Amy Myers MD Pure Paleo Protein Powder é uma proteína em pó de alta qualidade, feita a partir de carne bovina criada em pastagens, livre de hormônios, não transgênica e sem glúten. Esta proteína em pó é perfeita para aqueles que seguem uma dieta Paleo, Keto ou AIP (Protocolo Autoimune), ou simplesmente desejam evitar alimentos inflamatórios. Com uma combinação única de ingredientes, o Paleo Protein oferece diversos benefícios para a saúde.
Uma das principais vantagens do Paleo Protein é o suporte ao crescimento muscular saudável e à reparação dos tecidos. Rico em peptídeos que promovem a construção de tecidos, essa proteína ajuda a manter uma massa muscular adequada. Além disso, é facilmente misturável e se dissolve completamente para uma absorção ideal pelo corpo. Seu sabor é delicioso tanto com água quanto com leite de coco, e pode ser utilizado para preparar smoothies ricos e cremosos.
Outro destaque do Paleo Protein é a sua pureza. Livre de glúten, laticínios e açúcar, essa proteína em pó é proveniente de carne bovina criada em pastagens, sem o uso de hormônios ou ingredientes transgênicos. Além disso, não contém grãos, milho ou leguminosas, sendo perfeita para pessoas que seguem uma dieta restritiva ou evitam alimentos inflamatórios. Seu sabor delicioso não deixa transparecer a origem da proteína.
Além de todos esses benefícios, o Paleo Protein também oferece suporte para a saúde intestinal. Rico em aminoácidos específicos para a produção de colágeno, essa proteína ajuda a manter a saúde das células endoteliais e a função de barreira do intestino. Com uma quantidade generosa de Glutamina, Glicina e Prolina, o Paleo Protein é o melhor amigo do seu intestino.
E o melhor de tudo é que o Paleo Protein oferece os mesmos benefícios do caldo de ossos, mas sem as complicações de prepará-lo. Com seus peptídeos saudáveis e construtores de tecidos, o Paleo Protein ajuda a promover o crescimento muscular e a reparação dos tecidos.
- Suporte ao crescimento muscular e reparação dos tecidos.
- Fácil de misturar e com um sabor delicioso.
- Livre de glúten, laticínios, açúcar e ingredientes transgênicos.
- Ideal para pessoas que seguem uma dieta Paleo, Keto ou AIP.
- Rico em aminoácidos que promovem a saúde intestinal.
Para obter os melhores resultados, misture uma colher de sopa do Amy Myers MD Pure Paleo Protein Powder em 250ml de água ou leite de coco. Agite bem até que a proteína esteja completamente dissolvida. Consuma uma porção diariamente, preferencialmente após o treino ou como parte de uma refeição equilibrada. Armazene em local fresco e seco.
Amazon Customer –
I have been buying this product for a few month now and I used to like it. Now they changed the package and the formula. The color is not as dark.. looks like they are using less cocoa powder and the taste is too sweet. Looks like they are using too much stevia. Very different from the previous taste that was more like dark chocolate. I want my money back
AZDaddy –
We use this in protein shakes with almond butter and oat milk but we also use it to make protein bars, protein waffles, protein pancakes, overnight oats, etc.
It works great in all of it and my daughter actually likes it too!
SidestreetBooks –
Just look in my pantry, and you will find so many protein powders that are not palatable; Amy Myer’s protein powder is the best thing ever. It mixes well and has absolutely no taste. Can pair it with anything from PB powder and chocolate to blueberries and orange juice. Plus it has 26 g of protein in a 110 cal serving!
I look forward to drinking this protein powder every day rather than dreading it like I did with other protein powders.
I will definitely be buying more!
Tina J –
Of course it tastes bad by itself….it’s unflavored protein powder lol. I mix mine in my Ninja with almond milk, stevia, frozen blueberries and a dash of cinnamon. The protein powder makes it smooth and silky and nice n thick. Yummy! It’s also very filling. I make about 16-20 oz and it fills me up for dinner. I’ve lost a large amount of weight doing this, a lean breakfast, and a couple of healthy snacks every day.
Kelly –
UPDATE 4/1/22 – I just wanted to add that I have been wearing a CGM (continuous glucose monitor) for the last month just as an optimal health experiment and I think it’s worth noting that not only is this powder totally delicious, but the shake recipe I make (see below) doesn’t cause my blood glucose to spike a single blip! If anything, drinking this shake lowers and stabilizes my blood sugar after exercise or a hot shower or sauna session or other things that cause it to spike. I have this exact same shake for lunch EVERY SINGLE DAY and the results have been clear and consistent. It’s delicious, makes my body feel good and energized, doesn’t cause GI distress and keeps my blood glucose rock steady between about 75 and 85 ng/mL for 2 hours after drinking it and beyond! My only qualm with this product continues to be the price, otherwise it’s absolutely amazing.
