Descrição do Produto: Amazing Grass Organic Plant Protein Blend
O Amazing Grass Organic Plant Protein Blend é um pó de proteína vegano que combina uma fórmula superalimentar inovadora, ideal para quem busca uma nutrição completa em um único shake. Com 18 porções, este produto é enriquecido com beterraba, proporcionando um sabor delicioso de chocolate que agrada ao paladar. Feito com ingredientes orgânicos de alta qualidade, este blend de proteínas vegetais é perfeito para atletas, veganos e qualquer pessoa que deseje aumentar a ingestão de proteínas de forma saudável e prática. Além de ser uma excelente fonte de proteína, este shake também contém fibras e nutrientes essenciais que ajudam a manter a saciedade e a energia ao longo do dia. A fórmula é livre de glúten, lácteos e aditivos artificiais, tornando-se uma opção segura e saudável para todos.
1. Fonte Completa de Proteínas: Contém uma mistura de proteínas vegetais que fornece todos os aminoácidos essenciais, ideal para a recuperação muscular.
2. Apoio à Saúde Digestiva: Rico em fibras, ajuda a promover uma digestão saudável e a regular o trânsito intestinal.
3. Energia Sustentada: A inclusão de beterraba contribui para um aumento natural de energia, perfeito para antes ou após os treinos.
4. Praticidade: Fácil de preparar, basta misturar com água, leite vegetal ou adicionar a smoothies, facilitando a inclusão na rotina diária.
5. Opção Vegana e Orgânica: Atende às necessidades de dietas veganas e é feito com ingredientes orgânicos, sem aditivos artificiais.
Para obter o máximo de benefícios do Amazing Grass Organic Plant Protein Blend, recomenda-se misturar 1 medida (aproximadamente 30g) do pó em 240ml de água, leite vegetal ou sua bebida favorita. Agite bem ou utilize um liquidificador para garantir uma mistura homogênea. O shake pode ser consumido antes ou após o treino, ou como um lanche nutritivo ao longo do dia. Para uma experiência ainda mais saborosa, adicione frutas, vegetais ou outros superalimentos à mistura. Armazene em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar a qualidade do produto.
Paul Christensen –
Public Profile –
It is not a taste for everyone. My partner does not like it, but I do. I returned the flavored options because of how sweet they taste. This one has a unique taste, to which I sweeten with a ripe banana. I also add chia seeds, flax seeds, matcha and cinnamon powder, mixed with almond milk.
Hatsune93 –
We’ve been using Amazing Grass’s Organic Plant Protein Blend (AKA: Superfood) for years now, This new version has all the same ingredients, a good balanced mixture of different nutritious foods. Mixing it with water or choice of liquid, this is how we start our days… The only thing that is different is the taste of the chocolate which we were used to for years, which was smooth & chocolatey, just the way we liked it. Well…. the new taste has a bit of a different version I’m sure we’ll get used to. (But, I have had some success with mixing a bit of organic cacao powder in some warmish to hot water separately, then mixing it with the prepared drink… )
Public Profile –
I went to a wellness retreat and learned a lot more about gut health, and plant based diet. This product has all their suggested ingredients so I bought it. Quality protein, tastes good with oat milk and a banana. I add powered collagen as well. Love it!
viper coddington –
Has lots of great and harder to source ingredients like spirulina and beet root that are expensive when all bought separately so I got this for replacing a bunch of separate supplements I was buying and use this as a every day morning meal add on . Not the best tasting to be honest but does the job .
Pamela J Stumbaugh –
I’ve used this protein for over a year in chocolate and vanilla. Recently, the chocolate has become hard to find. I ordered this chocolate peanut butter. Not only was it green in color but it doesn’t taste like chocolate or peanut butter. It’s ruined my stomach all day from the first try. It’s a waste of money for protein and I can’t return it. It tastes terrible. Almost like they mixed up the ingredients. Do not purchase this product. Do not waste your money. Plenty of other plant based protein powders on the market. If I could return it I would. Instead, they won’t let me and I’ll end up throwing it away and wasting my money. Consider yourself warned.
Kathleen Smith –
Lot me brake it down.
Taste 2 out of 5. Taste like 💩 but that because it planet protein.
Thickness is 4 out of 5 I use a 16oz Cup blender
The reason I use this product rise my protein level to give plasma and it works great. If I don’t use it protein mostly 6.3 that with Whey protein. When I use this 6.7 protein when being tested for protein lvl. That taste is horrible, and I got the peanut butter. Long it rise my protein level I keep buying.
Jon –
First off I want to say I love Amazing Grass products. My hubby and I have bought the Plant Protein Blend All-In-One Shake in the Chocolate Peanut Butter flavor for years. No hate just throwing my two cents comparing the powder from 2021 and the new formula container I purchased a few weeks ago.
When trying this with oat milk I instantly realized it tasted sweeter. I love sweet foods and sweets in general but it tasted a tad too sweet for my taste. The previous formula of the chocolate peanut butter used ‘2 grams of stevia leaf extract for the 792 gram powder size container’ versus the ‘ 1 gram stevia leaf (Reb A) for the new reformulated 756 grams container’ Even though it’s one gram less the stevia leaf (Reb A) tastes sweeter to me.
Other info for the ‘before’ and ‘current formula’ shown in photos.
The older formula cost $39.99 and the new one was $44.85 with a coupon knocked it down to around $42. I don’t mind shelling out money for quality products. But I feel a little let down when the amount of product for the new formula is less. Plus I enjoyed having more dietary fiber in the previous formula.