Amazon Basic Care Minoxidil Solução Tópica 2%% – Tratamento para Crescimento Capilar Feminino
O Amazon Basic Care Minoxidil é uma solução tópica a 2%% desenvolvida especialmente para o tratamento do crescimento capilar feminino. Cada pacote contém três frascos de 60 ml, proporcionando um suprimento para três meses de uso contínuo. A fórmula é isenta de fragrância, tornando-a ideal para mulheres que possuem sensibilidade a cheiros. O minoxidil é amplamente reconhecido por sua eficácia em estimular o crescimento dos cabelos, promovendo fios mais densos e saudáveis, além de combater a queda de cabelo.
- INGREDIENTE ATIVO: O minoxidil 2%% é o principal ingrediente ativo, comparável ao do Women’s Rogaine, e é clinicamente comprovado para o crescimento capilar.
- CLINICAMENTE COMPROVADO: Estudos demonstram que o minoxidil é o ingrediente ativo mais recomendado por dermatologistas para o crescimento capilar em mulheres.
- MINOXIDIL: Atua diretamente nos folículos capilares, reativando-os e estimulando o crescimento em áreas com afinamento do cabelo.
- CRESCIMENTO CAPILAR LEVA TEMPO: Para resultados visíveis, é necessário usar o produto duas vezes ao dia, podendo levar até 8 meses para observar os melhores efeitos.
- USO: Algumas usuárias relataram mudanças na cor e/ou textura do cabelo durante o uso do produto.
- 1. Eficácia Comprovada: O minoxidil 2%% é clinicamente validado para estimular o crescimento capilar, oferecendo resultados tangíveis.
- 2. Resultados Visíveis: O uso contínuo pode resultar em um crescimento significativo do cabelo em até 8 meses, proporcionando uma aparência mais cheia.
- 3. Facilidade de Aplicação: A solução tópica é simples de aplicar, permitindo que você a incorpore facilmente à sua rotina diária de cuidados com os cabelos.
- 4. Conforto Sem Fragrância: A ausência de fragrância torna o produto ideal para quem é sensível a cheiros, garantindo uma experiência de uso agradável.
- 5. Economia: O pacote com três frascos oferece um excelente custo-benefício, assegurando um suprimento contínuo para o tratamento.
Para obter os melhores resultados, aplique 1 ml da solução tópica Amazon Basic Care Minoxidil diretamente no couro cabeludo, duas vezes ao dia, uma vez pela manhã e outra à noite. É fundamental que o couro cabeludo esteja seco antes da aplicação. Massageie suavemente a solução na área afetada e deixe secar completamente antes de utilizar outros produtos capilares. A continuidade do uso é essencial para manter e promover o crescimento capilar desejado.
FancyNancy –
This is my review of effectiveness of Rogaine, and also discussion of 5% Foam vs Generic 2% solution. I’ve done some in-depth research in addition to using both myself.
First, both products do work, and actually they work equally well. Don’t think that the 5% works better simply because it is stronger. Think about foamy mousse hair product — if you let it become a liquid, there is really very little liquid there. For the 2%, you’re using liquid so you get much more product per use, and you’re using it twice a day, so the actual amount of minoxidil you absorb is probably about the same.
A downside for both, as others have said, is that you will have to use minoxidil forever if you want to keep the hair. Hair, like skin, is always turning over – even in young people, hair constantly falls out and grows back. Expecting new hair growth to stay forever without help would be like expecting your self-tanner to keep your skin dark without reapplying. It’s just not going to happen. I figure I will use Rogaine for about 10 years and then switch to wearing wigs, which is what my bald mom does. Both are cheaper than hair transplants.
OK so now for the other pros and cons of each formula. Keep in mind I have fairly fine, straight hair, so if you have course or curly hair you may not have the same experience.
APPLICATION: Both products have a little learning curve in figuring out how to apply. Personally I think the 2% liquid is easier, as you can use the application dropper to part hair and apply at the same time. The liquid is also easier to measure. However, it is easy for it to run into your face or ears, and then you have to wash it off quickly. The foam is much more controllable and there is probably less waste.
ROUTINE: I only wash my hair every other day, and I still do. Both of these products leave a bit of “product buildup” at the roots of the hair, so I can’t really go longer than every two days. However, in a pinch, I have used dry shampoo after the Rogaine had time to dry, just to fluff up any areas that were feeling a little greasy. Also, you need time after a shower to dry your scalp (I blow dry my hair, so no problem there), then apply the Rogaine, THEN let that dry before you apply more styling product. I have quit using product during the blow dry process. I dry, use the Rogaine, blow dry a little more, put on makeup and get dressed, then finish styling my hair last.
