Animal Test – Impulsionador de Testosterona para Homens
Animal Test é um suplemento de reforço de testosterona para homens, formulado com ingredientes potentes como ácido araquidônico, casca de yohimbe, trans resveratrol e cissus quadrangularis. Este produto é ideal para atletas de força que buscam maximizar seu desempenho e resultados. Com embalagens práticas e completas, o Animal Test oferece uma solução conveniente para quem deseja elevar seus treinos e alcançar novos patamares de força e crescimento muscular.
1. Impulsionador de Testosterona Definitivo para Homens
Seja você um fisiculturista, levantador de peso ou apenas buscando ganhos massivos, o Animal Test foi projetado para levar seus limites ao máximo e ajudar os homens a alcançarem novas alturas. Elevar seus ganhos para o próximo nível com um mega impulso de testosterona.
2. Saúde Ótima para Homens com Impulso de Testosterona
Tome o Animal Test com a última refeição antes do treino. Nos dias de descanso, tome-o com qualquer refeição. Faça 2 ciclos consecutivos sem pausa e, em seguida, faça uma pausa de 4 semanas. Nos dias de descanso, combine com o M-Stak não hormonal para um impulso total de testosterona.
3. Pacotes Convenientes All-in-One
Cada pacote é perfeitamente dosado com Ácido Araquidônico, Casca de Yohimbe, Trans Resveratrol e Cissus Quadrangularis. Fácil de transportar, sem contar comprimidos ou lidar com pós bagunçados – basta pegar e levar este lendário impulsionador de testosterona.
4. Fabricado com os Mais Altos Padrões de Qualidade e Segurança
Todos os nossos produtos são produzidos em nossa fábrica certificada GMP nos EUA, e cada lote é testado por laboratório de terceiros quanto à qualidade, segurança e potência; nossos produtos funcionam sinergicamente em toda a nossa linha.
5. Confiado por Atletas de Alto Desempenho há mais de 40 anos
A Animal é uma empresa familiar que impulsionou a nutrição esportiva, é assim que conquistamos a confiança de atletas dedicados de força e desempenho que sabem que todos nós somos construídos, não nascemos.
- Aumento significativo da força e resistência durante os treinos.
- Melhora no desempenho atlético, permitindo treinos mais intensos e eficazes.
- Suporte ao crescimento muscular, promovendo ganhos mais rápidos e visíveis.
- Fórmula prática e conveniente, eliminando a necessidade de múltiplos suplementos.
- Produzido com rigorosos padrões de qualidade, garantindo segurança e eficácia.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se tomar um pacote do Animal Test com a última refeição antes do treino. Nos dias de descanso, o produto pode ser consumido com qualquer refeição. É aconselhável realizar 2 ciclos consecutivos de 21 dias sem pausa, seguidos de uma pausa de 4 semanas. Durante os dias de descanso, a combinação com o M-Stak não hormonal é recomendada para um impulso total de testosterona. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar o uso deste produto para garantir que ele se adeque às suas necessidades individuais.
