A Wahl Color Pro Cordless Rechargeable Hair Clipper é a solução ideal para quem busca praticidade e eficiência na hora de cuidar dos cabelos. Com um design moderno e funcional, este cortador de cabelo sem fio oferece a liberdade de se movimentar sem as limitações de um cabo, permitindo que você faça cortes precisos em qualquer lugar. A versatilidade do aparelho é ampliada pela opção de uso com ou sem fio, garantindo que você nunca fique sem energia durante o corte.
Uma das características mais inovadoras do Wahl Color Pro é o seu sistema de pentes guias codificados por cores. Isso facilita a identificação e a escolha do comprimento desejado, tornando o processo de corte mais intuitivo e rápido. Cada pente é facilmente reconhecível, eliminando a frustração de lembrar qual comprimento corresponde a cada membro da família. Além disso, a higiene é uma prioridade, pois as lâminas removíveis e laváveis permitem uma limpeza rápida e eficiente, bastando enxaguá-las sob água corrente para remover os pelos acumulados.
Com uma variedade de comprimentos de corte, o Wahl Color Pro proporciona um acabamento suave e sem esforço. A referência visual da chave de cores na parte frontal do aparelho torna a troca de pentes uma tarefa simples e rápida. Ideal para quem está sempre em movimento, a autonomia de 60 minutos da bateria é perfeita para viagens, férias ou compromissos de trabalho. E com a compatibilidade de voltagem mundial, você pode utilizá-lo em qualquer lugar, seja em 220v ou em sistemas de voltagem dupla.
Além de ser uma excelente opção para uso pessoal, o Wahl Color Pro também se destaca como um presente perfeito. Seja para homens ou mulheres, os cortadores, aparadores e massajadores da Wahl são uma escolha certeira para as festividades de fim de ano, proporcionando um toque de cuidado e praticidade.
– Praticidade Sem Fio: A liberdade de movimento sem cabos facilita o corte em qualquer lugar.
– Facilidade de Uso: Os pentes codificados por cores simplificam a escolha do comprimento desejado.
– Higiene Garantida: Lâminas removíveis e laváveis asseguram uma limpeza rápida e eficiente.
– Versatilidade em Viagens: Com 60 minutos de autonomia e voltagem mundial, é ideal para quem viaja.
– Presente Ideal: Uma opção de presente que combina utilidade e estilo para qualquer ocasião.
Para utilizar o Wahl Color Pro Cordless, comece garantindo que a bateria esteja totalmente carregada. Se for a primeira vez que o utiliza, familiarize-se com os pentes guias e a chave de cores. Selecione o pente desejado e encaixe-o firmemente na lâmina. Ligue o aparelho e comece a cortar, movendo-o suavemente contra o crescimento do cabelo para um resultado uniforme. Após o uso, remova o pente e enxágue as lâminas sob água corrente para mantê-las limpas e em bom estado. Para prolongar a vida útil da bateria, recomenda-se realizar um ciclo de carga completo a cada seis meses.
Tonther –
Muy bueno y muy util
Gurtar Man –
My purchase of these clippers was inspired by the rising cost of a haircut. I will say that I am getting older so my hair doesn’t have to be a fashion statement, and that I had nothing to lose by spending two haircuts worth to buy these. I am not disappointed at all.
I was hesitant about cutting my hair myself, so I carefully read the instructions and watched a few videos – finally got up the nerve to go for it.
With the color-coded guide combs it is pretty fool proof. I also appreciate the included scissors and barber combs for touch up.
So, my first attempt came out pretty good, looks almost as good as a cut from the salon, however, I have to say I did struggle with the back of my head.
Next time I will use two mirrors…lol.
While it isnt entirely bad, I trimmed the back a little high up because I was going by feel instead of using a mirror. Okay, lesson learned. I am confident in my next cut because I have a better idea of what to do.
The Wahl quality is there, the clippers are sturdy and the cordless feature is essential for self-cutting.
They are a bit loud – but I think all clippers are that way. I am happy with this purchase and recommend it if you want to eventually save some haircut money.
Derek –
Great clipper with many comb sizes available. There are larger sizes available then what is included in the kit.
I use this to cut my own hair. I was originally thinking I would just use it to make small adjustments to help extend the length between going to the hair stylist. With the discovery of the 1.5″ wahl guide comb I am able to cut the hair on the top of my head, very easy to do with the cordless. Cutting the sides requires a little thinking because I have 5/8″ on the sides and back. After watching a couple on-line videos on how to cut hair with clippers I realized what needs to be done.
Whenever I go to the hair stylist I always get let down with the cut. The last time was the breaking point, it seemed like everything I was asked was just thrown out and my hair was cut their way. Very frustrating to say the least. I thought that in the worst case I could do no worse. What I did was get one last hair cut after I purchased this clipper. I watched very closely how it was done, not too close on the parts I didn’t like. Any way, I went home and put a guide comb on the clipper and with the clipper off, I pushed it through my hair. I was able to find which guide comb was used on my head and how far up the sides. I have 5/8″ on the sides and back and 1.5″; on the top. Wahl makes the 1.5″; guide comb which really makes the deal. I put the 1.5″ comb on the clipper and turned it on then ran it over my head, it just cut some stray hairs but I was able to see just how easy it was to use, I could hold it at all the angles needed to run over the top of my head. Overrunning the sides and back were no issue since they are shorter. Then I put on the clipper for the sides and ran it around. The area where the sides/back meet the top need to be blended gradually which is really easy using the technique on the Wahl website and shown in the instruction book, called blending. The blending is using the rocking motion at the end of cut, the photo in the instructions and the video make it clear. Same technique my hair stylist used too.
