Descrição do Produto: American Biotech Labs Silver Biotics Ultimate Immune System Support, 4 Fluid Ounce
O American Biotech Labs Silver Biotics Ultimate Immune System Support é um suplemento inovador que oferece suporte comprovado ao sistema imunológico. Com uma fórmula avançada, este produto é amplamente utilizado e recomendado por médicos, destacando-se como uma escolha confiável para aqueles que buscam fortalecer suas defesas naturais. Cada frasco contém 4 onças fluidas de uma solução cientificamente testada, que combina a eficácia da prata coloidal com a tecnologia de biotecnologia, proporcionando uma abordagem moderna e eficaz para a saúde imunológica.
Produzido nos Estados Unidos, o Silver Biotics é resultado de anos de pesquisa e desenvolvimento, garantindo que cada gota seja de alta qualidade e eficácia. Durante os meses de verão, é possível que os produtos cheguem quentes, mas a Amazon armazena e envia os produtos de acordo com as recomendações dos fabricantes, assegurando que a integridade do produto seja mantida.
- Suporte imunológico comprovado
- Usado e recomendado por médicos
- Cientificamente testado
- País de origem: Estados Unidos
- Durante os meses de verão, os produtos podem chegar quentes, mas a Amazon armazena e envia produtos de acordo com as recomendações dos fabricantes, quando fornecidas.
1. Fortalecimento do Sistema Imunológico: A fórmula avançada ajuda a aumentar a resistência do corpo contra infecções e doenças.
2. Recomendado por Profissionais de Saúde: A confiança de médicos em sua eficácia proporciona segurança ao consumidor.
3. Base Científica: O produto é respaldado por testes científicos, garantindo sua eficácia e segurança.
4. Fácil de Usar: A apresentação em líquido permite uma administração simples e rápida, ideal para o dia a dia.
5. Produzido nos EUA: A qualidade e os padrões de fabricação dos Estados Unidos garantem um produto confiável e seguro.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se tomar 1 colher de sopa (15 ml) de Silver Biotics uma vez ao dia, ou conforme orientação de um profissional de saúde. O produto pode ser consumido diretamente ou diluído em água ou suco. É importante agitar bem antes de usar e armazenar em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta. Para maximizar a eficácia, utilize regularmente como parte de uma rotina de saúde preventiva.
vlw –
I purchased this brand due to the overall good reviews. I wanted to try a natural alternative for minor health issues instead of running to the Dr. I seldom get sick, but kept getting a sore inside my left nostril along with a weird dry spot next to my bottom lip. Both were unnoticeable but very irritating. After tolerating this for a couple of months I remembered the Silver Biotics I had purchased and decided to give it a try. To my astonishment it healed both areas of irritation within two days! I was so happy to have had this on hand.
K. Foster –
I purchased this item after hearing about it on the Dr. Oz show. At the time of purchase I had something of an upper respiratory or allergy type problem. I had missed out on getting my flu shot, this was during the Sandy Storm. When I received this product I was experiencing nasal problems, coughing. I started using this item by spraying in my mouth daily and my symptoms immediately dissipated. I will reorder this product. I found that daily use is important in keeping the allergy symptoms at bey. I will definitely keep this item as part of my stay healthy arsenal.
Amazon Customer –
Very good product.
A. Meer –
this is a FANTASTIC antibacterial, healing product. i hate to call it an antibiotic as it is not anti-life – however, it can be used to clear up infections ANYWHERE. you can mix it into skin products, swish it in your mouth to kill cavity-causing bacteria and add a couple of tablespoons to a glass of water for a sick kid or give a teaspoon at a time to someone with stomach flu or food poisoning.
if you’ve got a serious flu, take it with oil of oregano capsules and a shot of ginger and you will be well in an hour.
this size is perfect for traveling because it’s got a spray (easy to administer) and the TSA will allow it in the main cabin on the plane.
Lin C. –
Lately, as all of you out there, I have been highly exposed to the vomiting type of flu as well as the continual chest cold, headache, body ache, sore throat type of flu. Recently I heard a scientist on a health program discuss why he keeps both Nano silver and colloidal silver on hand. He stated in this program that colloidal silver kills the pathogens. Since I have had staph for 58 years, I have had several near deaths with myself in which antibiotics do not and would not work at all with me and I know for a fact that colloidal kills the single cell pathogens as I can relate below with the following experiences. REGARDING NANO: IMAGINE MY SHOCK THIS WEEK TO DISCOVER THAT THE LONG STANDING WHEEZING I HAVE HAD THIS WINTER AND THE CONTINUAL FEELING LOUSY FOR A DAY OR TWO – REST AND LOTS OF COLLOIDAL – FEEL BETTER AND THEN FEEL LOUSY AGAIN SYNDROME WAS CHANGED FOR ME. On Friday (2/14), I took the Nano Silver spray around 3:30 pm having felt lousy for several days. I was so surprised as I continued on my way and I had about 6 more errands to do and I just wanted to go home, STRANGELY, I noticed I felt so much better by 7 pm. I finished my errands and came home with more energy than I had for quite a while. First thing I have noticed is my wheezing has gone down tremendously and my joints are feeling better! Whoo hooo!!!! So is it possible that I have been fighting a “virus” all winter and this scientist was so accurate? I believe it to be true!