Joseph Mendoza –
Background story of how and what happen. Pros and Cons in the end of the review. And some stuff to keep in mind for this product or any other. Enjoy…
To start out This S*** is F****** amazing. I was introuced to the Animal world with AnimalPak from a friend but when I came looking for it I came across Animal Test. It interested me when I read the description about it and decided to buy this instead of Animal Pak which is just vitamins. My friend said somehow AnimalPak got him swollen but I had my doubts. HOW THE F DOES VITAMINS GET YOU BIG RIGHT!? I for sure didn’t want Vitamins at that moment. So when I got the product I was shocked of what i saw. 30 packet with 8 pills in each!!! I was like dam wtf did I just buy but of course I don’t like to throw money away so went ahead and tried it believe me I was scared, usually most people are raised taking a pill or 2 but 8 who wouldn’t be scared. Like isin’t that bad for the liver? Anyways 3 days passed and I wasen’t feeling different. I figured it was gonna work on me quick with the first pack cuz of all the pills and I’m 5’5 who weighted (in that time) 118 lbs also in my 20s so very much a low tolerance . So eight pill should of done something to a small body frame right but nothing. So I was getting dissapointed already cuz I was like really looking for some changes as I was getting annoyed of having the same body as I did in high school. Do keep in mind I’m not skinny boney, I do have an athletic body but just short and on the slim side. But like I said nothing was happening and I didn’t want to throw it away as I hate throwing products that I waste money on and as you can see expensive too no choice but to finish it right. Wasen’t really looking for any results anymore just doing what I had to do to finish it. Pshhh was I surprised by what happen. Once I took it for a whole week 7 days to be exact. The magic finally hit and I mean some good ass MAGIC! I was full of energy and somehow felt strong. And I mean a lot of it, of course that’s what testostormes (if thats how u spell it) effects are right man. As some of you who have read my reviews know I’m a fan of P90X and Insanity let me tell you that this made me blaze through both of them like nothing. Once I was done with P90X workout I would hop to Insanity and finish them both and believe me when I say this I wasen’t tired. Not tired at all and yes gave it my all no half work s*** here! I’m telling you I would have so much energy that even when I would sleep I would wake up 4 hrs after and wanted to lift more. Yea maybe that isn’t a good thing to brag about as we all know muscle builds up when you sleep but I’m telling you it would just happened. Now for the strength part. BLEW MY MIND! Okay no bragging here and yes I know others can lift more then what I’m about to say but it was a lot for me. Especially since i don’t live in a gym, point is it surpasses natural progress by a bunch. Here is my example: Wednesday or the 3rd workout for P90X on the first month is Arms and Shoulders. Now I know P90X starts with Chest and Back but the majority exercise in this workout is body weight and not much lifiting weights thats why im using the 3rd day workout as an example as its mostly weights used. (ARMS BLASTING) Anyways getting off topic, P90X hates resting between exercise so no time to recover or take a breath which taxes your bodys oxygen and kills your muscles quick. Now usually I would start the workout with 30 lbs and by the end I would end with 20 lbs or even 15 lbs. This is where Animal Test got me running back for more. For the whole month on the first month of P90X well technically starting the second week since thats when it kicked in. All the exercise I was lifting 50 pounds I felt like I could do more but I was using Bowflex 550 weights which maxes out at 50 pounds!!! Well honestly the Shoulder side lift would be 30 lbs as Tony Horton did mention to not use to much weight for the exercise and correct me if im wrong he uses a 20 lbs dumbbells so its 10 more pounds then him. Hell yes! Still it was an improvement for me from 10 and 30 lbs to 50 lbs. And yes the energy was still there. Starting throwing in some extra sets too and yet I wasen’t satasfied anymore. I somehow like to get sore as soreness shows that you worked hard until it gets used to it and from personal experience the body doesn’t get used to exercise that quick. Anyhow sounds like steroids right? Thats when I starting adding Insanity too. Finishing strong was a must as all beach body workout programs tells you over and over to finish strong. How can I tell that I was working hard you ask…. because usually by the end I would want to throw up. 5 to 10 minutes. Enough said. This s*** will make you feel like a Demi God!!! I promise you this is a life changing product. If your a beginner and just starting out I would say start somewhere else and actually work without TEST so that you can feel the difference otherwise how would you know that its working right? My coach would always remind my team to max your body out so you can see your limits then use products to give you that extra edge. But if you been working out and hit a wall and no improvement at all then by all means get it now!!! You will thank the Animal in you. Now when someone ask me whats the best supplements I’ve taken 100% i say Animal Test.