So far I have done 3 hair cuts, I cut more often because there is no charge and I figured if I messed up the problem would be small. The result was amazingly good and took almost no skill. The hardest part is squaring off the back, kind of hard to look in a mirror and watch while moving the clipper. I just did several dry runs, with the clipper off till I felt I had the technique correct then turned it on and cut. Perfect results. Now I cut my hair in the morning before taking a shower, no lost time sitting in a hair cut shop waiting to have a less than average hair cut.
I received 12 guide comb attachments with the clipper. I think there was more than the basic set. Very happy with the quality of the combs. The clipper feels good and it is not too heavy. No cord really helps cutting your own hair. The case is a soft zipper case, holds everything in it. It is ok quality. I have not yet ran a change out on the clipper, it lasts longer than I could possibly use it. Perhaps for several hair cuts it would not make it but for one person no issue. The rechargeable battery is the weak point, the instructions say it will only last 3-5 years. Seems short but the instructions also say the clipper can be used with the cord plugged in. So that would be the back for one day when it finally gives up.
This really changed my mind on cutting my own hair. It is no harder than trimming a beard, really easy for me to pick up. If you ever thought about cutting your own hair give it a try, you may be surprised how easy it can be. Just get it cut one more time at the hair stylist then go home and run the clipper with the comb attached, no power and see what was cut to which point. That really helps teach you how to cut.
UPDATE: I have been using this clipper to cut my own hair for over 1 year. I have improved cutting my hair a bit. I cut my hair more often these days because it is no charge and I like to maintain the same general look. I’m amazed at how easy it is to cut my own hair, I should have tried this years ago. It has become so easy to cut my own hair I hardly think about it any more. I have become better at cutting my own hair so that it looks the way I like it. And I can repeat it easily. My wife likes the way it looks too.
David Granatstein –
It came with a ton of accessories that are useful and well labelled. The colour coding helps get you what you need quickly. The guide was helpful without being overbearing.. Lots of power compared to my last razor.
edilson –
=> Entrega excelente
=> cuidado com o pacote também excelente
=> gostei da mochilinha para guardar tudo, isso ficou perfeito
=> você não compra apenas uma maquina pra cortar cabelo, vem muita coisa no pacote
=> é fácil de usar, e fazer a limpeza pós-uso
=> vale a pena pagar um pouco mais, por um produto de maior qualidade
CEmilia –
I’m new to Wahl. And I tell you what, I’m never going back to my old clippers.
I’ve bought Remingtons since my 20s because I was low on the economic food chain, they were cheap and serviceable, and I wanted to spend my money on other things. They were a pain to use if I waited too long between shaves, and quit after 2 years or so, which I assumed was normal.
After my last set went Amityville on me (they started randomly turning on when I wasn’t in the room! 😱), I was getting frustrated with the old pattern of short lifespans, difficulty cleaning, and bizarre dying behaviors, and decided to shop around. I was willing to pay a little extra to see if spending a little more would get me better quality. After some research, I settled on Wahl.
Let’s start with power: the motor on this thing is insane. While I was shopping, my old clippers were completely unusable, and the shag was starting to build up. 3 weeks I went without a shave. When these came in and I used them for the first time, I cleared away that 3 weeks of shaggy growth in under 2 minutes. I have pretty fine hair, but I have a LOT of it, and when it gets that thick I’ve always had to slowly push at my undergrowth in nudges to get anywhere, and go over it a couple times after that. This thing? I not only didn’t have to do the threshing-tractor-vs-jungle nudge, I cleared every section of hair in ONE PASS.
Ease of use: I’m a full-grown adult, and I STILL appreciate the color coding. Even if I’m tired and not paying the best attention, “RED IS ME” is pretty simple to remember. For families and teens just learning to be their own barbers, it would definitely make it more convenient.
Clear instructions: the instruction guide is clearly worded with photos to illustrate uses/techniques (I have a simple undercut, but again, to someone with more varied needs, this is more clarity than you get with pretty much any instruction manual these days). The directions on maintenance and cleaning are simple and clear as well.
Speaking of cleaning: I had a problem with my last set of clippers with hair getting stuck in the body of the clippers and not coming out. These shuck cut hair well away from themselves, and anything that does start to build up is easily swept away post-shave with the cleaning brush provided. The guards are similarly easy to clean out.
I can’t comment on longevity because they’re still pretty new, but as they don’t have a lot of the small issues that lead to early death, I expect them to last a good while. The fact that they have the ease of cordless and the guaranteed power of a cord, I’ve always found that I get a little more life with clippers with a cord option.
Bottom line, these clippers are powerful, easy to use and versatile. (Did I mention the ear guards? Ear guards! I’ve never seen those in home grooming kits before.) If you’re new to home shaving, or just want to up your game with a better product, get these.
Sagar Patel –
Very nice functionality value for money.noise level is very little
Hassan –
مكنه تستحق الشراء .. من أوّل تجربه فاجأت كل اللي حولي
لها قطعتين للحلاقه بطول متدرج لجوانب الرأس من الأمام و تمررها فوق الأذن الى اسفل الرأس من الخلف
قطعه للجانب الأيمن و أخرى للجانب الأيسر من الرأس
بصراحه انا سعيد بها و أشكر البائع و امازون على سرعة ايصالها خلال ٤ أيام
طلبتها ١٣ – ١٢ و وصلتني ١٧ – ١٢
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