Descrição do Produto: ANAI RUI Pads de Peeling Ácido Glicólico 35% AHA com Vitaminas B5, Hamamélis e Calêndula
Os Pads de Peeling Ácido Glicólico 35% AHA da ANAI RUI são a solução ideal para quem busca uma pele mais radiante e saudável. Com uma fórmula potente que combina 35% de ácido glicólico com vitaminas B5, hamamélis e calêndula, essas almofadas esfoliantes faciais promovem uma esfoliação profunda, removendo células mortas e revelando uma pele mais suave e luminosa. O ácido glicólico, um dos alfa-hidroxiácidos (AHA) mais eficazes, atua na renovação celular, ajudando a reduzir manchas escuras, melhorar a textura da pele e minimizar os sinais de envelhecimento.
Cada frasco contém 80 almofadas saturadas, prontas para uso, que são adequadas para todos os tipos de pele, incluindo as mais sensíveis. A hamamélis é conhecida por suas propriedades calmantes, ajudando a fechar os poros e a reduzir a vermelhidão, enquanto a calêndula alivia a inflamação e proporciona conforto à pele. As almofadas são texturizadas e não tecidas, facilitando a aplicação e garantindo uma distribuição uniforme do produto.
1. Melhora a aparência da pele: Reduz manchas escuras, poros dilatados e oleosidade, proporcionando um aspecto mais jovem e saudável.
2. Fácil de usar: As almofadas são práticas e não requerem conhecimento técnico, tornando o cuidado com a pele acessível a todos.
3. Ingredientes naturais: Com hamamélis e calêndula, ajudam a acalmar a pele e a reduzir a vermelhidão, oferecendo alívio imediato.
4. Adequado para todos os tipos de pele: Suaves e não irritantes, são ideais para uso diário, mesmo em peles sensíveis.
5. Resultados visíveis: Com uso regular, a textura e o tom da pele melhoram significativamente, resultando em uma aparência mais radiante.
Para obter os melhores resultados com os Pads de Peeling Ácido Glicólico ANAI RUI, siga estas etapas técnicas:
1. Realize um teste de alergia aplicando uma pequena quantidade do produto atrás da orelha ou abaixo do queixo. Aguarde 24 horas para verificar reações adversas.
2. Limpe e seque bem o rosto antes da aplicação.
3. Utilize a pinça fornecida para retirar uma almofada do frasco.
4. Passe suavemente a almofada sobre a pele, evitando a área dos olhos.
5. Deixe agir por 15 minutos e enxágue bem o rosto com água morna.
6. Aplique um hidratante adequado ao seu tipo de pele.
7. Use as almofadas ANAI RUI uma vez por dia, preferencialmente à noite, para maximizar os resultados.
Experimente as almofadas ANAI RUI 35% ácido glicólico e transforme a aparência da sua pele com esta solução prática e eficaz.
Tasha NYC –
Honestly, I find that the basic Glycolic Acid 15% toner from The Ordinary is much more effective even though it supposedly is half as strong.
Also, as far as the wipes go, I don’t think I’ve ever used a smaller/thinner pad and I use a ton of skincare. I let the reviews convince me but unfortunately it’s been 2.5 weeks and I just can’t say anything good about it.
Do yourself a favor and buy from a legitimate skin care brand.
Michael E. –
Every winter I get redness and scaly skin to the sides of my nose and just above it, the dreaded T zone. Moisturizing alone does not help, so I tried using acid pads and these have worked great. I have olive toned skin and it is fairly sensitive and these have not caused any issues for me. They also worked great to reduce black heads. So overall I really like these and will purchase again when I run out.
C. S. –
I purchased for my dark spots, bad texture and dead skin exfoliation. I noticed a difference after the second day using it! I immediately noticed that a glow has returned to my skin that I haven’t seen in so long. My skin texture is also more smooth after using for 2-4 days. My dark spots are a tad bit lighter but they are pretty bad along my jawline so I think it’s fair to give it at least 2-3 weeks before I judge regarding how well it does with post-blemish marks. Since using I haven’t had any new pimples. I’m truly impressed by how soon I’ve seen a positive turn around with the texture and appearance of my skin. This doesn’t burn, or dry me out, doesn’t give that weird dry-yet-oily film on my skin. My face retains a healthy amount of moisture with a nice dewy look since using this. Looking forward to these dark spots disappearing. Being as though these very dark spots are slightly lighter after about a week, I feel very confident that I will se great results in that area as well. I highly recommend (Skin type is oily/breakouts are mostly hormonal before period)
deniceblue –
I was pleased with the product. I have sensitive skin and this product didn’t bother my skin at all. I’m always concerned about glycolic acid bothering my skin, but this product made my skin feel refreshed and clean. The pads are very moist so there is plenty of product on each pad. They really just feel so nice. I can’t say my skin looks better, but it certainly feels better after I use these.
Paula Abernathy –
I love what this does for my face! The exfoliation is fabulous and most people think that I look a lot younger than I am. There were more pads in the container and the price was better than the brand I was used to using. What a bargain!
Patricia A Wilson –
This cleaned out my pores very well and started a peel that I was looking for. I needed a serious
cleansing of my pores after using a super highly advertised oil that blocked all of my pores and clogged
my skin so badly. This cleared my pores and let them breath again.
Susan –
They’re pads, for sure, but not sure there’s any glycolic acid in them. There’s not even a tingle, no tightness, but they do seem to work as a mild toner. Not what I was looking for as an exfoliant.
Dayna –
When I just cannot do my entire face routine…. I grab these pads from my nightstand and wipe until my face is sparkling clean and then top it off with my Trentinoin and a moisturizer. The pads are so wet, which is AWESOME, so I make sure I use all over my neck, chest and elbows and top of my hands. Oh, and a little tip…I make sure I give a little attention to my ears. I wear earplugs to bed and earbuds to listen to music and want to make sure that I keep these areas clean. My husband loves them too! One tub on his nightstand and one on his desktop. This is for a man that usually washes his face with whatever hits it in the shower-Head & Shoulders or Irish Spring. These pads are a HUGE game changer for him! He does his ears front and behind too. Thanks for a fantastic product!