Antler Farms – 100% Pure, Organic, New Zealand Wheatgrass Powder
Descubra o poder da natureza com o Antler Farms New Zealand Wheatgrass Powder, um produto 100% puro e orgânico que traz a essência da Nova Zelândia diretamente para sua mesa. Com 200g de puro bem-estar, este pó de grama de trigo é a escolha ideal para quem busca uma alimentação saudável e rica em nutrientes. Cultivado em solo fértil e sob a luz do sol, o nosso wheatgrass é cuidadosamente cultivado ao ar livre, permitindo que suas raízes profundas absorvam o máximo de nutrientes disponíveis. Este processo de crescimento lento, que se estende por centenas de dias, resulta em um produto de qualidade superior, repleto de clorofila e outros compostos benéficos.
A colheita do Antler Farms Wheatgrass ocorre no auge de sua potência, garantindo um pó de grama de trigo de cor verde intensa e repleto de nutrientes essenciais. Com um teor de clorofila quatro vezes maior por porção do que o suco de wheatgrass cultivado em bandejas e duas vezes maior do que outros pós de wheatgrass, este produto é uma fonte concentrada de nutrição. O processo de desidratação a baixa temperatura mantém todos os nutrientes e enzimas intactos, assegurando que você receba todos os benefícios potenciais de forma bio disponível.
Produzido nas Planícies de Canterbury, na Nova Zelândia, o Antler Farms Wheatgrass é cultivado em um ambiente livre de poluição, onde as condições climáticas equilibradas favorecem o crescimento da grama de trigo de mais alta qualidade. Você pode literalmente sentir a diferença em cada colherada!
– Nutrição Concentrada: Fornece uma ampla gama de vitaminas, minerais e aminoácidos essenciais, promovendo uma dieta equilibrada.
– Desintoxicação Natural: A alta concentração de clorofila ajuda a eliminar toxinas do corpo, promovendo uma saúde digestiva ideal.
– Aumento de Energia: Os nutrientes presentes no wheatgrass podem ajudar a aumentar os níveis de energia e vitalidade ao longo do dia.
– Apoio ao Sistema Imunológico: Os antioxidantes e enzimas presentes fortalecem o sistema imunológico, ajudando a prevenir doenças.
– Facilidade de Uso: Pode ser facilmente incorporado em smoothies, sucos ou até mesmo em receitas, tornando a alimentação saudável prática e saborosa.
Para aproveitar ao máximo os benefícios do Antler Farms New Zealand Wheatgrass Powder, recomenda-se adicionar uma colher de sopa (aproximadamente 10g) do pó em seu smoothie, suco ou água. Misture bem até que o pó esteja completamente dissolvido. Para resultados ideais, consuma diariamente, preferencialmente pela manhã, para um impulso de energia e nutrição que irá acompanhar você ao longo do dia. Armazene em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar a integridade do produto.
sojourner –
My journey toward optimal health began around 10 years ago when I started to study species appropriate diets for animals and humans. What I consistently found, is that one of the key components for supporting human health is the consumption of uncooked fresh, organic, dark leafy greens, included produce, grasses, and sea vegetables. I was particularly impressed by the natural healing program Dr. Ann Wigmore created in the 1950’s based around utilizing fresh wheatgrass juice for herself, and her ill patients – experiencing tremendous improvements after beginning the program. Wheatgrass contains sodium, iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, selenium and zinc as well as chlorophyll and vitamins A, B-complex, C, E, and K. Wow! Although I’d love to grow and juice my own wheatgrass daily, my current lifestyle includes long periods of travel, so I bring along my Antler Farms raw, organic wheatgrass and just put a scoopful into some water in glass jar with a lid at the beginning of my day, give it a little shake and drink it up. By the way, I love the aesthetic of this brand, the convenient size of the container this powder comes in, and that there wasn’t a lot of empty space at the top – it arrived nearly full of yummy, fresh-smelling goodness.
