NMNH Anti-Aging and Cellular Support – 1000mg com NAD, Resveratrol, Berberina, Quercetina e Extrato de Semente de Uva – 120 Cápsulas
Em um mundo onde a busca pela longevidade e pela saúde celular se torna cada vez mais essencial, o NMNH Anti-Aging e Suporte Celular se destaca como uma solução inovadora e poderosa. Com uma fórmula avançada que combina 1000mg de ingredientes ativos, este suplemento foi desenvolvido para promover o rejuvenescimento celular e combater os sinais do envelhecimento. Cada cápsula contém uma sinergia de NAD, Resveratrol, Berberina, Quercetina e Extrato de Semente de Uva, todos conhecidos por suas propriedades antioxidantes e anti-inflamatórias.
O NAD (Nicotinamida Adenina Dinucleotídeo) é uma coenzima vital que desempenha um papel crucial na produção de energia celular e na reparação do DNA. À medida que envelhecemos, os níveis de NAD diminuem, levando a um declínio na função celular. O Resveratrol, um polifenol encontrado em uvas e vinho tinto, é amplamente reconhecido por suas propriedades anti-envelhecimento, ajudando a proteger as células contra danos oxidativos. A Berberina, um composto bioativo extraído de várias plantas, é conhecida por suas propriedades metabólicas e pode auxiliar na regulação do açúcar no sangue. A Quercetina, um flavonoide poderoso, atua como um anti-inflamatório natural, enquanto o Extrato de Semente de Uva é rico em antioxidantes que promovem a saúde cardiovascular e a elasticidade da pele.
Com 120 cápsulas em cada frasco, o NMNH Anti-Aging e Suporte Celular é uma adição prática à rotina diária de quem busca não apenas prolongar a vida, mas também melhorar a qualidade dela. Este produto é ideal para aqueles que desejam um suporte abrangente para a saúde celular, promovendo um envelhecimento saudável e ativo.
1. Rejuvenescimento Celular: Aumenta os níveis de NAD, promovendo a regeneração celular e a vitalidade.
2. Proteção Antioxidante: Combate os radicais livres, reduzindo o estresse oxidativo e os sinais de envelhecimento.
3. Saúde Metabólica: A Berberina ajuda a regular os níveis de açúcar no sangue, contribuindo para um metabolismo saudável.
4. Apoio Cardiovascular: O Extrato de Semente de Uva melhora a circulação e a saúde do coração.
5. Redução da Inflamação: A Quercetina atua como um anti-inflamatório, promovendo o bem-estar geral.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de duas cápsulas ao dia, preferencialmente com uma refeição. É importante manter uma hidratação adequada e consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos. O uso contínuo do NMNH Anti-Aging e Suporte Celular pode contribuir significativamente para a saúde a longo prazo e o bem-estar geral.
Chris B. –
This may be a good product, and may live up to it’s claims, but I didn’t notice any benefits.
The ingredient list is very good and the capsules are easy to take. Too soon to tell?
Mark Moretennis –
The various nicotinamide compounds in this formula have received quite a bit of interest by the scientific community, and there are many articles available about the various health and anti-aging benefits of these enzymes. You would get the impression that these were ‘wonder drugs’ and that they will cure everything that ails you .. and this MAY be the case .. but the studies are not complete and so as they say the jury is still out on these findings. Before using these, or any supplement, you should (a) do your own research, (b) make sure you are not allergic or sensitive to any ingredients, (c) most importantly check with your health care provider especially if you are taking any other medications or have any other health related conditions.
In addition to the main ingredients, this formula also contains other ‘support’ products, and these may be of more concern that the main ones. Check them out completely before taking them.
If this formula works for you and the research proves it to be safe and effective, then I for one will be ordering more. But for now I am starting with very low doses, spread out over time, until I am sure it does not cause any problems for MY system. Fingers crossed that it does all that it alleges.
BM –
I received the product two weeks ago and I think it’s working. How do I think it’s working? I’m an avid tennis player and a pickleball player, pickleball is a fast game, but tennis takes concentration and the ability to hit the ball at the right time. My hand-eye coordination or my comfort in playing tennis has seem to improve. I can see no other explanation as to why my eye hand coordination has gotten better. I always judge how I’m doing by my tennis game, and guess what I think this stuff is helping it.
George –
I feel the price is high and can’t verify claims. I can’t help but hesitate recommending this supplement. While I have not experienced any real negative effects, I have had some stomach discomfort while taking it and I don’t feel anything positive. I suggest research if you’re considering buying it.
George –
Simple Melts NMNH provides 400mg of nicotinamide as well as supportive ingredients like resveratrol, berberine, quercetin & grapeseed to improve nicotinamide’s performance. Nicotinamide is a form of niacin that increases the production of NAD+ and improves mitochondrial function. This in turn increases cell energy and metabolism. Consuming NMNH on a regular basis can promote healthier cells and enhance longevity. This is a worthwhile product from a trusted brand. The Simple Melts capsules are certified non GMO, made in the USA under good manufacturing practices. Very easy to swallow everyday with my vitamins. It’s currently a good deal, priced under 60 cents a day for a 2 month supply.
Chris B. –
This supplement is the first I have tried that combines NAD and NMN into one supplement. Not only that, but it also contains resveratrol, berberine, quercetin, and grape seed extract, but the quantities are not that high for each (150 mg each). I found it interesting that the capsule containing the extract is listed as liposomal, but not the supplement itself, so I am uncertain what benefit this has.
The supplement is a light yellow color and is contained in a liposomal veggie capsule. The capsule is of an average size for most supplements that I found easy enough to swallow with essentially no odor or flavor to it. The capsules are in a plastic bottle with a plastic screw on cap that blocks light and keeps air out (for the most part, but not hermetically sealed or anything).
This supplement seems like it is of good quality and I experienced no side effects when taking it. I cannot speak to its effectiveness as I didn’t experience any noticeable impacts, but NAD and NMN are supposed to provide a cellular benefit over time, so I don’t expect to “feel” anything, but hope that my cellular health is improved by taking NAD/NMN supplements like this one.
Fit PharmKat –
On the plus side, I haven’t experienced any negative side effects from this supplement.
On the negative side, I haven’t noticed any benefits, either.
Given that you need to take two capsules at a time to achieve a full dose, that makes this more expensive than a Netflix subscription per month! (And I get a lot more benefit from Netflix, lol.)
jimmy –
The bottle says 2 caps, once a day. Started w/that & it took affect about an hour later. I had a mild stroke some years ago & had balance problems, the problem is much less noticeable now. Also more energy & an overall feeling of mental sharpness. So it actually works!!! I’ll be buying more, especially because the price is very reasonable. No ill side affects at all. I’ve got high blood pressure & this product doesn’t increase it or make me feel nervous, jittery only more alert.