O Apex-Carex Healthcare Pill Pulverizer 1 Unit é um moedor de comprimidos eficiente e versátil que permite triturar seus comprimidos em pó fino. Com este moedor de pílulas, você pode triturar tanto comprimidos pequenos quanto grandes, vitaminas e tablets. Além disso, ele funciona tanto para humanos quanto como um triturador de pílulas para animais de estimação.
Este triturador de medicamentos é capaz de transformar os comprimidos em pó fino, e o pó não utilizado pode ser armazenado na tampa do triturador. É fácil de usar e pode ser utilizado como um triturador de vitaminas, triturador de tablets e triturador de pílulas em geral.
O Apex-Carex Healthcare Pill Pulverizer é um triturador de pílulas multiuso que pode triturar comprimidos de todos os tamanhos. No entanto, é importante ressaltar que não deve ser utilizado com comprimidos de liberação controlada. Confie na Apex, líder em trituradores de medicamentos e organizadores de pílulas.
Este triturador de pílulas é adequado para comprimidos de todos os tamanhos, desde aspirinas infantis até vitaminas muito grandes. Ele irá moer seus comprimidos em pó fino, facilitando a ingestão.
Além disso, este triturador de pílulas é portátil e compacto, permitindo que você o leve para onde quiser. Ele cabe facilmente em uma bolsa ou bagagem, sendo um ótimo moedor de medicamentos para quem está sempre em movimento.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
1. Moagem precisa: Com o Apex-Carex Healthcare Pill Pulverizer, você pode obter um pó fino e uniforme de seus comprimidos, garantindo uma dosagem precisa e eficaz.
2. Versatilidade: Este triturador de pílulas é adequado para todos os tamanhos de comprimidos, desde os menores até os maiores, permitindo que você triture qualquer tipo de medicamento.
3. Portabilidade: Graças ao seu tamanho compacto, você pode levar este triturador de pílulas para onde quiser. Nunca mais se preocupe em esquecer de tomar seus medicamentos enquanto estiver fora de casa.
4. Armazenamento conveniente: A tampa do triturador de pílulas permite que você armazene o pó não utilizado, evitando desperdícios e facilitando o transporte de suas doses diárias.
5. Confiança na marca: A Apex é líder no mercado de trituradores de medicamentos e organizadores de pílulas, garantindo a qualidade e eficiência deste produto.
Para utilizar o Apex-Carex Healthcare Pill Pulverizer, basta abrir o triturador, colocar o comprimido dentro e fechar firmemente. Em seguida, gire o triturador no sentido horário até que o comprimido seja completamente triturado em pó fino. Certifique-se de limpar o triturador após o uso para evitar contaminação cruzada. Este produto é fácil de usar e oferece uma maneira conveniente de tomar seus medicamentos diários.
Maria Wilmas –
I had a similar one, a little bit larger, and it was so hard to turn. This little one is so EASY to use!!
I cannot recommend this product. I bought it because it was inexpensive and had reviews that averaged 4.3 stars. I decided to stop and write this Apex review while I was shopping for a new and different kind of pill crusher on Amazon. I hope I can find one that doesn’t rely on hand strength, endurance and flexibility. And preferably one Made In The USA, however, alas, these days American manufactured products are quite hard to find.
I have been using the Apex pill crusher twice a day to crush medications for an elderly parent who has trouble swallowing pills. Mixing powdered medications in chocolate pudding has worked well for us – except when bits and pieces of medication crumbs are mixed in that can be felt, tasted and spit out!
The Apex has been so hard on my hands that I started using two rubber grippers – to protect my hands from the hard plastic, and to better grip and twist the upper (grinder/crusher) the lower (pill receptacle) halves.
But no matter how long I twist and crush, when I open the top, the pills still have small pieces mixed in with the powder. I have to gently shake the powder to get the remaining pieces toward the middle, under the grinding point, then reapply top and twist some more. It takes 2-3 tries before the pills are completely ground into powder. My hands ache all the time these days.
When my rubber grippers began wearing out, I started to buy some more grippers. Then I realized how stupid is that?!? A much better solution for me, would be to buy a superior quality product that works differently and requires less physical hand strength. If your hands have arthritis, limited strength, or dry skin – then avoid this product.
IMHO, it is better to pay more and buy a superior product – as I have learned the older I get. Also, I’ve learned to read the good and the bad reviews. What works well for some doesn’t necessarily work well for all.
Rachel Jupiter –
Great for drugging my pets.
Country Girl –
I don’t think this is something older people could use with ease . Sometimes it’s hard to screw the top on, this also does not crush all pills extended release pills seem to be the most difficult and smaller pills are hard to crush . I brought for my mom as she doesn’t like taking pills and many times after crushing the pill I have to go in and break up the chunks of pills that didn’t break all the way down and turn to powder . Three stars cause it does the job for the most part just not the best .
julie k marley –
This thing works great. It’s definitely way better than trying to use 2 spoons!!!!! Love it!
J. Obrien –
Don’t do these reviews often – but I looked at this pill crusher in photo and told myself it won’t work but you’ve got to chance it – most likely will turn pills to granules.
Nope – Crushed to powder – thoroughly crushed to powder … even one little pill – crushed it to powder in seconds. Furthermore – no cleanup inside except a very-very light dust on the cone on the cap.
Oustanding product – and sturdy – and it will not cross-thread on you… well made.
Nicole Gauthier –
Pour médicaments animaux.
Jean Cross –
It works really well, was reasonably priced. Had never heard of a pill crusher until I needed to crush all my husbands’ pills to administer through a PEG tube directly into his tummy and I was asked by one of the professionals overseeing my husbands’ illness how was I coping with administering his medication and I said I’d had to result to crushing his tables between clingfilm with a rolling pin and she suggested a pill crusher. I would definitely buy this model again.
Jacob –
This has made it so much easier for my wife to crush up my dog’s pills to put in his breakfast!
Ken Dethloff –
Crushes most pills to a fine powder. Pills with a hard coating, will not be crushed completly, but sufficiently. Large pills seem to crush better if broken in half. Completely made of plastic (no metal parts). For what it is, it appears to be well made. As with most products, unfortunately, “made in China”.