Amino Hero Sabor Abacaxi em Cubos é a escolha ideal para quem busca maximizar a recuperação pós-treino e otimizar o desempenho atlético. Este suplemento de aminoácidos é formulado para fornecer uma combinação poderosa de BCAAs, EAAs e eletrólitos, essenciais para quem deseja elevar sua performance e acelerar a recuperação muscular. Com 25 porções em cada embalagem, Amino Hero é um aliado indispensável para homens e mulheres que se dedicam a treinos intensos e buscam resultados visíveis.
- BEBIDA COMPLETA PÓS-TREINO: FX Supps Amino Hero é um suplemento de recuperação e hidratação que oferece todos os BCAAs, EAAs e eletrólitos necessários para aumentar a resistência, melhorar a recuperação e promover o crescimento e reparo muscular.
- AMINOÁCIDOS ESSENCIAIS: Você obtém um regime completo de aminoácidos essenciais que pode ajudar a melhorar seus níveis de energia e resistência para treinos mais eficazes, além de reduzir a dor muscular mais rapidamente para uma recuperação ágil.
- ALTA CONCENTRAÇÃO DE BCAAs: Nossa mistura cuidadosa de BCAAs em uma proporção de 4:1:1 apoia a síntese máxima de proteínas musculares, inibindo a degradação muscular. Isso promove um crescimento e reparo muscular ideais.
- AUMENTO DE ELETRÓLITOS: Nossa bebida de recuperação pós-treino ajuda a aumentar os eletrólitos do seu corpo. Isso mantém seus músculos em desempenho máximo enquanto você se mantém hidratado e apoia a resistência prolongada.
- MANTENHA-SE MAGRO: Amino Hero não contém gorduras, carboidratos ou açúcares, promovendo um ganho muscular limpo. Misture uma medida arredondada com 10-12 oz de água e consuma antes, durante ou após os treinos para melhores resultados.
1. Acelera a Recuperação Muscular: Reduz a dor e o tempo de recuperação após treinos intensos.
2. Aumenta a Performance: Melhora a resistência e a energia durante os exercícios, permitindo treinos mais longos e eficazes.
3. Promove o Crescimento Muscular: A combinação de BCAAs e EAAs favorece a síntese de proteínas, essencial para o desenvolvimento muscular.
4. Hidratação Eficiente: Os eletrólitos presentes ajudam a manter a hidratação, crucial para o desempenho atlético.
5. Fórmula Limpa: Sem adição de açúcares ou gorduras, ideal para quem busca um suplemento saudável e eficaz.
Para obter os melhores resultados, misture uma medida arredondada de Amino Hero Sabor Abacaxi em Cubos com 10-12 oz de água. O ideal é consumir a bebida antes, durante ou após os treinos, conforme sua necessidade. Agite bem até que o pó esteja completamente dissolvido. Este uso estratégico maximiza a absorção dos aminoácidos e eletrólitos, garantindo que seu corpo esteja sempre preparado para o próximo desafio.
Jesus Sanchez –
I absolutely understand, and know the effectiveness of essential amino acids. This product promised a lot, and on paper delivered on its claims. However, I did enjoy the taste, and it was refreshing, but I believe it’s missing an enzyme that allows me to absorb it like I absorb other Blends and brands. During my workout, I got so bloated that rehydration became an issue as well. For some reason, the agent just sat in my stomach and the more I drank the more my belly got full. Eventually, I felt the recovery boost, but this was not the journey I’ve had with other brands. I still see a hopeful future for this product.
Amazon Customer –
Besides the glaring typos and illegible description, this product says “no filler or necessary ingredients.” Clearly, these people don’t understand what that means, seeing as though this product contains “Yellow 6”. Anyone with half a brain of supplements understands this ingredient is only to give it a color, which is not only “pointless” but also hazardous. Yellow 6 and other food colors have been linked to cancer. You’re not fooling anyone with this cheap product. PASS.
Jarell Betton –
I don’t know what this rating below is? None of it is true, seems like a hater. Lol so I figured I should leave a real rating for you guys. The product tastes great! Great price for being EAS vs BCAA. I would highly recommend and the shipping got here fast too.
JeniFav –
I have been searching for something that would help with my overall energy without resorting to caffeine. Don’t get me wrong, caffeine has it’s place but I was relying on it too much. There are plenty of electrolyte/hydration powders out there and some of them are “energy” versions because they contain caffeine. The combo is okay sometimes but it sometimes gives me the jitters AND a sour stomach. So, I was skeptical about this brand. I know BCAAs and EAA help with energy during exercise because of the support they provide to muscles but I didn’t know if they did from day-to-day. But, surprisingly, they seem to be!
Flavorwise, this has a very mild pineapple flavor. Less tang and zip. But that’s okay since I am usually consuming a good 20ounces of it. Sometimes these powdered drinks get icky when they’re too sweet or too heavy in a flavor. This has neither. It’s pretty refreshing.
It mixes VERY well. I put it in my YETI Rambler, close the lid, shake it a couple times, and it’s fully mixed. No residue sitting at the bottom.
So far, so good. I like it! I will need to check out this brand’s other flavors, if they have any.
John –
I do enjoy the blend and getting those important aminos after a workout, but the flavor isn’t my personal favorite. I do normally enjoy pineapple flavored things, but this doesn’t exactly taste like pineapple to me, maybe a hint of it but definitely not something I’d call delicious. That said though, it’s not gross or anything, just not for me. I would try it again as it did seem to help a bit post-workout, I’d for sure get a different flavor though.
Mike B –
I can’t get past the diced pineapple flavor. It has an aftertaste like cooked broccoli. It’s too weird, I can’t get past it. Would not recommend.
Connor Grabarek –
Tastes great makes me feel even better! Love the flavor, energy, and enhanced recovery time this product provides me with every time. Great price and always ships fast!!
Eboni W. –
Ok, so I’ve been buying NutraFX products for awhile now and I swear it gets better YEAR AFTER YEAR!!! Idk what they changed besides the flavoring but oh my gosh!!! The flavor is INCREDIBLE!!! The texture and easy mixability (I don’t think that’s a real word) but you seriously don’t need a shaker cup for it to even mix without clumps!!! Hands down the best bcaas + eaas on the market! #loyalcustomer