sua rotina de autocuidado, proporcionando alívio e conforto sempre que necessário.
Nanci Stone –
Great seller!!! Great product!!!
Amazon Customer –
Holds the heat, seems well made, soft fabric. A winner!
J –
Works great like said above but def cant get past the smell, gonna try checking if its washable or maybe microwave it a few more times to see if it goes away. But man oh man smells bad. Works great tho keeps warm for a while
Krafty Lady –
Feels great! Just wish warmth lasts longer
Marcia Fitzy –
I use these when im hurting or even when im chillin. Heats me right up and relaxes me quickly !!
Tiara –
The SunnyBay Microwave Heating Pad is a versatile and effective solution for soothing neck and shoulder pain through either cold or heat therapy. This 26×5-inch pack is filled with wheat and designed to be used hot or cold for optimal comfort and relief.
The weighted beanbag pack is flexible and conforms to the contours of your neck and shoulders, providing targeted therapy where you need it most. Simply heat the pad in the microwave for gentle warmth or cool it in the freezer for a refreshing cold treatment.
The buffalo print cover adds a touch of style to the heating pad, while also being soft and comfortable against your skin. The cover is removable and washable, making it easy to keep the pad clean and fresh for repeated use.
The SunnyBay Microwave Heating Pad is a convenient and reusable solution for alleviating neck and shoulder pain, muscle tension, stiffness, and more. Whether you prefer hot therapy to relax muscles or cold therapy to reduce swelling and inflammation, this versatile pad has you covered.
Overall, the SunnyBay Microwave Heating Pad is a reliable and effective option for providing soothing relief to your neck and shoulders. Its large size, weighted design, and ability to be used as both a hot and cold therapy pack make it a versatile and practical addition to your wellness routine.
T P in Southern USA –
It does not hold heat well and seems very heavy on neck. On the plus side it is constructed well and conforms to neck and solders. I would not buy again.
Amazon Customer –
I read the reviews before I bought this neck heating pad. Some of the reviews were good and some people had difficulty with the heating pad. When I first heated it, it did not feel hot enough. When I wrapped it around my neck I experienced warm moist heat. I microwave one side at 60 seconds and the second side at one minute 30 seconds and it works great and the heat lasts a while. The only thing I have a slight issue is with the smell. It smells Like I am in a barn! I understand that it is the wheat inside giving off the smell. This is a small price to pay for something that works. I do not like buying heating pads with artificial scents. Hope this helps!
Lynda Murtha –
it’s a little heavy and does not stay hot long.
T P in Southern USA –
Purchased now two of these Sunny Bay Wheat filled pads. We have had a bed buddy type of microwave heating pad with rings for a long time. Sorry, I really can’t stand its smell! My nose does have trouble with a lot of things! To each his/her own!
I took a chance on this one just after Christmas. And it was love at first sniff. (Well almost:) I didn’t do much research, I just bought the purple. I was very happy. Then the wife started to covet it too much, so I bought another one, the colorful Canyon color. It will be far easier to find in dark rooms and beds.
Outside the box/neck suggestion: If you have cold feet when you first go to bed, this is a fantastic bed warmer!! Suggestion: First warm this up and put under the covers in your feet area. Only then prepare for bed, brush teeth, yada. Last, retrieve the pad, and “top off” the pad, and get in bed. Then, your feet will be happy, and you still have a heating pad for your designated recipient. (Spot du soir? 🙂
And your feet will say: “OMG! The chill is gone!”
Overall, it must be their special wheat filling, coupled with the very soft cover that makes these so exceptional. With this long 26″ length, we don’t need any rings. (No Stinking rings? :)) So this is a 10 toes up review! (Actually 9 3/4, but that’s for a lawn equipment review! 🙂
Talking about safety, of course it is optimum to have a turntable in your microwave. Of course you take it slow to initially find your optimum heat time and process for EACH microwave. Of course you can’t lay any heating pad on anything but a clean surface, so look before you heat! If you don’t do this, any pad can be overheated…. like popcorn, right? Come on people! You can read the included directions about this. Stay safe out there!