Amazon Customer –
I’ve had a craving for wheatgrass since this past summer and did some research but was not able to decide from all the different brands. I waited and I took a chance on Antler Farms. Organic, cold processed, and the pictures from other reviews showed a nice color. I think I chose this over other brands because of price, quality, and NZ is dope.
Now this is my first wheatgrass experience other than chewing on regular grass. That being said upon opening it had a nice green color. I love the smell, which changes when wet. It is a smell of life and vitality. When mixed with water the drink interestingly turns dark green. Eating the powder alone even tastes delicious to me. Sometimes it also tastes sweet. All kind of depends on my taste buds and nose at the given moment.
For someone that doesn’t crave it and is looking for the health benefits I’m not sure how it would taste but I love it. I’m not sure the health claims are true, but whether you buy something like this or go out and get organic veggies from the store it will probably cost you the same so why not try something unique.
Another thing to note is that this does have fiber in it. Sometimes I strain it out with a french press but I end up drinking it anyway. I feel as though it does add to the flavor profile and maybe even has benefits if the micro-biome can break it down some.
I’m still a newbie so there is still interest in other brands out of curiosity, but this product has satisfied my craving. There are a lot of products out there and it is hard for me at least to trust one when I am skeptical of paid or discounted reviews. I trust Antler Farms now and who knows there may or may not be a better product out there.
Like most people, I try to get more raw greens in my diet. Although fresh, organic, leafy green juice is ideal, I found that I just could not regularly juice vegetables on my own. It was just too cumbersome and expensive to constantly buy veggies, prepare them, juice them, and clean it up. That’s why I turned towards getting greens through a supplement.
Wheatgrass is one of the most powerful superfoods there is when it comes to delivering vitamins and minerals, enzymes, and chlorophyll. I take a couple of scoops per day mixed with juice or in a smoothie and I know I am getting a good dose of nutrients.
What I really like about Antler Farms wheatgrass is this:
1) It tastes good. Most of the cereal grasses are very hard to drink straight because of their strong taste. And if you won’t drink it, then it is of no nutritional value. But this surprisingly tastes lighter than others. I’ve even taken it straight and it’s more than tolerable – it’s not bad at all.
2) It has more nutrients than other wheat grasses. Antler Farms says this and I verified where I could. Here’s what I found:
Brand (Origin) – Chlorophyll content per gram
Antler Farms (New Zealand) – 9 mg
Amazing Grass (USA) – 5.25 mg
Green Foods (USA) – 6.6 mg
Activz (USA) – not listed
Dr. Berg’s (USA) – not listed
Garden of Life (USA) – not listed
Navitas (USA) – not listed
Now Foods (USA) – not listed
Nurtured by Nature (USA) – not listed
My Superfoods (China) – not listed
Pines (USA) – not listed
Pure Synergy (USA) – not listed
Starwest Botanicals (China) – not listed
I was a bit surprised that many wheatgrass labels do not bother listing the chlorophyll even though chlorophyll is the most powerful component in wheatgrass!
3) It is organically grown outdoors in New Zealand. This probably is the reason why it tastes better. In New Zealand, the soil and water and pollutionless environment make for more healthy crops in general. Side note: I would never trust products from China or India, even if they are labeled organic. Organic just means they didn’t use artificial fertilizers or pesticides in farming. But it does NOT mean that the product can’t be contaminated from nearby pollution. I like my products to come from known clean countries like New Zealand.
4) It’s raw! They process this at a low temperature so it’s never heated. It’s like eating a whole salad in a spoonful. Heat kills nutrients, so look for raw green products when possible.
Overall, I like this wheatgrass a lot. It’s a great way to get my greens without the time and energy of juicing them. I still juice when I can, but I take wheatgrass daily and notice the sustained energy I get within 15-20 minutes on an empty stomach. If you are looking for a quality, clean, chlorophyll rich wheatgrass, this is it!
CupcakeGirl –
This wheat grass powder is high quality! I’ve only had my second dose this morning but I can already feel the difference. I slept like a baby last night. I mix mine with pineapple juice and it tastes good and mixes up smoothly. I would highly recommend! This company goes above and beyond to produce a very nutritious and organic product. Thank you!!!