Amazing Grass Greens Blend Superfood: O Poder das Verduras em Pó para Sua Energia
Descubra o Amazing Grass Greens Blend Superfood, uma mistura de pó de verduras que transforma sua rotina diária em uma experiência revitalizante. Este produto é a combinação perfeita de vegetais frescos e frutas, enriquecido com superalimentos nutritivos como espirulina orgânica, chlorella e pó de beterraba. Com um sabor delicioso, é uma maneira prática e eficaz de se sentir incrível todos os dias.
A fórmula do Amazing Grass Greens Blend é cuidadosamente elaborada para apoiar a saúde geral e a imunidade, oferecendo duas porções completas de frutas e vegetais em cada dose. Com mais verduras orgânicas do que qualquer outra mistura de verduras no mercado, este produto é certificado orgânico pela CCOF, livre de glúten, sem adição de açúcar, à base de plantas, não OGM e kosher.
Para preparar sua bebida energizante, basta adicionar uma colher do pó em 240 ml ou mais de água, suco ou em sua receita de smoothie favorita. Além de ser uma excelente opção para um café da manhã rápido ou um lanche saudável, você pode incorporá-lo em suas receitas de bolos, muffins, brownies ou biscoitos, proporcionando alcalinidade, suporte digestivo e imunológico.
– Apoio à Saúde Geral: Contribui para o fortalecimento do sistema imunológico e melhora a saúde geral.
– Rico em Nutrientes: Contém uma combinação poderosa de superalimentos que potencializam a energia e o bem-estar.
– Praticidade: Fácil de preparar, ideal para quem tem uma rotina agitada e precisa de uma solução rápida e saudável.
– Versatilidade: Pode ser adicionado a diversas receitas, aumentando o valor nutricional de pratos doces e salgados.
– Qualidade Garantida: Produto certificado, garantindo que você consome apenas o melhor para sua saúde.
Para obter o máximo benefício do Amazing Grass Greens Blend, recomenda-se misturar uma colher do pó em 240 ml de água, suco ou smoothie. Para uma experiência ainda mais rica em nutrientes, experimente adicionar à sua receita de panificação, como bolos ou muffins, para um impulso de saúde em cada mordida. Utilize diariamente para maximizar os efeitos positivos na sua energia e bem-estar.
YC –
I like this product as a supplement to my daily intake of fruits & vegetables. Note that it doesn’t seem to be certified organic. But I like that there is no added sugar or artificial sweetener and that I can recognise all the ingredients. I find that mango, banana and dragonfruit are really good at dampening the strong green taste and make it quite drinkable (dragonfruit was also able to overpower the sludgy green colour!). But note that you’re unlikely to be able to completely hide the taste or texture. This packs twice the punch of the chocolate and the berry. I’ve tried the chocolate previously, but I think I will try the berry next to see how that is in terms of flavour.
Diana Rocio –
Sabe rico, aunque se siente un poco la textura de polvo. Aún así sabe muy bueno, lo combino con algunas verduras para quitar esa sensación de polvito
Jesseca Cunningham –
I was looking for a new go-to greens powder as I personally cannot stand the taste of stevia or monk fruit in anything. I wish that health food companies would make options with regular sugar and artificial sweeteners like aspartame or sucralose. I don’t know why that’s not a thing…many people drink soda and still otherwise eat “healthy” foods. I would prefer to have some sugar or aspartame with the other benefits of probiotics, digestive enzymes, fiber, vitamins etc. if it means I’ll actually enjoy & consume the product.
I digress. This greens powder includes all the supplements I want and is not flavored or sweetened. The grassy taste is not particularly pleasant but is significantly more palatable than the nasty coconut-sunscreen-flavored Bloom greens I couldn’t even choke down. My preferred serving method is half a scoop in 4oz water and take it like a shot, sometimes adding honey. I’ll also put it in my smoothies which acceptably hides the taste. I take it whenever I haven’t gotten enough veggies in throughout the day, or for indigestion after eating. The texture is gritty when served in liquid vs. smoothie but I think that’s to be expected. It’s a bit sus when these companies make greens TOO smooth, in my humble opinion.
Overall I’d recommend if you want an affordable, no BS greens powder to supplement your diet.
mm –
I’m very pleased with this purchase. I tend to mix it with a sparkling fruit/ vegetable juice energy drink, which is my favorite way to drink it. I use a milk frother to mix the powder, but there is usually leftover powder in the bottom of the glass. Sometimes I add plain water to the remaining powder, mix, and drink it. Since there is a bit of a natural sweetness to the plain powder, it’s pretty good with just plain water. I like that there aren’t any extra ingredients that could potentially interact with medications, as other leading brands of similar powders do. I feel a lot better on the days that I drink my green juice and feel healthy and fueled on my mornings where I work with kids. I don’t get any indigestion and the quality is excellent!
NJ –
The delicious blend improves bowel movement and makes you feel better day after day.
akny –
Update on 7/1/24:
It’s been less than a week since I first started incorporating this green juice into my morning routine, and I must say, the effects of it have been quite remarkable. I really have been very pleasantly surprised. I have way more energy, my skin is clearer and glowing (and I have a pretty good skincare regimen, but this juice took it to the next level, especially since the pre/probiotics in this are helping to clean out the gut which reflects directly onto the skin, healthy gut = healthy, clear skin). Also, I started taking this the week before the first day of my next cycle (the flow) and my normal fatigue during the week going up to it has gone way down. I feel so much more clear-minded and all around in a better mood. My cramps are even at a minimum. I usually need to take a Tylenol, but the cramps were so mild, it was manageable. I keep waking up and exclaiming, “The green juice!!” to my family in wonder because I haven’t changed anything else really to prompt this kind of energy boost. I’m starting to think I *really* hadn’t been eating my greens properly before this. I’m very glad to have added this as a part of my daily intake! Overall, very happy with this drink.
Original review on 6/26/24:
I just ordered this yesterday through Prime and it arrived this morning. I’m having my first drink/scoop of it now. I put ice in a cup, then the greens powder, and then filtered water, stirred with a glass straw and am having it as I write this review. All this to say, I don’t know if these other people are plants or what. I just know I’m a real person, and I just simply don’t understand the reviews saying this doesn’t taste good. I did my research on this and was prepared for a not-so-great tasting drink just for the sake of health based on the reviews of it alone, and to my very pleasant surprise, this is the best-tasting green juice I’ve ever had. Even better than the freshly pressed juice you get at NY cafes. It actually has a slight sweet flavor to it (I got the Original) that reminds me of rice cakes (Asian desserts). It tastes better than some matcha I’ve had. I seriously don’t know if people are so inundated with sugar in everything these days, but for me, this is a very tasty drink and I’m happy to add it to my morning routine. I will come back later to update on actual efficacy of the product itself, but I just wanted to write this review, because it is way better than what some of the other reviews have said about taste.
The gost –
Queria aumentar minha ingestão de alimentos verdes, pois raramente como vegetais suficientes. O gosto é RUIM, mas misturei com suco de ameixa e isso fez uma diferença modesta no sabor.
Dan –
Dissolve muito bem e tem um gosto bom – alguns dos melhores que já experimentei.