Descrição do Produto: Ultimate Nutrition Amino 2000 Tablets
O Ultimate Nutrition Amino 2000 Tablets é um suplemento de aminoácidos de alta qualidade, projetado para atender às necessidades de atletas e entusiastas do fitness que buscam maximizar seu desempenho e recuperação. Cada comprimido contém 2000mg de aminoácidos essenciais, incluindo L-Leucina, L-Isoleucina e L-Valina, que são fundamentais para a síntese proteica e a recuperação muscular. Este produto é formulado com uma combinação de ingredientes que garantem a máxima eficácia e absorção.
- Proteína isolada de soro de leite, digerida enzimaticamente (por enzimas de grau alimentício)
- Aumenta a digestibilidade da proteína e melhora a absorção de aminoácidos para uma maior assimilação pelo seu corpo
- Contém apenas aminoácidos de ocorrência natural
A fórmula Super Whey do Ultimate Nutrition é especialmente desenvolvida para proporcionar uma liberação rápida e eficiente dos aminoácidos no organismo, promovendo uma recuperação muscular mais rápida após treinos intensos. A presença de L-Leucina, L-Isoleucina e L-Valina, conhecidos como aminoácidos de cadeia ramificada (BCAAs), é crucial para a redução da fadiga muscular e para a promoção do crescimento muscular.
1. Aumento da Performance: Melhora a resistência e a força durante os treinos, permitindo que você alcance seus objetivos mais rapidamente.
2. Recuperação Acelerada: Ajuda na recuperação muscular após exercícios intensos, reduzindo a dor e a rigidez.
3. Melhor Absorção de Nutrientes: A digestão enzimática aumenta a biodisponibilidade dos aminoácidos, garantindo que seu corpo utilize o máximo dos nutrientes.
4. Apoio à Síntese Proteica: Os aminoácidos essenciais são fundamentais para a construção e reparação muscular, promovendo um corpo mais forte e definido.
5. Fórmula Natural: Com aminoácidos de ocorrência natural, você pode ter certeza de que está consumindo um produto seguro e eficaz.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 3 comprimidos de Ultimate Nutrition Amino 2000 Tablets, de 1 a 3 vezes ao dia, conforme a intensidade do seu treinamento. Os comprimidos podem ser tomados antes ou após o exercício, ou entre as refeições, para garantir um suprimento constante de aminoácidos essenciais ao longo do dia. É importante acompanhar a ingestão com uma quantidade adequada de água para facilitar a digestão e a absorção dos nutrientes.
Chris S. –
So I’ve been taking these for several weeks now and I was under the impression they would be impossible to down. It’s easy, but I can see where others may have pitfalls:
1. Just relax. It’s not going to get stuck in your esophagus, and even if you don’t take enough water with it, the peristaltic action will bring it down just fine. Just tilt your head back to get some gravity going, take it with water, and relax. They are actually much smaller than that big bite of pizza crust you might have eaten last week.
2. Do NOT break them in half. If you think about it, the diameter is identical, but by breaking them in half, you’ve created sharp edges and made the task that much harder since the pill can now rotate and go the “wrong” way down, irritating your throat. By leaving them be, they can only go the narrow way down, and they fit perfectly fine for everyone who’s tried it here.
At 2 grams of protein each, taking 3 is the same as eating an egg, but without needing to bring a frying pan and hot plate onto the subway. They have almost no smell, do not cause burping, and have no digestive issues. Brilliant!
Wisdom Seeker –
These pills sound great, BUT, they’re not. They are too big! They measure an inch long, by almost a half inch thick. I tried cutting one in half, which resulted in jagged edges. Not too comfortable going down the throat. And then, not only are they huge, but the label’s suggested use calls for nine pills a day. That’s three pills, three times a day between meals. That’s lunacy. For every three pills you get six grams of protein. I’m wondering if I could crush them, then add them to sauce or yogurt so it wouldn’t be a total waste, but I’ll probably never use them again. I gave it two stars instead of one because from what I’ve read whey protein isolate is the better quality of whey protein. I think you’d be happier finding another form of wpi, but if you don’t think nine big pills a day poses a challenge, more power to you!
I don’t have a problem taking my other supplements but I consider these horse pills to be a choking hazard.
Noble –
Great product!
Scientex –
I have no particular problem swallowing most large pills, but these Amino 2000 pills are so large and so mechanically hard that I consider them to possibly be harmful for some persons to take. I have almost choked on just half of one and had great difficulty flushing it further down with water, after breaking the pill into nearly equal halves. Unfortunately, I did not read the reviews of others before ordering a bottle of these pills. I will discard the remainder of the pills that I bought. It is my suggestion that Amazon remove this item from their sales before someone really chokes on one of the pills, and they institude a lawsuit over it. I am a retired physicist, not a lawyer or doctor.
Customer Review –
The other reviewers are not exaggerating when they say that these pills are quite large. They are a challenge for me to take. Several times, I have felt like I was choking while taking these They even hurt going down. The pills have only a mild coating to help them go down. If they were gel coated, they might be easier to swallow.
I have to cut these pills into thirds to take them. Cutting is tedious and creatures jagged edges that scratch my throat as they go down.
The ingredients in these pills seem to be high quality and never upset my stomach. I just wish they were smaller. The recommended dose is 9 pills a day, which is about normal for protein pills.
These pills would be great if they were easier to take.
annie –
I have read a lot of reviews/articles about the beneficial aspects of whey,in all of its permutations.If you are here reading this review,then you must know why I wanted to try it:To help turn my fat into lean muscle.
The tablets are large,but not impossible to take.After this bottle of tablets is gone,I think I will try the powder next.That way,I can mix in fruit and such for a smoothie,and I can add flax seed oil to get Omega-3 Oil which apparently makes the shakes you make smoother.I am all about the taste,and for now,the tablets are just fine.There is no taste with these tablets.
One more thing:This product is a whey protein isolate,which,according to my research,is the easiest way to make whey palatable.
The only negative aspect of this product is the smell of the tablets themselves.But they are supposed to smell,and it took me one sniff to get past the odor. Just do it!
子鹿菊 –
Hoopee –
I enjoy having these around as an added dose of protein once in a while. Each pill is 2g of protein. The bottle says take 3 pills. I can only manage one at a time. The pills are about 1” long and about 1/2 ” thick. I’ve seen horse pills that are smaller. If you have a hard time swallowing pills, vitamins, etc, then you’d better pass on these. Otherwise, as I said, it’s a quick and easy way to add some protein to your day.