Amazing Grass Kidz Superfood: Greens, Frutas, Legumes e Pó de Beterraba
Descubra o Amazing Grass Kidz Superfood, um suplemento nutricional orgânico desenvolvido especialmente para crianças. Este produto inovador combina o frescor das folhas verdes com uma explosão de sabores de mais de 30 frutas e vegetais, oferecendo uma solução prática e deliciosa para garantir que os pequenos recebam a quantidade diária recomendada de nutrientes essenciais. Com uma fórmula que inclui 7 tipos de folhas verdes, 14 frutas nutritivas e 11 vegetais ricos em vitaminas e minerais, cada porção é uma verdadeira festa de sabores e benefícios para a saúde.
O Amazing Grass Kidz Superfood é uma fonte rica em vitaminas e minerais, proporcionando suporte ao sistema imunológico, aumento da energia e promoção de uma digestão saudável. Além disso, é livre de glúten e adoçado naturalmente, tornando-se uma opção saborosa e saudável para complementar a dieta infantil. Para uma melhor dissolução do pó, recomenda-se o uso de uma garrafinha shaker, que facilita a mistura com água, leite, sucos ou smoothies. Com apenas uma colherada, você pode transformar 8 a 10 onças ou mais da sua bebida favorita em um smoothie nutritivo e saboroso. Este produto é certificado orgânico pela CCOF, livre de glúten, laticínios e não contém organismos geneticamente modificados (Non-GMO), garantindo que você está oferecendo o melhor para seus filhos. Cada embalagem contém 30 porções, com um total de 6,35 oz, tornando-o uma opção prática e econômica para a alimentação saudável da sua família.
– Nutrição Completa: Ajuda a garantir que as crianças recebam a quantidade necessária de frutas e vegetais em sua dieta diária.
– Sabor Agradável: A combinação de sabores torna a ingestão de nutrientes mais prazerosa para as crianças.
– Fácil de Usar: Pode ser adicionado a diversas bebidas e receitas, facilitando a inclusão na rotina alimentar.
– Ingredientes Orgânicos: Com certificação orgânica, oferece uma opção saudável e segura para os pequenos.
– Versatilidade: Ideal para smoothies, shakes ou até mesmo como ingrediente em receitas, promovendo uma alimentação variada.
Para obter o máximo de benefícios do Amazing Grass Kidz Superfood, adicione uma colher do pó a 8-10 onças de água, leite, suco ou sua bebida favorita. Para uma mistura ainda mais homogênea, utilize uma garrafinha shaker ou um liquidificador. Experimente também adicionar o pó a receitas de panquecas, bolos ou iogurtes para um impulso nutricional extra. A versatilidade do produto permite que você crie combinações deliciosas e saudáveis, adaptando-se ao gosto das crianças e às suas necessidades nutricionais.
Erin Alkinburgh –
We have been using Amazing Grass Kidz Superfood for a few months now and I have to say that it is a really impressive product. The chocolate flavor is a little weird at first, I imagine because of all of the vegetables but you get used to it. My daughter drinks one shake every morning with her breakfast and she loves it. The serving sizes that they estimate are pretty close. I would even say that they are usually over. Depending on what she is having for breakfast we will sometimes blend in a little peanut butter in the blender bottle to give her a little protein boost too. It’s also great for when your child has a cold and a low appetite and helps get you over picky eating humps. I wouldn’t second guess buying this. 100% worth it in my opinion.
alicia –
Pues muchas frutas y verduras pero no sabe nada bueno para los pocos nutrientes y vitaminas que describen en la información nutricional, no entiendo para que tanta variedad si lo nutricional al final es pobre
Heather Coleman –
Fue mi error no fijarme en la descripción, porque en las fotos hay un bote de 600 gramos, y me guié por la imagen, decepcionada por el tamaño y el precio en relación a la cantidad. Es un buen producto pero tendré que fijarme bien a la próxima, ya no compraré con ellos eso es seguro.
Jassive –
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Tenía la inquietud de comprar el producto por que mis hijos casi no comen verduras , me pareció excelente lo que prometen aunque si tienen azúcar añadido, ya había leído en los comentarios que ofrecen muy poco y si es cierto, como se ve en el video viene un poco menos de la mitad del producto, si creo que sean los gr que mencionan en el empaque pero los fabricantes deberían de elaborar un bote más pequeño para que no parezca que viene vacío 🤷🏻♀️
Mis hijos lo aceptaron bien mezclándolo con el pediasure , nunca intenté dárselos solo pero posiblemente si lo acepten .