Original review:
While wouldn’t classify myself as Paleo, I’ve been on a health and fitness journey for the last two years to be the healthiest and most fit I have ever been, prior to my 40th birthday coming up in June 2022. I have swapped 10 pounds of fat for 10 pounds of muscle, overhauled my diet to mostly eliminate sugar, processed crap and common allergens, track my macros religiously, have had extensive hormone and nutrient blood testing done, have my supplement game completely dialed in and sleep like a champ. Over the last 2 years I have tried all the best protein powders on the market from collagen to plant sources only to the highest quality grass fed whey isolates. My criteria is that they’re clean, high quality and taste good. I’ve found some pretty fantastic ones, but whey doesn’t quite agree with me and plant based formulas don’t have quite the amino acid profile I want from a protein source.
This formula from Amy Meyers is not only ideal from a nutrient and clean ingredient profile, but is THE MOST DELICIOUS SHAKE I have ever tried, HANDS DOWN!!! I was expecting it to taste gross considering the simple ingredient list, but it is anything but. My mind was BLOWN with that first drink!
Here is my daily lunch shake recipe (230 cal 8.2g net carbs 6.5g fat, 31.3g protein)
1 scoop of this powder (double chocolate)
1.5 C organic unsweetened vanilla almond milk
35g organic fresh baby spinach leaves that I de-stem, weigh and then freeze
1/2 C Two Good brand plain or vanilla Greek yogurt (for extra protein and creaminess)
5-6 ice cubes
*2-4 TBS granulated monkfruit to taste for ideal sweetness
30 seconds in my nutribullet and what I end up with is an enormous, well blended, extremely nutrient dense, protein packed, low calorie, super filling powerhouse smoothie lunch that not only makes my body feel full and energized but is seriously so extremely delicious I can hardly believe it. I don’t know if it’s the darkness of the cocoa powder used or what, but it almost tastes like a frozen chocolate coffee drink to me which I absolutely ADORE!! I don’t drink coffee and try to avoid caffeine entirely so this is a delightful treat! All of the digestive upset (bloating, gas, diarrhea etc.) that I had with other protein powders has totally disappeared since I started using this.
The problem I’m running into is that $75/month for protein powder feels REALLY steep, and this is coming from someone who prioritizes and spends a LOT on whole, fresh, organic, grass fed, wild caught and cage free foods and supplements! That being said, I have been unable to find a similar product to this that is much cheaper. The closest I found was Ultimate Paleo protein for $45 but that is only for 15 servings to Amy’s 30, and when you consider that the price of this powder on Amazon is higher than on Amy’s website ($75 Amazon vs $69.97 on and that with a subscription on Amy’s website it goes down to $59.47 (vs $71.22 in my Amazon monthly subscribe and save), I feel like that price is fair for what you get when you compare with what else is available on the market in this very special niche.
Now that I know how much I love it, I will sign up for subscriptions through Amy’s website until such a time as the Amazon price and subscription price comes more into alignment with I hope that happens soon as I like to keep all my subscriptions on Amazon in one easy place. I really hope more people start buying products of these quality to raise the demand and drive the price down for all of us, but until that time comes, I feel like this really is one of, if not THE best protein powders on the market today.
If I were to craft my own dream protein powder, the only thing I might consider adding to this would be Velositol which I’ve read very good things about. Otherwise I feel like it’s an absolute diamond in the rough and I can’t recommend enough.
I sincerely hope this review has been helpful to someone else! And yes, I paid FULL PRICE for it!! Feel free to ask any questions!
Cindy Iglesias –
I just tried this protein powder with water. Not bad at all for a quick dose of protein when I’m on the run. Usually water with powders tastes gross. This one is pretty good. Tastes almost like yoo-hoo. I have a list of protein powder recipes from Dr. Myers’ website that I am looking forward to trying. I think this powder is worth every penny, and trust me, I’m on a major budget as I haven’t worked in over a year due to complications from an autoimmune disease. So I’m on a budget but I am willing to spend money on quality products that are promising..and this is definitely one of them. Everything that I’ve ordered from Dr. Amy Myers is pure, clean, organic and worth every penny. If you are looking to truly heal as I am you need to do your best to not cut corners. It’s hard for me b/c of my budget so I can’t afford to buy this every month until I”m able to start working again but trust me, if you can afford it, it is worth it. The idea of drinking something that contains pure ingredients that won’t harm your body is something most people want and is VERY difficult to find with so many advertisements luring and steering you in the wrong direction. Believe me I’ve looked in many health food stores and have yet to find anything that comes close to this brand. I recommend it 100%.
Kelly –
It tastes amazing, mixes fast in water and very low in carbs!! Sad it’s so expensive so I’ll only buy when it’s on sale. other than that I give it a 10+ starts!!