Andrew Lessman Night Time 60 Cápsulas – 3mg Melatonina, Valeriana, Ashwagandha, Flor de Maracujá, Lúpulo, Camomila
A busca por uma noite de sono reparador é um desejo comum entre muitos, e o Andrew Lessman Night Time se apresenta como uma solução natural e eficaz. Com uma fórmula cuidadosamente elaborada, este suplemento combina ingredientes poderosos que promovem um sono tranquilo e sem os efeitos colaterais indesejados que muitas vezes acompanham os produtos convencionais. A melatonina, substância primária que regula o ciclo do sono, é a estrela desta composição, proporcionando um auxílio suave para adormecer sem criar dependência. Além disso, a adição de 5-hidroxitriptofano (5-HTP) não só melhora a qualidade do sono, mas também apoia a síntese de serotonina, contribuindo para um humor positivo.
A fórmula é enriquecida com extratos de cinco das plantas mais relaxantes da natureza: Valeriana, Ashwagandha, Lúpulo, Flor de Maracujá e Camomila. Cada um desses ingredientes foi selecionado por suas propriedades calmantes, criando uma sinergia que promove um descanso profundo e reparador. O produto é livre de aditivos, glúten, laticínios e alérgenos comuns, garantindo uma experiência de uso segura e eficaz. As cápsulas são fáceis de engolir e formuladas para uma absorção rápida, sem causar desconforto estomacal, mesmo em estômagos sensíveis.
Produzido diretamente nos Estados Unidos pela ProCaps, cada etapa do processo de fabricação é rigorosamente controlada, assegurando a pureza e a qualidade do produto. A empresa é reconhecida por seu compromisso com a sustentabilidade, utilizando energia solar em suas instalações e mantendo uma pegada de carbono zero. Além disso, a ProCaps é a maior doadora de vitaminas pré-natais do mundo, refletindo seu compromisso com a saúde global.
– Sono Reparador: Promove um sono profundo e tranquilo, sem a sensação de ressaca pela manhã.
– Ingredientes Naturais: Com uma mistura de extratos de plantas reconhecidas por suas propriedades relaxantes.
– Sem Aditivos: Fórmula pura, livre de glúten, laticínios e alérgenos comuns, ideal para pessoas com sensibilidades alimentares.
– Produção Sustentável: Fabricado em instalações com energia solar e zero pegada de carbono, contribuindo para a saúde do planeta.
– Qualidade Superior: Controle rigoroso de qualidade em todas as etapas de produção, garantindo eficácia e segurança.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se tomar uma cápsula de Andrew Lessman Night Time cerca de 30 minutos antes de dormir. É importante ingerir o suplemento com um copo de água, preferencialmente em um ambiente tranquilo, que favoreça a preparação para o sono. Evite o consumo de cafeína ou alimentos pesados nas horas que antecedem o uso do produto, para maximizar sua eficácia.
Jaime S. –
These work really well in helping me sleep, but they smell atrocious! Hold your breath, swallow quickly and close the bottle.
Gem Lover 1 –
Helps me fall asleep and stay asleep with no drowsiness the next morning. Lessman ProCap products are great!!! Produced using high quality, fair trade ingredients. No fillers. Plant leaves ZERO footprint on the environment! Awesome ethics.
DukeDiesel –
I cannot get to sleep without these pills! I am and have always been a poor sleeper. My mom got these for me to try and I was skeptical. I take ambien on the weekends(for work) because they knock me right out, but don’t want to take them during the week( I don’t work). I needed something for the week because I would stay up all night and be exhausted all day. These pills, to my surprise, did make me sleepy enough to relax and go to sleep(they don’t knock you out). I use them from now on 5 days a week. I don’t use them on the weekend because when I have to go to work I am too stressed and they won’t help me get to sleep. That’s why I take the ambien only on weekends. This routine may sound weird but it works. A nurses job in the hospital is extremely stressful and can keep you up at night even when you are exhausted. They are expensive but worth it. You should try them if you are a light sleeper or have trouble getting to sleep.
Ck –
Received product in a timely manner but the plastic bottle was crushed. Amazon offered no way to have it replaced. Thankful that Procaps (the company that makes the vitamins) replaced the product.
That said, I highly recommend the product but suggest you buy it elsewhere. From the vendor, it comes in a box, from Amazon, it came in a thin mailer and was easily crushed.
amazoncustomermj –
I haven’t received my bottle yet that I just ordered of Nighttime, but I’ve used it before. It works very well for me. It enables me to sleep a good 4 hours before heading to the bathroom, which at age 70 is no picnic usually. I take one about 30 minutes before laying down & fall asleep within 20 minutes or so. There is no morning hangover. Andrew Lessman’s supplements have no colors or fillers or other Ingredients besides what is listed on the bottle. There are no side effects. Procap Labs lists the exact amount of milligrams of each ingredient so you know exactly what you’re getting. I use approximately 8 of his products which are in capsules & they all dissolve easily with no stomach upset or smell.
bamagirl –
Have purchased this product multiple times. My Father recommended it for my sleep issues. I take one capsule at night. They smell a little funny, and sometimes are a little hard to swallow, but just swallow more water. Worth it to me as I have moderate issues with sleep. I trust the brand and their products.
Kathleen S Rasmussen –
I have been using many supplements from the Andrew Lessman company. I have been using the Night Time one for a very long time and am very happy with my success in falling asleep and staying asleep through the night. If you’re looking for a good nighttime sleep aid, this one really works! I wouldn’t hesitate to invest in any of Andrew Lessman‘s products.
Gregory H. –
Ok, so, 4 people have tried this (including myself) and the results have actually been very mixed. I have seen Mr. Lessman’s presentation on these on TV. He says there is no “hangover effect” after using it, but two of the four people in my house who used it did experience some residual grogginess after using it – one just a little bit and the other quite a bit for a few hours the next morning; two of us did not. In terms of it’s calming effect where it helps you fall asleep (taken 30 minutes before bed): It had SOME effect on all four of us. With me, maybe the least amount, but it did help a LITTLE bit. The other three said it did enough to say it was “noticeable”, and one said very much so. It didn’t keep any of us from waking up in the middle of the night, but did help to fall back to sleep a little quicker.
So I’m giving it 3 stars to say that’s it’s “ok”, and it does work more than not taking anything at all. As he said on TV, it’s not a sleeping pill and shouldn’t be considered at such. I just didn’t think it worked as good as claimed, though again, it did somewhat. We’ll keep trying it out over time and update if needed. I would recommend at least trying it as again, results were so mixed it might work great for some, etc.