If you did read my review, thank you for hearing me out. I know it was a long review and of course a lots of spelling mistakes so I apologize for that. But I want you to see how it happend. I gave you my 100% honesty and by no way would I want you to try something that doesn’t work and waste your hard earned money or easy . Of course not everyone is the same but for the most part well all of it to be exact has anyone who I recommend it said it didn’t work. In fact they were hook and wanted my opinions for a stack or other products that are stronger. Afraid to say that im still looking for something stronger. Anyways Now for my advice I do have to say something, and hopefully is helpful. I did try this product with AnimalPak in my second month just to make sure my body has all its need. Best combination ever. You see your body wont grow if its missing vitamins and minerals. A house wont be built if there are stuff missing right, pretty basic but yet forgotten most of time Especially me. Most of us just focus on the major stuff such as fat, carbs, and proteins. Not saying you shouldn’t and Its true proteins help you build muscle but did you know somehow your body makes those proteins into its missing needs and in the end those proteins weren’t use for what it was intended and the rest you would probably flush it out that in the end you won’t be seeing results quick or even at all. Who knows what your body uses the fat and carbs for, but probably not something you want. So if you have the extra money go ahead and get the Pak too. Wished I would’ve taken it my first month too. And last but not least do take breaks from this product or your other favorite supplements. Keep in mind that your body releases test and the simple fact that your putting more then what your body produces will halt natural production if you keep on using it. Animal does recommend that you do 2 cycles and stop for a month to allow your body to get back at its normal production. So don’t depend on supplements all the time!!! Be safe and grow strong!
Brian –
Overall I did like the product, I noticed an increase in energy however I did notice on days when I didn’t have sufficient sleep I felt very drained; definitely more than before I took the product. Another thing I noticed is that I would sweat a lot more than I used to, something to note before taking. I didn’t have any blood work done before or after so I have no way of knowing for sure but I definitely do feel like my testosterone increased and I did add about 8 pounds of lean muscle at the end of the 21 days. I would recommend to anyone needing that slight edge in the gym as long as you don’t mind the slight side effects I previously stated.
M Wike –
Gained significant strength even as a highly trained 45 year old lifter. Bench went from 225×4 to 225×8
Excelent –
frisbee_ten –
Love this stuff.
I am a 56 year old male who has lifted on and off since my late teens. Had wonderful results with M-Stak and added a 40 percent gain to my rows (I know, it sounds impossible, but did happen) and decent gains to my military press. Plateau’d in size gains and strength, so I tried Stak, which seemed to work as well as M-Stak. Then I tried Test, and saw my military press sets increase by 20 lbs. My incline bench also increased by 20 lbs. my rows have only been limited by the weight stack I can put on my pulley. Hard to believe I am now in the best muscle shape of my life, considering my advanced age.
Always wanted 17 inch biceps but always had max’d out at 16 3/4 inches. With test, I have gotten up to 17 inches.
My only limiting factor is my bone structure is not as strong as a younger persons, so I don’t do an extreme amount of sets and now use wrist wraps, but I do have to say this product got my muscles both larger and in peak strength condition!
Don’t recommend taking the white pill (yohimbe?). It makes me sweat profusely and puts my nerves on edge. I take the other pills and am just fine.
Felt somewhat more aggressive on my first can, but it has tapered off with additional cans, and now I just feel “get up and go.”
Akash Das –
Not too effective and extremely costly for no reason.
Amazon Kunde –
Tolles Produkt
Wolfgang I –
Animal ist seit einiger Zeit mein lieblings Supplement geworden. Nur trainieren muss man noch selber.
Vincent ingrassia –
Worked great for me .. no bad side effects, great workouts, muscle definitely got way more defined , I would highly recommend this product to anyone who is trying to get to the next level of their fitness journey
Jose G. Llamas –
I want to preface this first by saying that I’ve tried Animal brand products in the past and they have worked great but this one in particular did not work on me. In fact it disagreed with me a lot.
Every person’s body is different and certain products may work fine on one individual while it may not work for another. This might be the case with my experience.
To start off, I did feel much of change in terms of strength and stamina. My workout felt the same as always so not much of change. What I did feel was that my body felt cold, my blood pressure shot up, I was starting to get headaches, I experienced a little anxiety, and elevated heart rate. The heart rate was what troubled me the most. I took the supplement just as instructed with a meal so I know it wasn’t anything in the way that I was taking it that was causing the problem. I took it for a few more days to see if maybe my body needed to get used to it but it didn’t.
As I said, Animal products work great for me but in this case it didn’t. There are some people here who’ve tried it and have given it a great review. So it’s worked for them but not for me. I just want to throw out this word of caution before you spend your money on it.