Ampola Real Spicule com Espícula 30.000 Shot, Niacinamida, Aminoácidos e Pantenol, Minimizador de Poros, Esfoliante, Design em Formato de Agulha, Cuidados Coreanos com a Pele, 30ml, 1.01g
Perfeição em Cuidados com a Pele Coreana: Descubra a beleza coreana com nossa Ampola Real Spicule, que combina técnicas tradicionais de cuidados com a pele com tecnologia de ponta. Este produto inovador apresenta um design em formato de agulha em tamanho micro, enriquecido com 30.000 disparos de espículas, niacinamida, aminoácidos e pantenol, proporcionando uma experiência única de cuidado facial.
30.000 Eficácia: Experimente um poderoso rejuvenescimento da pele com nosso micro-sérum líquido, que contém 30.000 espículas de alta pureza. Essas espículas são projetadas para penetrar na barreira de absorção da pele, maximizando a entrega de ingredientes ativos e promovendo uma pele mais saudável e vibrante.
Tratamento Eficaz para Minimizar Poros: Nossa ampola é formulada com espículas líquidas micro (250μm) que se dissolvem rapidamente, melhorando a entrega de ingredientes ativos. Isso resulta em uma pele mais firme e hidratada, reduzindo significativamente a aparência de poros dilatados e linhas finas.
Hidratante Facial Definitivo: A combinação de niacinamida e colágeno de beleza radiante neste sérum proporciona uma hidratação profunda e rejuvenescedora. A fórmula garante a absorção eficaz dos ingredientes ativos, mantendo sua pele hidratada e com um brilho saudável ao longo do dia.
Sérum de Espícula Clinicamente Testado e Suave: A Ampola Real Spicule passou por rigorosos testes de irritação da pele, tornando-a adequada para todos os tipos de pele, incluindo as mais sensíveis. Proporciona uma hidratação suave e eficaz, ideal para o uso diário.
- Rejuvenescimento Poderoso: Resultados visíveis na textura da pele, promovendo um aspecto mais jovem e radiante.
- Minimização de Poros: Reduz a aparência dos poros, proporcionando uma pele mais suave e uniforme.
- Hidratação Profunda: Mantém a pele hidratada e radiante, graças à combinação de niacinamida e colágeno.
- Adequado para Todos os Tipos de Pele: Testado clinicamente, é seguro para uso em peles sensíveis.
- Técnica de Cuidados com a Pele Coreanos: Oferece a luminosidade e vitalidade que caracterizam a beleza coreana.
Para obter os melhores resultados, aplique a Ampola Real Spicule em um rosto limpo e seco. Utilize a ponta em formato de agulha para direcionar o produto nas áreas desejadas, massageando suavemente até que seja completamente absorvido. Recomenda-se o uso diário, tanto pela manhã quanto à noite, como parte de sua rotina de cuidados com a pele, para maximizar os benefícios e garantir uma pele saudável e radiante.
SleepyLark –
On the carton of this product, the use is shown as ‘For skin tightening’ and nothing else. See photograph. However in the listing, all they talk about is tightening pores and luminous glowing skin. Their photographs show the same.
Anyway, this serum has some excellent ingredients in its ingredient list.
The serum is clear and with no fragrance. It is thick and it gets absorbed as I apply it. My skin feels tacky for a while but that soon disappears. I use my regular moisturizer after about 5 minutes. The method of delivery of the active ingredients is intriguing. There are tiny spicules in the serum which are supposed to pierce the skin to deliver the serum directly to the target areas. When I apply this serum onto my face, I feel slight pricks which are so slight that they do not hurt at all but one is aware of them. How effective they are in their function only time will tell. For the moment, I like this serum and plan to continue to use it. Whether it tightens or gives a glow or both, I’m happy with either result.
Deemama –
I’ve never used a product like this before and have always wanted too. This is not your ordinary serum and the results are so good! After cleansing your face, I applied about two drops of this into my hands and then applied it all over my face. It literally feels like tiny cactus pins all over your face. Only for a few seconds it’s a bit uncomfortable but once it wears off my skin felt amazing. I applied my moisturizer on top of it and by the next morning, I could feel and see the difference. It’s been about a month since I’ve used this every other day. I love the results and my skin looks healthier and smooth. Just know that there’s that discomfort in the beginning.
SleepyLark –
I’ve never tried an ampoule serum with spicules in it before, and you can definitely feel it when they’re on your skin! I felt prick long sensations on my face while I was using the product that were a bit uncomfortable, but not terrible. I do notice an improvement in my skin’s texture after use, which is great! If you can get past the prickly tingly sensations, then this is an awesome effective product that I’d recommend!
Find Me On Prime –
After 4 applications, my skin felt much smoother, though I didn’t notice any pore reduction. I wasn’t aware the serum contained spicules, so I initially thought it was a defective product when I felt sharp, micro cuts to my skin. Curious, I checked the product page and discovered it was actually the spicules. Not knowing what they were, I did some research, and found out they’re tiny needles that helps ingredients sink deeper into your skin, stimulating skin renewal, leaving it smoother and healthier. Even though I was nervous, I decided to apply the serum to my entire face. It did feel irritating at first, like tiny cuts, but after giving my skin a break the next day, the redness went away, and now I used it without issues, now that I know what to expect. The serum absorbs fast, the pricking fades away after 1-3 mins, and it doesn’t leave any tacky residue, even with its gel/snail-like consistency. I have combination skin, so I’d recommend a patch test for sensitive skin. I can’t wait to see how it’ll help improve my skin over time.
Yvonne Stewart –
It seems like it’ll help my wrinkles.
Tech3334 –
This is really hard on my sensitive skin. I actually find it to be really drying which I feel like is the opposite effect that it should have.
River –
So this product DOES improve moisture retention and elasticity in my facial skin – the results are clearly visible the next day.
However, when I consistently use this product, I tend to notice little red bumps appear (just a few and in random places on my face). These bumps go away almost immediately upon discontinuing use of the product.
So, overall, I have mixed feelings. I’d like to continue to increase the glow and texture of my skin, but I also don’t want little red bumps on my face, either.
For reference, I have 30+ Caucasian skin that is combination/dry/sensitive.
Tess –
When you apply this serum it has a light stinging sensation sort of like applying a microdart patch or microneedling. I don’t have any redness after applying it. It helps increase hydration deeper in my skin and my skin has been glowing after using it. It improved my skin texture also. There is no scent.