STYLING: The foam wins hands down in the styling area. You’re putting it where your hair is thinner, so it gives a little volume. If you have fine hair, though, you know that any mousse or liquid styling product tends to flatten or weigh it down. My advice is NOT to put foam directly on your part first as the package directs. Pick up a little line of hair on either side of your part and put it UNDER, fan or blow it dry, and let it back down. If you are thin on the sides, like me, start at the thin spot closest to your ears and work up to the part last. Be very sparing with each finger full of foam, as you want it mostly on your scalp, not in your hair. It’s not a great styling product, but I generally use it, let it dry, then try to keep my other styling products about an inch out from the scalp, on the hair itself. On the “non-wash” days, I apply Rogaine foam, fluff the hair by blow drying the wrong direction, wait a few, then use a spray volumizer and dry or curl again.
However, if I’m using the 2% liquid, I can apply, then use a blow dryer to blow the hair in the wrong direction and fluff it up, so kind of the same difference.
SIDE EFFECTS: In studies, the 5% foam is about half as likely to cause itching than the 2% liquid. Only 1 in 20 women report increased dandruff with the foam, compared to about 1 in 5 for the liquid. I do feel some “tingles” with both, but nothing unpleasant. I have not noticed any dandruff but my scalp definitely feels a little more oily.
TRAVELING: Technically, over the counter medications are exempt from TSA rules, so the 2.11 oz foam aerosol can should be OK. However, I really don’t want to argue in public about TSA rules concerning my hair regrowth product. And, if I lose the argument, I don’t want to take the chance of losing a $20+ item. So, I only take 2% liquid in a 2 oz bottle when I travel.
Overall, I like the foam better for daily ease of styling and the look of my hair after using it. However, I do use the liquid when I’m in a hurry or when traveling for reasons listed above.
Precise Disarray –
Pros: after consistent use for several months, I did notice some new growth. Not much, more like “peachfuzz” but that’s something, right?
Cons: contains alcohol, which dried out my hair so bad that I looked like a fuzzball and nothing could tame it. So I’m giving my hair a break to see if the frizzies will calm down.
Sandra A. Robertson –
Totally fine. I would often buy the Equate version, and buy a a couple boxes at a time (6 months supply). I find that I rarely get out to the store, and the store I would go to rarely has it in stock. They have the mens, but not the womens. Sometimes I buy the mens (5%) and then mix it with the womens (2%) for a stronger dose and to make it last if I can’t find the womens. So I am pleased to find it here in the Amazon Basic Care brand. Same price, same quality. I will purchase again.
If you are used to using minoxidil type product, then this works the same. One dropper 2x a day.. forever.
If you are new to it, then just know that this is a commitment, forever. It takes some time to see anything happen (commit to at least 4-6months), and if you like it then simply plan to use it.. forever. If you stop, you will backslide any gains. Once you get used to using it daily (2x) then it just becomes habit. There are days I just use it once, with no issue, but I do aim for 2x. I also like to use DHT blocker supplements. My hair shed cycles are more frequent and last longer, so I am trying to reduce the frequency of cycles and the length of time. The 2 pronged appoach helps. Trust me that it is a day in and day out thing.. consistency is key.
It DOES NOT make hair greasy. It is doesn’t really do anything in terms of making it dry, or greasy, or wet. Just apply to scalp. Since it is liquid, I just run the dropper through my hair AT MY SCALP. I massage it in as I go so it won’t run down my head or face. I have thick-ish (nearly nothing compared to years prior), and very long hair (I dont have problem growing hair, I have problem KEEPING hair), so I would know if it was a greasy. or Looked wet after. It does not infringe on the overall look of my hair after use. If it is getting all over your hair, then you are simply applying it wrong, or too much in one spot. It needs to be applied on the scalp. Even so, I can apply quite a bit near my temples where there is hair but clearly not much of it, and can rub it all in haphazardly, and my hair does not look wet or greasy.
As others have said, men can use womens and women can use mens. I have no idea why they are branded (and priced, and colored) differently. Use whichever percentage is best for you. If 5% (mens) is too much, reduce to 2% (womens), or mix together. Or some days use one, some days use the other.
ec –
If you can survive the initial trauma of freakishly excessive shedding, this is for you. After the horror show, you will be pleasantly surprised to see much less hair in your drain after washing and in your brush. It’s certainly no miracle drug but it beats anything I’ve tried over the decades. And I’ve tried many dozens of everything out there. I do have side effects because my scalp and neck react and facial fuzz develops, but to me it’s worth it.
ec –
I assumed this stuff didn’t work, at least not for women. I only tried it because I saw how well it was working for a relative. I’ve been using it for 9 months and the difference is quite significant. I saw growth within a few weeks. It takes about 30 seconds to apply and this just becomes part of your morning and evening routine. My pics show the before on the bottom half. The lighting is different, so it looks like my hair is a different color but it’s not.