Pacote de Amostras de Proteína – 7 Sabores Veganos (Base Vegetal), Orgânico, Sem Lactose, Sem Soja, Sem Glúten, Keto, Sem Amendoim, 20g de Proteína, Baixo Carboidrato, Não Transgênico
Apresentamos o Pacote de Amostras de Proteína, uma seleção de 7 sabores irresistíveis e nutritivos, ideal para quem busca uma alimentação saudável e equilibrada. Este produto é 100% à base de plantas, tornando-se uma opção perfeita para veganos e vegetarianos. Além disso, é orgânico e livre de lactose, soja, glúten, amendoim e ingredientes transgênicos.
Cada porção deste pacote contém 20g de proteína de alta qualidade, fornecendo os nutrientes essenciais que seu corpo precisa. Com baixo teor de carboidratos, é uma escolha ideal para quem segue uma dieta com restrição de carboidratos ou adota um estilo de vida keto.
A Vitaminer Shop se dedica a oferecer produtos de qualidade superior, e por isso, o Pacote de Amostras de Proteína é cuidadosamente formulado com ingredientes naturais e isentos de aditivos artificiais. Acreditamos que uma alimentação saudável pode ser saborosa e prática, e selecionamos os melhores sabores para você experimentar.
Com o Pacote de Amostras de Proteína, você terá a oportunidade de explorar 7 sabores incríveis, cada um com sua própria personalidade e benefícios. Delicie-se com chocolate, baunilha, morango, coco, banana, café e frutas vermelhas, e descubra qual é o seu favorito.
Além de todos os benefícios nutricionais, este pacote é prático e conveniente para levar a qualquer lugar. Perfeito para quem tem uma rotina agitada e precisa de uma opção rápida e saudável para saciar a fome. Experimente o Pacote de Amostras de Proteína e descubra como é fácil manter uma alimentação equilibrada e nutritiva.
- 1. Nutrição completa e equilibrada: Cada porção do Pacote de Amostras de Proteína fornece 20g de proteína de alta qualidade, essencial para a manutenção da saúde muscular e recuperação pós-exercício.
- 2. Opção vegana e orgânica: Este pacote é 100% à base de plantas, sendo uma escolha ideal para veganos e vegetarianos, além de ser produzido com ingredientes orgânicos, garantindo uma opção saudável e sustentável.
- 3. Livre de alergênicos: O Pacote de Amostras de Proteína é isento de lactose, soja, glúten e amendoim, tornando-o adequado para pessoas com restrições alimentares e alergias.
- 4. Baixo teor de carboidratos: Com baixo teor de carboidratos, este pacote é perfeito para quem segue uma dieta restritiva ou um estilo de vida keto.
- 5. Praticidade e variedade: Com 7 sabores deliciosos, o Pacote de Amostras de Proteína oferece uma opção prática e conveniente para quem busca uma alimentação saudável. Experimente diferentes sabores e descubra o seu favorito.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomendamos misturar uma porção do Pacote de Amostras de Proteína com água, leite vegetal ou incorporá-lo em smoothies e receitas saudáveis. Consuma como um lanche entre as refeições ou após os exercícios para promover a recuperação muscular. Armazene em local fresco e seco para preservar a qualidade do produto.
Kim Britt –
FIRST it is good! this by far has the best taste of any proteing powder I have ever tasted!!!
the drawbacks are the usual suspects powdery and has that protein shake taste.
BUT if those two things are no issue to you then this is probably an option you WILL ABSOLUTELY LOVE!
I just dont like the powdery protein taste that ALL of them seem to havem but that’s not to take away from this particulat product.
i havent given up on this I am looking for new ways to incorporate it like maybe with coffee as a creamer idk. the taste was so good i have to find a way to get over my issues. i’m thinking with some frozen fruit that might fix that. so I going to try the banana pudding with fresh bananas and see! ill report back
the ingredient list is minimal, not a long list of things you cant pronounce or began to know what they are. I definitely recommend giving at least the sample a try if you are on the fence!