The Colloidal Silver Connection for Me: About 15 years ago after having staph in the bone, and on 3 major antibiotics and was told I was going to have two of my fingers fused because the infection was so bad (also by this time had a roaring yeast infection and conjunctivitis so major that I looked like a very ill wild person and also felt that way). Even air landing on my finger was excruciating – just imagine the air touching your skin being so excruciating you could not even drive your car or type. I was to see the hand specialist on the following Monday, needed to see a ophthalmologist and this was on a Friday before.
That Friday, a friend took me to see a Reiki master and they also had used colloidal in their family for years having grown up in the bayous of Louisiana. We discussed it; I decided I had nothing to lose in taking it and everything to gain. Within 24 hours, my yeast infection was gone. The finger was fine and the colloidal poured into my eyes had erased the severe conjunctivitis. So of course, I purchased a generator back all those years ago and keep it on hand. I am a firm believer. THANK YOU RANDY AND TERRI!
I have known of three other cases where people actually were near death in the hospital (two both younger people with healthy immune systems that had contracted staph) and medically it appeared they most likely would not make it. One person came to me as their loved one was in ICU dying and with a trachea. Her loved one is now alive and well. Without the knowledge of the medical facility, I made a fresh bottle and gave it to her. She poured the colloidal over this horrible wound daily and made him drink daily and within two weeks was out of the hospital. The doctors never knew what turned him around, but we knew!
The other was a young boy that had a severely broken leg from football – an ortho had put a plate in, but it was the wrong size – he contracted MRSA and was slowly to the point of not making it. I kept telling mom about colloidal silver – but really believed at that time in the Western medicine and that the doctors would fix her son – her husband still did…. until…..she awoke, mother’s instinct kicked her and ironically she got very angry at the medical community here locally and took her child to a children’s hospital, wherein they took out the too big plate, filled the wound with a colloidal silver “cookie” and eventually he had the correct sized plate put in and he is fine now. The “cookie” killed the MRSA. A hospital member left the metal plate on the bed side table just in case they ever needed it for a lawsuit which they chose not to do (the plates are numbered). They were just grateful their son is all right.
The third is my brother in law who ended up with e-coli and MRSA on his transplanted liver (1996) two years ago. The University and other doctors treated him with very high dosage antibiotics (hospitalized) and home (by infusion). By then there had been damage from the infection that had gone on for a very long time.
Who knows how long the damage of the MRSA and e-coli cooked in that liver? Well he ended up last August in the hospital again after ballooning up 70 pounds in one month. Infection is raging again, but this time he loses kidney function and is now on dialysis. Again on mass doses of antibiotics, in extreme pain and can barely move as all joints swelled up to hell and back. My sister in desperation did not feel she could tell transplant doctors or his kidney doctors or the myriad of other doctors about the use of colloidal silver, but got a bottle and would sneak it in with his medications and since he lost sense of taste, could not taste the slight metallic taste. He had no idea nor did they (because it just would not fit into their protocols on a transplant patient, but she was losing him and knew it).
Guess what… got it – today he has no infection, though is a permanent dialysis patient. It is so amazing the things I have seen with colloidal silver.
***********One thing I would like to advise CAUTION with SHARING ABOUT COLLOIDAL WITH OTHERS. I have a friend that I had no idea she has a metal allergy to silver. She never said anything, but was quite ill and her other friend was a nurse that had heard great things about colloidal. So I made some; she took colloidal and her mouth began to swell and she began having breathing difficulties. SHE IS OKAY THANK GOD, BUT IT CAN HAPPEN – JUST BE CAUTIOUS IN SHARING AND MAKE SURE A PERSON IS NOT ALLERGIC TO SILVER**************
DebBee –
I read up on this stuff, hearing about it first from Suzanne Somers. When I learned that it was by using silver coins or storing silverware in water barrels to keep the water from going bad in the olden days–as in covered wagons, I knew there had to be something to it. I recently bought a little teacup yorkie puppy that had a strange bump/abrasion near his eye and some website had suggested the use of colloidal silver and mentioned that vets recommended it also. I bought this and used it along with a little cortisone salve and the area is nearly healed and unnoticeable. I have been giving it to my other dog who still had bad breath after her recent teeth cleaning (I brush my dog & cat’s teeth everyday). I noticed that her breath improved as well as the tear stains.
I used it on myself on a cold sore beginning to develop in my nose and after 2-3 days it completely went away.
I personally believe that this, in addition to the use of probiotic powder and greek yogurt to my pets diet has saved me literally a minimum of $1,000 in vet bills in the past month.
Patty D –
Eu tenho usado prata coloidal de forma intermitente por cerca de 15 anos. Acabei o que tinha e, como estou lidando com uma erupção de fungos bem ruim, comprei a ideia sobre esta forma, a prata nano, e comprei. Tenho usado algumas vezes ao dia há cerca de 3 dias e a erupção piorou muito, muito mais, não melhorou. Eu sei que você sugere isso para uso oral, mas sempre usei prata topicamente. Eu sei que é à base de água, mas já usei prata coloidal caseira e também comprei prata coloidal para o mesmo tipo de erupção e sempre funcionou. Há algo muito errado com este produto e duvido que eu possa devolvê-lo.