As mulheres enfrentam diversos desafios ao longo da vida, e a incontinência urinária pode ser um dos mais delicados. Para proporcionar conforto e segurança, os absorventes Always Discreet para incontinência adulta foram desenvolvidos com tecnologia de ponta, oferecendo proteção extra e discreta. Com um núcleo absorvente RapidDry, esses absorventes são capazes de reter até 5 vezes a quantidade média de vazamento, garantindo que você se sinta segura e confiante em qualquer situação.
O design dos absorventes é discreto e quase imperceptível, com uma forma fina e flexível que se adapta ao seu corpo, permitindo liberdade de movimento sem preocupações. Os LeakGuards são uma inovação que ajuda a manter a umidade longe das bordas, proporcionando uma camada adicional de proteção. Além disso, a tecnologia exclusiva OdorLock neutraliza odores de incontinência de forma instantânea e contínua, garantindo que você se sinta fresca e confortável ao longo do dia.
Para garantir que você encontre o tamanho ideal, a Always Discreet oferece um gráfico de tamanhos My Fit, facilitando a escolha do produto que melhor se adapta às suas necessidades. Os absorventes para pós-parto e incontinência estão disponíveis em embalagens em grande quantidade, oferecendo conveniência e proteção que você merece. Além disso, esses produtos são elegíveis para FSA e HSA, tornando-os uma opção acessível para muitas mulheres.
– Proteção Superior: Capacidade de absorção que supera a média, ideal para situações de vazamento intenso.
– Conforto Discreto: Design que se adapta ao corpo, permitindo que você se mova livremente sem se preocupar com a visibilidade do produto.
– Controle de Odor: Tecnologia OdorLock que neutraliza odores, proporcionando frescor contínuo.
– Variedade de Tamanhos: Opções personalizadas para atender às necessidades individuais de cada mulher.
– Praticidade: Disponibilidade em embalagens em grande quantidade, garantindo que você tenha sempre à mão a proteção necessária.
Para utilizar os absorventes Always Discreet, comece escolhendo o tamanho adequado com base no gráfico My Fit. Remova o absorvente da embalagem e retire a película adesiva. Posicione o absorvente na parte interna da sua roupa íntima, garantindo que ele esteja bem ajustado e centralizado. Após o uso, dobre o absorvente e descarte-o no lixo. Para melhor desempenho, troque o absorvente regularmente, especialmente em situações de maior fluxo. Mantenha sempre uma embalagem à mão para garantir que você esteja sempre protegida e confortável.
Nikki –
They are better than other brands I’ve tried but, not 100% leakproof even the #7’s. Getting more and more expensive since must be changed so frequently.
Kimberlee Rice –
they hold a lot of liquid and be sure to take one with you in case it leaks and they will you have to change them but i think there the best out there
S H –
Great product and works. Price still a little high but can’t always find in store so handy to have delivered to door
Barb G –
Do I like that I have to wear incontinence pads? No, no I do not, but I am thankful that when I do Always Discreet do their job! I have used both the briefs and the pads and I prefer the pads. Briefs can move around and get bunched up more compromising their effectiveness if there is a leak. The pads don’t bunch as much and are held in place securely with underwear so I feel more secure when I have these on and can pack one or two more discreetly enough if out of the house.
kathy soulliere –
Good to use
JK –
The product is a long, highly absorbent pad that soaks up an amazing amount of liquid. They stick well, but could be a bit stronger to stay in place with motion. For overnight they work great, not sure how well they would do for an active day as we have not used them for that. These pads are very highly absorbent and keep the wearer from feeling wet. Dont try to cut them for a smaller pad, the absorbent material inside is loose and will fall out. I may have tried this.
A long pad that stays in place while sleeping with highly absorbent properties.
denise l. –
Keep me dry and comfy. Never had a leak.
Ciss –
I used the Alway Discreet incontinence pad. I really like them. They are thin and long with a 7 drop rating.
Mikki –
TLDR Version: Only buy these pads if you prefer extremely scented pads which hold the smallest of dribbles. Otherwise, you will be disgustingly drenched.
So I have a regular incontinence pad that I use, which I always order in bulk on Amazon. My regular shipment was delayed which usually means lost or damaged. So I ordered these in replacement as I needed a supply stat. Even though these were about $20 more for approximately the same amount, the reviews were phenomenal and even stated that these felt so much thinner and held just as much as the thicker counterparts. That was my only complaint about my fave pad of the bunch was the thickness so I thought this might just be a good score.
Firstly, these have a VERY strong scent to them. I’m not particularly sensitive to scents, but when I opened up the box the perfumey smell was overwhelming. My house still smells of that scent a day later.
Secondly, I don’t see how these could ever be classified as incontinence pads unless they are of the 2-3 variety and not the “ultimate 7”. I often have those bursts many of us experience. Mine usually come in the evening just before bed. So I can usually get away with a lighter pad during the day, but definitely need a 7 in the evening hours. When I opened the pad, I could tell it was definitely thinner, but I wasn’t too worried given all of the positive reviews regarding the quality. Things were fine during the day, until that first little burst (dang you, SNEEZE!). And there it went. It held absolutely NOTHING. Here I was, working the night shift, and I had just soaked through my scrub pants. WTH?! I was mortified. I had extra pants with me and changed and continued on my shift with a new pad. Then…another burst. And yes, my friends, another completely soaking through my pants. I couldn’t believe it! I cleaned myself up and changed AGAIN and thankfully those were my only two bursts of the night so I could actually work my shift. After getting back home, I’ve never moved so quickly to leave a review on a product.
I will never wear these pads in the evening or overnight again. They will work for me during the morning hours just as basic pantyliner style protection. Otherwise, they’re useless and a complete waste of money.
Nicole –
I use them for my dog’s belly band. They are the perfect size and hold his pee until I change him.