6 –
Mixes well love all the flavors no gritty taste hard to decide which flavor to get 😋
Aishah A.Y. –
I love these protein powders. I also love that I don’t have to commit to one because I can get all of the flavors in the multi flavored packet. I definitely have my favorites. My daughter has hers as well. There is a flavor for everyone’s pallette. They mix well and you can add your own ingredients like fruit to enhance the flavors even more! Thank you so much @justmovesuppliments for doing what you do. I heard you have a coffee. Can’t wait to try it!
Selective1 –
My favorite is the lemon pound cake flavor. I made the mistake of adding too much milk and it didn’t taste good. Only use 10oz of milk and shake well. 👍🏼👍🏼
I Want It ALL –
I was very excited to try these since I’ve followed the creator for years. The flavors seem fun. When you open the packets it definitely smells like the flavor but it doesn’t always taste like it. And so far they’ve had a chalky taste. I need to figure what I can add to the powder to tone down the chalkiness.
Detroit’s “LittleMissSunshine” –
I really wanted to support this influencer and the brand because I believe it is an awesome product idea; however, after much deliberating I placed an order and tried all of the flavors and it is undeniably disgusting and I drink a lot of while juices, black seed oil and other things that most would deem as terrible but is tolerable and coupled with the benefits are definitely doable. This drink isn’t doable at all due to what taste like what I imagine excrement to taste like (clearly I’ll never know), but, there is something that has a hint of stool taste in each flavor. If the stool smell/taste could be eliminated, this product would be great. Also, I cannot attest on if this product kept me full or not because I was too disgusted to eat for some time. However, I can state that this item ISN’T chalky like some have mentioned it was…there was no chalkiness. Shipping was slow, but, I still like the creator and her mission, but, I am so glad that I only purchased the sample pack and didn’t go crazy like I normally would’ve and bought huge bags. All in all, I do not recommend this product unless you are willing to look past the taste of a yummy flavor mixed with excrement and feel that the benefits far outweigh the taste. Also, taste is subjective, so, what I dislike someone else may love…I just can’t stamp a recommendation to this product. P.S.- I thought that I could pass some sips off to my kiddos to enjoy so that money easy wasted and without providing them with any opinion they spit it out each time….and we all drink healthy things that don’t always taste so great.
J C Breeze –
Absolutely love this protein powder. The flavors are spot on, they taste exactly as described. All exceptional and so nice to have the variety of flavors. My favorites so far are the blueberry muffin, banana pudding and the apple pie. I have never had a plant based protein powder that was not gritty and some I have just thrown out. This one has a bit a tiny bit of graininess to it but that kind of adds to the feel of the muffin or the pie crust flavor. It is sweet but not overly so.
I mix mine with almond milk in a shaker bottle and put it in the refrigerator for a few hours up to over night this thickens it and smooths it …maybe breaking the graininess.
The one thing I missed when reading the ingredients before ordering was it is sweetened with sucralose which my body doesn’t tolerate well. I so wish they would make one using stevia!
Even though I don’t usually do Sucralose this is so good I think if I just use it 2 or 3 times a week it will be ok. It really IS that good!
Marie –
I had to specifically come and add my review after reading one towards the end saying it was awful. Let me tell you this product is absolutely DELICIOUS!!! An extra added benefit for me is that is is Vegan and still tastes great!! I am not a vegan so yes, I was skeptical at first. I AM HOOKED ON THIS PROTEIN POWDER!!! ALL of the flavors are amazing. For anyone saying it tastes chalky, I don’t get that on my end. Maybe it is based on the type of liquid you mix it with. I always use OATMILK with mine and they turn out great! I usually purchase the large bags from either AMAZON or WALMART online. I have purchase the sample packs several times here. Economically, its more beneficial for me to purchase one flavor in the large bag. My favorites are BLUEBERRY & BANANA Pudding. In my opinion you can’t go wrong if you are trying to improve your health. I drink one 8-12 oz glass and I literally do not need to eat breakfast. I usually have a piece of fruit later in the morning. Matter of fact, I about to place an order for another bag in a day or so. I hope this information helps. Blessings!