Heather Coleman –
***UPDATE ON ORIGINAL 4 STAR REVIEW*** I will not reorder and wish I could return it for a ” I am NOT satisfied” refund. I tried a few more times to blend away the horrid taste but it is just not gonna happen. I drink wheat juice juice powder over ice daily so taste is not usually an issue for me but this stuff is just awful. It would not be beneficial if you heat it up say in a cookie or brownie so that is not an option ( um, and those are not healthy so….). It is packed full of good stuff but if you can;t drink it then….It may work for some kids and adults but there is not chocolate taste, not sure what the taste is. My son uses a liquid vitamin and a probiotic. He is also not a picky eater he eats his fruits and veggies and even fish, I got this for “down time” when he doesn’t feel good or we are traveling to make sure to balance out his diet. I wish it would work out but nope!
Refrigerate after opening ( per container) New formula does not contain carrageenan.
Okay, this is not a tasty kid friendly drink….it is healthy though and that is why I will still give it 4 stars. My son is 2 and he usually will eat ( and drink) anything that doesn’t eat him first…he is anything but picky. He took a huge gulp of this and then shot it out of his mouth like a fountain..
I tried it in almond and cashew milks, I also have tossed in a banana in the blender and I will try again with homemade chocolate milk and maybe a touch of peanut butter…I have no idea otherwise how to get this down into his belly…I must say it really is kinda funky. I swear it has an aftertaste like artificial sweeteners leave, I also looked all over and didn’t see that it has anything like Stevia either ( which is awful and bitter).
My son is not a chocolate milk kid, he has had it twice so he really has no taste comparison to go on, since he enjoyed the chocolate milk he had last week I went a head and got this in chocolate over berry. Mainly I was afraid that this would happen and I would prefer chocolate over berry, LOL.
The scoop is small and the container is a little over half full, it is sold by weight not volume so it will settle after packing, this is pretty much the standard and the usual for anything powder in a container. The overall nutritional value is great but not so sure he will drink it, I will keep mixing it into “formulas” but I also will probably drink it myself like the last three times I tried….
J Williams –
I have the pickiest 5yr old! Add in his dietary restrictions, born with Hirschsprung’s Disease + a sucrose enzyme deficiency.
This is the first thing, out of so many, that I have been able to get him to drink. I mix it with some chocolate Lactaid and he will drink it down in no time. I’m so thankful because he definitely requires all of these to assist with his gut health.
I will certainly be ordering more.
kiddiefondue –
Most Importantly, this has practically zero nutritional value that I can see other than 20% of the RDA for vitamin A. The other values for any nutrients, vitamins, or minerals are all 1% – 4%!!!, vitamin C is 9%. Next on my complaint list is that it smells really strongly like grass when you drink it and no matter what the taste is like, the smell is so overwhelming that you can’t help but “taste” that smell. I love the smell of grass, but this is like a dried powdery strong grass smell and NOT something you want to smell while you’re consuming an “outrageous chocolate flavor.”
If it smelled this bad and tasted like it does (not pleasant, but not intolerable) AND had some real nutritional benefits, I would try hard to sneak it into my kids’ food or drinks, but WHY BOTHER? My kids get more nutrients out of a candy bar than this stuff. Yes, it’s Vegan and Gluten Free, but who cares if you aren’t getting any nutrients from it anyway!?!? This is a marketing gimmick to get health conscious parents to buy it. Save your money!! I’m betting NesQuick has better nutrition than this and you won’t have to sneak that into anything.
Lastly, when you open the container, it is LESS than 1/2 full. The container is made to appear like you’re getting more than you are which always bothers me. I know what I bought because I can see the content is 6.35oz. It’s just irksome to open a container and have it look more than half used up, not that I would want to have more of it.
Christina T –
I think it tastes fine but my preschooler can detect this in everything I’ve tried to hide it in and he just won’t drink it. It is also hard to get it to fully dissolve.
Brisa –
Got this for my 10 year old boy, who is a very choosy and a poor eater. It helps on days he hasn’t had any vegetables. I mix it with some chocolate powder though as by itself the taste isn’t great n with a hint of green, makes it less appealing. However it’s filled with nutrients as per the brand, n I checked with the doc and she said to go ahead with it as well..
Kacie –
Have been using this product for years, both of my kids have liked it and now I use it in our 3 year olds chocolate almond milk every morning and she always wants her “super powers” mixed in! Perfect addition to smoothies for the older kids who don’t always eat a balanced diet.